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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "chinese music - bibliography"

     8  chinese music - bibliography
     4  chinese music - history
     6  chinese music - history, 1949-
     6  chinese music - music and politics
     2  chinese music - serials - bibliography
     2  chinese music bureau poetry
     2  chinese musical
     4  chinese musical instruments an introduction : plucking-strik
     4  chinese musical instruments an introduction : wind instrumen
     2  chinese musicians
     2  chinese musicians hitting a high note in the west
     4  chinese new
     2  chinese new music as a politicized language : orthodox m
     2  chinese new music as a politicized language : orthodox melod
     2  chinese new music in the 20th century
     4  chinese new waves volume two
     4  chinese oi / a jerks sha tan yueeh-tui
     4  chinese oi / a jerks ¶Ì³j ¼Ö¶¤
     6  chinese opera
     2  chinese opera - children's music
     2  chinese opera - literature on music
     2  chinese opera - scores
     4  chinese opera = fu-ch'i shuang-shuang pa chia huan excerpt f
     2  chinese opera and folk music
     4  chinese operas - children's music
     2  chinese operas - china
    12  chinese operas - scores
     4  chinese orchestra
     2  chinese percussion
     8  chinese percussion suite

© 1998-2009 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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