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You searched Index 5: Series Title for "JCD0038"

     4  IBM 90009
     4  JHY-9225
     4  JW003
     4  KD0002
     4  LECD1001
     4  LY-002
     4  M-006
     2  M-033 M-3393 M-3394
     2  M-1005 M-3373075 M-3373076
     2  M-2040 M-3374119 M-3374120
     2  M-2217 M-764433 M-764434
     4  MSD-006
     8  MSD-061-4
     4  MZ ; ZA9019
     4  Modern Sky 摩登天空 ; A-002
     4  Modern Sky 摩登天空 ; A-004
     4  Mort Productions ; 號角 音樂-022
     4  Mort Productions ; 號角 音樂-023
     4  NY319
     4  RC-250
     4  RD-1035
     4  RD-1208
     4  RD-1212
     4  RD-1214
     4  SCD-131
     4  SCD-205
     4  WH-0001
     4  XL-1090
     6  ZL-376
     4  [94]hsin ch'u yin ho tzu ; 1

© 1998-2009 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
The database behind is Allegro-W3 V2.5.
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