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You searched Index 3: Title Word / Title String for "child abuse"

    13  child abuse
     1  child disaster victims
     1  child hunger
     1  child is
     1  child prostitution
     1  child theft
     1  child's
     1  child's heath
     1  child's heath highlights problems in chinese justice
     1  child-theft
     1  child-theft racket growing in china
     1  childlit091209
    62  children
     1  children - books and reading
    15  children - china
     1  children - education
     1  children in
     3  children of
     1  children of the revolution
    14  children's
     1  children's literature
     1  children's literature, chinese - 21st century
     2  children's literature, chinese - translations into engli
     1  children's literature, chinese - translations into frenc
     1  children's literature, chinese - translations into germa
     1  children's newspaper
     2  children's play
     1  children's plays
     3  children's theater
     3  children,

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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