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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "to k'uai hao sheng shi fang-chen "

     8  to k'uai hao sheng shi fang-chen / chung-yang jen-min ku
     8  to k'uai hao sheng shi fang-chen / chung-yang jen-min kuang-
     2  to make
     2  to mao'
     4  to mozart
     2  to old
     2  to people
     4  to picturing
     2  to secularization
    23  to shou
     2  to sound
     2  to spring
     2  to success
     2  to take
     8  to the
     8  to ts'ai
     8  to tzu
     4  to underground
     2  to work
    16  to yeh
    13  to yin
     2  to,
     4  to-bi
     4  to-bi ke = ch'a-wei chia = le treilles de roses
     6  to-ch'ing
     6  to-ch'ing te mei-kuei
     5  to-ch'ue
     4  to-hsieh
     4  to-hsieh shai
     3  to-la-chi

© 1998-2009 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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