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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "wei jen-lei ch'iu chieh-fang fen-tou chung-sheng "

     8  wei jen-lei ch'iu chieh-fang fen-tou chung-sheng / luo k
     8  wei jen-lei ch'iu chieh-fang fen-tou chung-sheng / luo kai-y
    10  wei jen-min fu-wu
    12  wei jen-min fu-wu i-chiu-ssu-ssu nien chiu yueeh pa jih)
     4  wei jen-min fu-wu i-chiu-ssu-ssu nien chiu yueeh pa jih) erh
     4  wei jen-min fu-wu i-chiu-ssu-ssu nien chiu yueeh pa jih) i)
     4  wei jen-min li kung-lao = perform new exploits for the p
     4  wei jen-min li kung-lao = perform new exploits for the peopl
     4  wei kang ch'in
     4  wei kang-ch'in yue yueeh-tui nue chung-yin yue yueeh-tui
     4  wei kang-ch'in yue yueeh-tui nue chung-yin yue yueeh-tui erh
     4  wei ko-ming chue-kung chin ts'ui, fen-chan chung-sheng /
     4  wei ko-ming chue-kung chin ts'ui, fen-chan chung-sheng / t'i
     2  wei ko-ming erh nu-li hsueeh-chi ho-ch'ang) = study hard
     2  wei ko-ming erh nu-li hsueeh-chi ho-ch'ang) = study hard for
     2  wei kung nung-ping
     5  wei kung-ku kuo-fang tsai chien kung-hsuen / chung-kuo j
     5  wei kung-ku kuo-fang tsai chien kung-hsuen / chung-kuo jen-m
     2  wei kung-nung-ping fu-wu te yin-yueeh i-shu
     4  wei le chung-kuo tseng-ching te yao-kun
     4  wei le nan-fang / te jun yen-ch'ang ; lan hsiang kang-ch'in
     4  wei le ni wei le wo
     3  wei li chin t'ung-chih t'i suo she lu-shan hsien-ren tung ch
     1  wei li chin t'ung-chih taei suo she lu-shan hsien-ren tung c
     4  wei liang
    96  wei mao
     2  wei mao chu-hsi shih-tz'u p'u ch'ue
     9  wei mao chu-hsi shih-tz'u p'u-ch'ue
     3  wei mao chu-hsi shih-tz'u wu shou p'u-ch'ue : ch'i lue .
     3  wei mao chu-hsi shih-tz'u wu shou p'u-ch'ue : ch'i lue . jen

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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