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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "miao-ling te tsao-ch'en (k'ou-ti tu-tsou) = morning in the miaoling mountains (kouti solo)"

     3  miao-ling te ts'ao-ch'en = morning in the miaoling mountains
     2  miao-ling te tsao-ch'en / hsiao-t'i-ch'in tu-tsou
     3  miao-ling te tsao-ch'en / pai ch'eng-jen yen-tsou ; ch'e
     3  miao-ling te tsao-ch'en / pai ch'eng-jen yen-tsou ; ch'en ka
     3  miao-ling te tsao-ch'en k'ou-ti tu-tsou) / pai ch'eng-je
     3  miao-ling te tsao-ch'en k'ou-ti tu-tsou) / pai ch'eng-jen pi
     7  miao-ling te tsao-ch'en k'ou-ti tu-tsou) = morning in th
     7  miao-ling te tsao-ch'en k'ou-ti tu-tsou) = morning in the mi
     2  miao-ling te tsao-ch'en tu-tsou) = morning in the miaoli
     2  miao-ling te tsao-ch'en tu-tsou) = morning in the miaoling m
     3  miao-shan
     5  miao-shan-chai
    19  miao-tsu
     2  miaofa
     2  miaofa lianhuajing
     8  miaojia
     3  miaolin
    24  miaoling
     5  miaoling chih chia t'an-ko) / liu shu-fang yen-ch'ang ;
     5  miaoling chih chia t'an-ko) / liu shu-fang yen-ch'ang ; chun
     3  miaoling lian beijing : gequ
     4  mich
    14  michael
    16  microfiches
    18  microform
     2  microsoft
     2  mid,
     4  mid-summer
     2  middle-class
     2  middle-class ambitions and the struggle over western music

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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