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Access: (downloaded 04-01-2005)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:反分裂國家發草案提請審議 / sina 新文中心
Fan fen-lieh kuo-chia fa ts'ao-an t'i-ch'ing shen-i / sina Hsin-wen chung-hsin
Source:sina 新文中心 (2005)
Description:93 HTML, 2351 GIF, 532 JPEG, 79 JScript, 173 SWF, 248 SHTML, 8 ASP, 21 CSS, 781 WD3 files (30,1 MB)
Corp. body:新文中心
Hsin-wen chung-hsin
Subjects:China - Foreign relations - Taiwan

Access: (downloaded 07-10-2019)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:邱麗芳  Ch'iu Li-fang
Title:中共中央政治局召開會議審議"新時代愛國主義教育實施綱要"和"中國共產黨黨校(行政學院)工作條例"中共中央總書記習近平主持會議 / 邱麗芳
Chung-kung-chung-yang cheng-chih-chü chao-k'ai hui-I shen-I "hsin shih-tai ai-kuo-chu-I chiao-yü shih-shih kang-yao" ho "Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang tang-hsiao (hsing-cheng hsüeh-yüan) kung-tso t'iao-li" Chung-kung-chung-yang tsung-shu-chi Hsi Chin-p'ing chu-ch'ih hui-I / Ch'iu Li-fang
Source: 新華网 (24 Sep. 2019)
Orig. URL:
Description:39 png, 1 undentified, 4 jpg, 10 js, 2 htm, 2 gif, 3 css files (836 KB)
Subjects:Communist party work
Propaganda, Communist - China

Access: (downloaded 21-11-2012)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:楊榮珍  Yang Jung-chen
Title:Research of China's participation in the WTO trade policy review process / by Yang Rongzhen
Orig. URL:
Description:1 pdf file (576 KB)
Series:RCCPB working paper ; 8
Language:chi.; eng.
Related names:Hsu Fan
Corp. body:Indiana University Research Center for Chinese Politics & Business
Parallel Title:Chung-kuo ts'an-yü WTO mao-i cheng-ts'e shen-i yen-chiu
China - Foreign economic relations - 21st century
World Trade Organization - China

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