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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "shang-ko hsiang-che ch'ing-t'ien ch'ang : ssu-ch'uan min-yao"

     5  shang-ko hsiang-che ch'ing-t'ien ch'ang : ssu-ch'uan min-yao
     8  shang-liang
     8  shang-liang tiao na-hsi tsu min-chien yueeh-ch'ue) / cha
     8  shang-liang tiao na-hsi tsu min-chien yueeh-ch'ue) / chao yu
     4  shang-lou
     4  shang-lou = towering
     4  shang-lu
     4  shang-lu = on the road / tz'u-ch'ue: mai-tzu ; pien-ch'u
     4  shang-lu = on the road / tz'u-ch'ue: mai-tzu ; pien-ch'ue: w
     4  shang-neng
     4  shang-o
     4  shang-p'in
     4  shang-p'in she-hui
     2  shang-pan
     8  shang-shan
     4  shang-shih
     2  shang-t'ien
     8  shang-tang
    21  shang-te
    32  shang-ti
     4  shang-ti pao-yu
     4  shang-ti pao-yu / tz'u-ch'ue: tou wei
     4  shang-ti pao-yu = god bless me / tz'u-ch'ue: tou wei; pi
     4  shang-ti pao-yu = god bless me / tz'u-ch'ue: tou wei; pien-c
     4  shang-ti pao-yu god bless me) / tz'u-ch'ue: tou wei ; ye
     4  shang-ti pao-yu god bless me) / tz'u-ch'ue: tou wei ; yen-ch
     4  shang-ti pao-yu ni / tou wei [tso-tz'u, tso-ch'ue]
     4  shang-ti pao-yu yin-yueeh ying-tai)
     4  shang-ti shuo / pien-ch'ue: t'eng-ko-erh yue c'ang lang
     4  shang-ti shuo / pien-ch'ue: t'eng-ko-erh yue c'ang lang yuee

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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