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You searched Index 3: Title Word / Title String for "torture victims"

     2  torture victims
     1  torture widespread
     1  torture-filled
     1  tortured
     1  tot
     2  total
     1  total ban
     1  totaling
     1  totaling 5
     1  totalitarianism
     1  totalling
     1  totalling hk$20,000
     2  totally
     1  totally expunge evil, pursue it to the end: explaining t
     1  totally expunge evil, pursue it to the end: explaining the c
     1  totally-unacceptable-china-foreign-minister-lashes-out-at-canadian-reporter-for-asking-about-human-r
     1  totaltheater
     1  totaro050412.htm
     1  totem
    33  tou
     7  tou cheng
     1  tou cheng.
     1  tou chi rensengguo, san da baigujing
     1  tou fa she
     1  tou fan ssu
     1  tou fei t'eng
     1  tou fu
     5  tou pu
     1  tou pu yao
     1  tou pu yuean

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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