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You searched Index 5: Series Title for "starnice limited "

     2  starnice limited ; sncd-3091
   644  steen collection. digital
   644  steen collection. sound recordings
     4  stereo fjgb ; fg-601
     2  su-wen-hsueeh ts'ung-k'an. ti 1 chi ; 1-35
     2  suny series in chinese local studies
     4  super hits of 30s ; 1
     2  t'ai-wan ko-yao te ch'uan-ch'eng
     2  t'ai-wan sheng-huo ; 61
     4  t'ai-wan ti-hsia yin-yueeh tang-an 1
     4  t'ai-wan ti-hsia yin-yueeh tang-an 2
     4  t'ai-wan ti-hsia yin-yueeh tang-an 3
     4  t'ung an-ko hsin-ch'ue ; 3
     4  t'ung-yueeh ; tl-91236
     2  t-144
     2  t-4
     2  ta i-shu shu-fang
     4  ta-ti ch'ang-p'ien ; jw-001
     4  tds 10001
     8  teb 418
     2  theses canadiennes
     2  traditional korean music ; 2
     2  ts'ang-hai ts'ung-k'an. yin-yueeh
     2  tui-wai han-yue chiao-ts'ai hsi-lieh
     3  ty-43-10.1.74 ; m00-40169 ; 40170
     2  universal ; hcd-189
     2  university of hong kong libraries publications ; 20
     4  volume 12
   336  von schaper collection. digital
   336  von schaper collection. sound recordings

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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