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Access: (downloaded 17-11-2006)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:中共中央發出通知 : 部署黨的十七大代表選舉工作 / 新華 通訊 社 網絡 中心
Chung-kung chung-yang fa-ch'u t'ung-chi : pu-shu tang te shih-ch'i ta-tai-piao hsüan-chü kung-tsuo / Hsin-hua t'ung-hsün she wang-luo chung-hsin 新華 通訊 社 網絡 中心 (12 Nov. 2006)
Description:8 html, 13 gif, 18 jpeg, 10 js files (705 KB)
Corp. body:新華 通訊 社 網絡 中心
Hsin-hua t'ung-hsün she wang-luo chung-hsin
Subjects:Politics, practical
Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang - Congresses
Ch'üan-kuo jen-min tai-piao ta-hui

Access: (downloaded 17-11-2006)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:中共中央發出通知 : 部署黨的十七大代表選舉工作 / 新華 通訊 社 網絡 中心
Chung-kung chung-yang fa-ch'u t'ung-chi : pu-shu tang te shih-ch'i ta-tai-piao hsüan-chü kung-tsuo / Hsin-hua t'ung-hsün she wang-luo chung-hsin 新華 通訊 社 網絡 中心 (12 Nov. 2006)
Description:8 html, 13 gif, 18 jpeg, 10 js files (705 KB)
Corp. body:新華 通訊 社 網絡 中心
Hsin-hua t'ung-hsün she wang-luo chung-hsin
Subjects:Politics, Practical
Chung-kuo Kung-ch'an-tang - Congresses
Ch'üan-kuo Jen-min Tai-piao Ta-hui

Access: (downloaded 17-11-2006)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:中組部負責人就黨的十七大代表選舉工作答記者問 / 新華 通訊 社 網絡 中心
Chung tsu-pu fu-tse-jen chiu tang te shih-ch'i ta tai-piao hsüan-chü kung-tsuo ta chi-che wen / Hsin-hua t'ung-hsün-she wang-luo chung-hsin 新華 通訊 社 網絡 中心 (12 Nov. 2006)
Description:10 html, 13 gif, 18 jpeg, 10 js files (712 KB)
Corp. body:新華 通訊 社 網絡 中心
Hsin-hua t'ung-hsün she wang-luo chung-hsin
Subjects:Politics, Practical
Chung-kuo Kung-ch'an-tang - Congresses
Ch'üan-kuo Jen-min Tai-piao Ta-hui

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