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You searched Index 3: Title Word / Title String for "political leadership - china"

   225  political leadership - china
    22  political leadership - taiwan
     1  political liberalization
     1  political limits
     1  political masters
     1  political meaning
     1  political meaning of friendship
     1  political misuse of psychiatry: an african-caribbean perspec
     1  political monopoly
     2  political motives
     1  political opera
     1  political order
     1  political paralysis
     1  political participation
     7  political participation - china - hong kong
     1  political participation - technological innovations - ch
     4  political parties - china
    12  political parties - china - hong kong
    14  political parties - taiwan
     1  political party
     1  political pawn
     1  political persecutio - china
     1  political persecution - china
     2  political persecution - china - tibet autonomous region
     1  political practice
     2  political prisoner
     1  political prisoner exposes brutality in police-run mental ho
    19  political prisoners - china
     2  political prisoners - united states - history - 20th cen
     2  political prisoners - united states - personal narrative

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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