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You searched Index 3: Title Word / Title String for "students - china - political activity"

    10  students - china - political activity
     1  students - germany - political activity
     1  students allowed
     1  students associated
     1  students compete
     1  students feel
     2  students in
     1  students joining
     1  students mobilized, grounded depending on type of protes
     1  students mobilized, grounded depending on type of protest /
     1  students of
     1  students on
     1  students promote
     1  students protest
     1  students protest restrictions on most influential university
     1  students say
     1  students see
     1  students stay
     1  students studying
     2  students to
     1  students who
     3  students'
     1  students' nabbed
     1  students' works
     4  students,
     2  students, foreign
     1  students, then
     1  students:
     1  studer,
     1  studer, brigitte

© 1998-2021 Institute of Chinese Studies,
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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