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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "tuan-tsan te wen-jou "

     4  tuan-tsan te wen-jou / ch'ue: huang chia-chue ; tz'u: li
     4  tuan-tsan te wen-jou / ch'ue: huang chia-chue ; tz'u: liu ch
     4  tuan-yueeh
    16  tuange
     7  tuanjie
     1  tuanjie jiu shi liliang : zhongguo qunzhong gequ
     4  tuanticao
     8  tuanyuan
     2  tube
     4  tuchia
     4  tuchia villages take on a new look chorus) / yen-ch'ang,
     4  tuchia villages take on a new look chorus) / yen-ch'ang, pan
     9  tudi
     2  tudi gaige geji
     3  tuegimes
     3  tuen
     7  tugai
     7  tugai dao le meige cun ; shengchan mang
   202  tui
     4  tui chao
     2  tui fan le qian nian de lao gui cheng
     4  tui ho tsou-ch'ue
     2  tui hsuean ch'ue
     8  tui hsueeh-jen / pei-ching shih-fu-ma ta-chieh yu-erh-yu
     8  tui hsueeh-jen / pei-ching shih-fu-ma ta-chieh yu-erh-yuean
    11  tui hua
     2  tui hua = flowers duet
     4  tui hua ti-tzu yen-tsou)
    15  tui hung
     4  tui k'ung chue-chi-shou chih ko = song of the anti-aircr

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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