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You searched Index 3: Title Word / Title String for "bus travel"

     1  bus travel
    20  bush
     1  bush adviser extends olive branch to mainland's top brass, s
     2  bush and
     1  bush family
     1  bush foreign
     1  bush has
     1  bush has a tiger by the tail with his china policy
     1  bush has ordered a response to jiang's offer on the buildup
     1  bush offers platitudes and little else to asia
     2  bush on
     1  bush pressure
     1  bush pressure on china went against some advisers
     1  bush says
     1  bush scare
     1  bush seeks
     1  bush seeks church service in china
     1  bush supports
     1  bush supports who bid in letter to chen
     1  bush to
     1  bush to chen: don't risk it
     6  bush's
     1  bush's flawed
     1  bush's flawed strategy
     1  bush's inauguration
     1  bush's national
     1  bush's national security strategy
     1  bush's press
     1  bush's remarks
    17  bush,

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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