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You searched Index 3: Title Word / Title String for "publishers and publishing - china - history"

     5  publishers and publishing - china - history
     1  publishers face severe penalties for 'overstepping the line'
     1  publishers recoil
    10  publishes
     1  publishes a
     1  publishes first
     1  publishes key
     1  publishes rebuke
     2  publishes resolution
     1  publishes social
     1  publishes standard
     2  publishes white
    22  publishing
     1  publishing and
     1  publishing company
     1  publishing company operational
     1  publishing industry on mainland rectified, books with sensit
     1  publishing inustry
     1  publishing science
     1  publishing tiananmen
     1  publishing,
     1  publishing, culture,
     1  publishing, culture, and power in early modern china
    34  pubs
     2  pubugou
     2  pubugou hydropower
     6  pubvp
     1  puccini
     1  puccini opera
     1  puccini's

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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