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You searched Index 1: Personal Names for "(chieh) ssu-mei-ta-na"

     4  'ung yuean
     2  -01.12.1992
     2  -01042004
     2  -01102004
     2  -13082002
     2  -h04/2*a
     4  ...huh!
     4  .e.a.c
     4  1. chung-yang yueeh-t'uan yen-tsou / tokyo 2. chao p'ing-kuo yen-tsou 3. kuang-po ho-ch'ang-t'uan 4.
     4  14 hang shih
     4  1965 nien ha-erh-pin chih hsia ch'i-ch'i-ha-erh shih yeh-yue yen-ch'u-tui
     4  1965年哈爾濱之峽齊齊哈爾市業呈演台隊
     4  1979
     4  1989 yueeh-tui
     4  206 he ssu-hsiang-che
     4  21 yueeh-tui = the 21
     4  33 tao
     2  3mycookie
     4  3rd nova
     8  5760 pu-tui hsuean-ch'uan-tui
     4  641
    24  69 yueeh-tui
     5  A.列庫奧納
     4  Ado
     4  Beyond
     2  Herzfeld Friedrich 1897-
     2  Ko Wen-ching
     2  Kunaicho Sannomaru Shozokan
     4  No 樂隊
     2  Tong Kin-woon

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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