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You searched Index 3: Title Word / Title String for "offenses against public safety - china"

     1  offense
     1  offensichtlich
     1  offensichtliche
     6  offensive
     8  offer
     1  offer oil
     1  offer promise
     1  offer rich
     4  offered
     1  offered in
     1  offered to
     1  offered up
     3  offering
     1  offering an
     1  offering an olive twig
    22  offers
     1  offers $14
     1  offers few
     1  offers five point
     1  offers free
     1  offers glimpse
     1  offers hand
     1  offers health
     1  offers insight
     1  offers local
     1  offers more
     1  offers ray
     2  offers taiwan
     1  offers the
    23  office

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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