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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "i ku-jen = recollections for an old friend"

     4  i ku-jen = recollections for an old friend / sun kuei-sh
     4  i ku-jen = recollections for an old friend / sun kuei-sheng
     4  i ku-jen = thinking of an old friend
     2  i ku-jen = un vieil ami = an old friend / recueil chin y
     2  i ku-jen = un vieil ami = an old friend / recueil chin yue c
     4  i ku-jen chue chin yue ch'in-k'an = thinking of an old f
     4  i ku-jen chue chin yue ch'in-k'an = thinking of an old frien
     4  i ku-jen fei-ch'uean-ch'in)
     4  i kuan
     4  i kuang mang
     4  i kuang-mang chih shen
     4  i love jazz
     4  i love peking's tien an men : songs of youth and children
     4  i love peking's tien an men songs of youth and children)
     4  i love this memory / ch'ue-tz'u: hsueeh chung-ming, pien
     4  i love this memory / ch'ue-tz'u: hsueeh chung-ming, pien-ch'
     4  i love this memory / ¦±µü: Á§©¾»Ê, ½s¦±: Ò\´f·½
     2  i love you / new pants
     3  i lu hsing chuen i lu ko nan-sheng tu-ch'ang) = singing
     3  i lu hsing chuen i lu ko nan-sheng tu-ch'ang) = singing all
     4  i lun hung jih chao hsiung-chien = a red sun lights up o
     4  i lun hung jih chao hsiung-chien = a red sun lights up our h
     2  i men
     2  i men wang
     4  i men wang 1963 nien lu-yin) : ko-chue tou-o yuean hsuea
     4  i men wang 1963 nien lu-yin) : ko-chue tou-o yuean hsuean-ch
     6  i meng
     2  i meng sung
     4  i mien
     4  i mien shih

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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