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Access: | (downloaded 15-04-2010) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Wade, Geoff |
Title: | The Zheng He voyages : a reassessment / Geoff Wade |
Source: | (Okt. 2004) |
Description: | 1 pdf file (367 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. ; eng. |
Subjects: | Education History - China Colonialism - History - Asia, Southeastern Cheng Ho, 1371-1433 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-07-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Silk Road Seattle / John Hill |
Source: | Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities (2005) |
Description: | 1081 HTML, 5611 JPEG, 42 GIF, 2 JScript, 3 MP3, 9 MP4, 1 SWF, 1 SIT, 1 ZIP files (375 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Silk Road - History Asia, Central - History |
Access: | (downloaded 14-05-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | China's foreign policy and "soft power" in South America, Asia, and Africa : a study prepared for the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate / Kerry Dumbaugh |
Source: | Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress (Apr. 2008) |
Description: | 1 pdf file (5,18 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Dumbaugh, Kerry [ed.] | |
Subjects: | Foreign policy |
Access: | (downloaded 03-11-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | China seeks closer ties with Central Asia / Asia Times Online Ltd. |
Source: | (19 Oct. 2006) |
Description: | 2 html, 25 gif, 1 css, 3 js, 3 other files (167 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Asia Times Online Ltd. | |
Subjects: | International relations China - Foreign relations - Asia, Central |
Access: | (downloaded 22-05-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | China protests US bill supporting Taiwan's entry to WHO / AFP |
Source: | Yahoo! (16 May 2003) |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Agence France Presse | |
Subjects: | World Health Organization - Taiwan Asia, Central - Foreign relations - United States United States - Foreign relations - Asia, Central |
Access: | (downloaded 22-07-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | 習主席的"絲路新語" / 人民 網 Hsi chu-hsi te "ssu lu hsin yü" / Jen-min wang |
Source: | 人民 網 (02 Jul. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 4 html, 34 gif, 45 jpeg, 8 js, 2 png files (1.03 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
人民 網 Jen-min wang | |
Subjects: | International relations China - Foreign relations - Asia, Central Silk Road - History Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- |
Access: | (downloaded 13-06-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Mazzetti, Mark |
Title: | Chinese arms threaten Asia, Rumsfeld says / by Mark Mazzetti |
Source: | Los Angeles Times (4 Jun. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 15 GIF, 5 JPEG, 5 JScript, 1 CSS files (149 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Access: | (downloaded 30-12-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | China syndrome : tensions rise / The Asahi Shimbun |
Source: | (29 Dec. 2004) |
Description: | 2 HTML, 1 CSS, 1 JScript, 16 GIF files (59 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Asahi Shimbun | |
Subjects: | Asia, Eastern - Strategic aspects Asia, Eastern - Defenses |
Access: | (downloaded 17-03-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | McConnell, Addison Mitchell, 1942- |
Title: | Asia Freedom Act of 2004 : a bill to promote freedom, economic growth, and security in Asia, and for other purposes / McConnell and Lugar |
Source: | 108th Congress 2d Session. Senate of the United States (19 Nov. 2004) |
Description: | 1 PDF file (53 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Lugar, Richard G., 1932- | |
Subjects: | United States - Foreign relations - Asia |
Access: | (downloaded 20-02-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Feng Yujun |
Title: | China's Silk Road visions bring cooperation, not conflict, to region |
Source: | Global Times (17 Feb. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 15 css, 14 html, 30 gif, 19 jpeg, 22 js, 6 png files (744 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | The author is director of the Institute of Russian Studies at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations. |
By Feng Yujun | |
Subjects: | International relations China - Foreign relations - Asia, Central China - Foreign relations - Russia Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- |
Access: | (downloaded 22-06-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Taseer, Aatish |
Title: | Revisiting the Silk Road / by Aatish Taseer |
Source: | Time Asia (14 Jun. 2004) |
Description: | 2 HTML, 62 GIF, 4 JPEG, 3 JScript files (203 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Silk Road - History - Exhibitions Art - Central Asian - Exhibitions Asia, Central - History - Exhibitions |
Access: | (downloaded 13-08-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Lam, Willy |
Title: | China praises anti-terror exercise / by Willy Wo-Lap Lam |
Source: | CNN (13 Aug. 2003) |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Shanghai Cooperation Organization Security, International Asia, Central - Relations - China |
Access: | (downloaded 16-03-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Blank, Stephen |
Title: | Chinese moves could rile Russians : Beijing may be changing its tactics in the great Eurasian energy game / by Stephen Blank |
Source: | Transitions Online (15 Mar. 2006) |
Description: | 1 html, 1 css, 3 gif, 2 js files (24,7 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | Print version |
Subjects: | Shanghai Cooperation Organization China - Foreign relations - Russia Energy security - China China - Foreign relations - Asia, Central |
Access: | (downloaded 08-11-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Wolfe, Adam |
Title: | China's Uighurs trapped at Guantanamo / by Adam Wolfe |
Source: | China Study Group (3 Nov. 2004) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 4 GIF, 1 CSS files (39,9 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | Orig. publ.: Asia Times on 3 Nov. 2004 |
Subjects: | Uighur (Turkic people) - Asia, Central Terrorism - Asia, Central Guantánamo Bay Naval Base (Cuba) Hsin-chiang |
Access: | (downloaded 05-01-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Lague, David |
Title: | Felling Asia's forests : China's insatiable appetite for timber, combined with its ban on cutting trees domestically, is only speeding up the destruction of major forests across Asia, often through illegal logging / by David Lague |
Source: | FEER (25 Dec. 2003-1 Jan. 2004) |
Description: | 2 HTML, 1 JScript, 1 JPEG, 7 GIF files (160,4 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Far Eastern Economic Review | |
Subjects: | Forest degradation - Asia Conservation of natural resources - Government policy - China |
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