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Access: (downloaded 17-04-2009)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:神話(一)愚公移山/精衛填海彩銀幣(一盎司) / 北京 收藏 禮品 網
Shen-hua (i) yü-kung i shan / ching-wei-t'ien-hai ts'ai yin-pi (i ang-ssu) / Pei-ching shou-ts'ang li-p'in wang (17 Apr. 2009)
Description:1 swf, 7 js, 231 jpeg, 57 gif, 117 html, 1 css, 1 other file (9,08 MB)
Corp. body:北京 收藏 禮品 網
Pei-ching shou-ts'ang li-p'in wang
Silver coins - China
Silver coins - China - Collectors and collecting

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