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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "wo te ai "

     4  wo te ai / tz'u-ch'ue: wang feng
     4  wo te ch'iu-t'ien
     4  wo te ch'iu-t'ien / hsue wei [lyr.+comp.]
     8  wo te chang-fu tang le ying-hsiung / cheng chen-wang tso
     8  wo te chang-fu tang le ying-hsiung / cheng chen-wang tso-ch'
     3  wo te chia tsai jih-ko-tse 1957 nien lu-yin)¡]tsang-tsu min-
     3  wo te chia-hsiang = my native place / t'an-po-erh, tu-t'
     3  wo te chia-hsiang = my native place / t'an-po-erh, tu-t'a-er
     3  wo te chia-hsiang to mei-hao ha-ni-tsu ai-ni min-ko) = how l
     4  wo te chie-t'ou ft young kin
     4  wo te erh-shih shih-chi
     4  wo te hsiao hsiang-chiao = my little banana
     2  wo te hsiao mien-yang = wooly little lamb
     4  wo te hsiao-hsueeh = elementary dayz
     4  wo te hsin / tz'u-ch'ue: t'eng-ko-erh
     4  wo te hsin hao luan = i am so confused / tz'u: li tsung-
     4  wo te hsin hao luan = i am so confused / tz'u: li tsung-shen
     4  wo te hsin mei-yu chieh-chue / ch'ue: te-yung ying-ming,
     4  wo te hsin mei-yu chieh-chue / ch'ue: te-yung ying-ming, tz'
     4  wo te hsin ni te hsin
     8  wo te hsin shih yu-cha te ts'an-tou
     4  wo te hsin t'ai luan / ting hsiao-yao [lyr.] ; hsiao kang [c
     5  wo te hsin-hsang k'ai-le i-to mei-kui-hua / p'i tso-chiu
     5  wo te hsin-hsang k'ai-le i-to mei-kui-hua / p'i tso-chiu tz'
     4  wo te hsin-li mei-yu t'a
     4  wo te hsin-yuean / liu yuean tz'u-ch'ue
     4  wo te hsin-yuean = my aspiration
     4  wo te i-chiu-chiu-ch'i / ai ching
     3  wo te je-wa-p'u
     4  wo te kan-chueeh ping le

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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