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You searched Index 3: Title Word / Title String for "power resources [instead of energy resources]"

     1  power resources - china
     1  power sharing
     1  power sharing between central and local government in china
     1  power shift
     1  power social sciences)
     1  power social sciences) - china
     1  power streams
     4  power struggle
     1  power struggle to continue between communist youth league, p
     3  power struggles
     1  power successes
     2  power that
     1  power this
     1  power threatens
     1  power to
     1  power to the people
     1  power transition
     1  power with
     1  power within
     3  power'
     1  power' offensive
     1  power's
     1  power's 2004
     5  power,
     1  power, corruption
     1  power, corruption and lies
     1  power, death and politics
     1  power, jiang
     1  power050425.txt
     5  powerful

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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