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Search resultYou searched for "ai tzu" |
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Access: | (downloaded 24-03-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | 高耀潔 Kao Yao-chieh |
Title: | 艾滋孤儿來我家過春節 / 高耀潔 Ai-tzu gu-erh lai wo chia kuo ch'un-chieh / Kao Yao-chieh |
Description: | 1 MSWord file |
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Language: | chi. |
Access: | (downloaded 07-01-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | 嚴曉媚 Yen Hsiao-mei |
Title: | 吳儀走進河南"艾滋村"與患者握手攀談(組圖) / 嚴曉媚 Wu I tsou chin Ho-nan "Ai-tzu ts'un" yü huan-che wo-shou p'an-t'an (tzu-t'u) / Yen Hsiao-mei |
Source: | Hsin-wen chung-hsin 新聞中心 (24 Dec. 2003) |
Description: | 2 SHTML, 1 HTML, 1 GIF, 1 JScript, 6 JPEG, 8 WD3 files (200 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | AIDS (Disease) - China Wu I, 1938- |
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