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You searched Index 3: Title Word / Title String for "scholars - china - interviews"

     2  scholars - china - interviews
     1  scholars all
     1  scholars begin
     1  scholars begin scientific research on dazu stone carvings
     1  scholars join
     1  scholars join in social innovation
     1  scholars look
     1  scholars protest
     1  scholars see
     1  scholars try
     1  scholars try to save unique chinese script
     1  scholars urge
     1  scholars,
     2  scholarship
     1  scholarship in
     1  scholarships
     1  scholochow
     1  scholochow,
     1  scholochow, michail, 1905-1984
    31  school
     1  school bloodbath
     1  school children - china - social conditions
     1  school enrollment
     1  school fees
     1  school graduation
     1  school holidays
     2  school map
     1  school of
     1  school on
     1  school scholars

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
The database behind is Allegro-W3 V2.5.
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