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Access: (downloaded 12-07-2018)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:馬晴茹  Ma Ch'ing-ju
Title:因身高不足1米5師範生無緣教師資格證教育廳:計劃取消限制 / 作者: 馬晴茹
Yin shen-kao pu-tsu 1 mi 5 shih-fan sheng wu-yüan chiao-shih tzu-ke cheng chiao-yü t'ing: chi-hua ch'ü-hsiao hsien-chih / Tso-che: Ma Ch'ing-ju 西部 網 (02 Jul. 2018)
Orig. URL:
Description:2 css, 2 htm, 6 jpeg, 122 jpg, 7 js, 46 png files (14.7 MB)
Subjects:Education - China
Labor laws and legislation - China

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