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You searched Index 3: Title Word / Title String for "persecution - china - history - 21st century"

     2  persecution - china - history - 21st century
     1  persecution by
     7  persecution of
     1  persecution of the christian underground in china
     3  persistent
     1  persistent censorship
     1  persistent censorship in china produces art of compromise
     2  persists
     1  persoenliche
     1  persoenliche kontakte
     1  person
     1  person detained
    36  personal
     1  personal accounts
     1  personal accounts on sars
     1  personal achievement,
     1  personal affairs
     2  personal liberty
     1  personal mao
     1  personal press
     1  personal press statement by nick young, founding editor of c
     1  personal wechat
     1  personal.html
     1  personal2
     3  personalities
     1  personalities of
     8  personality
     1  personality cult,
     1  personendaten

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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