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Material:Computer file
Author:Jones, Andrew F.
Title:WHRB : "Like a knife" / Cui Jian and others
Description:1 MP3 file (62:59 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Bib. note:Radio-special on Chinese rock with interview by WHRB/Cambridge on May 28, 1991
Loc. note:Cassette accompanying Andrew Jones' book "Like a knife: ideology and genre in contemporary Chinese popular music". East Asia Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1992). See HD-catalogue ML336.5.J43y 1991
Contents/Access:False monk (taken from the album "Nothing to my name: rock'n'roll on the New Long March", 1991) / Cui Jian -- play
Xin qin niu (part of the "Northwest wind"-trend) / Ai Jing -- play
It's not that I don't understand (taken from "Nothing to my name") / Cui Jian -- play
Garbage Dump (live in Peking, 28.7.1990) / He Yong -- play
Interview with Andrew [Jones] about Hui Yong, the Northwest wind trend (1986-1989) and Cui Jian's "False monk" -- play
Wolf / Qi Qin -- play
Sequal to "Descending to the dragon" / Hou Deqian -- play
Nanniwan (from the album "Solution", 1992) / Cui Jian -- play
Commentary on the last three songs -- play
My beloved hometown / Ai Jing -- play
Sedan chair song / Wang Di -- play
Sister, go bravely forward / Zhang Yimou -- play
Song-announcement -- play
There's only today / Two Two Band -- play
There's only today (cont.) / Two Two Band -- play
Opportunis (from "Solution") / Cui Jian -- play
Song- and radio-announcement -- play
A piece of red cloth / Cui Jian -- play
Final commentary and radio-announcement -- play
Extro -- play
Related names:±Z°·, 1961-  Ts'ui Chien, 1961-
¦ã·q, 1969-  Ai Ching, 1969-
¦ó«i, 1969-  Ho Yung, 1969-
»ô¯³ [ºt°Û]  Ch'i Ch'in [perf.]
Subjects:Rock, Chinese

Shelfmark:4252-6401 MC
Material:Sound recording
Author:Jones, Andrew F.
Title:WHRB : "Like a knife" / Cui Jian and others
Description:1 sound cassette (62:59 min) : analog, stereo
Bib. note:Radio-special on Chinese rock with interview by WHRB/Cambridge on May 28, 1991
Loc. note:Cassette accompanying Andrew Jones' book "Like a knife: ideology and genre in contemporary Chinese popular music". East Asia Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1992). See HD-catalogue ML336.5.J43y 1991
Contents/Access:False monk (taken from the album "Nothing to my name: rock'n'roll on the New Long March", 1991) / Cui Jian
Xin qin niu (part of the "Northwest wind"-trend) / Ai Jing
It's not that I don't understand (taken from "Nothing to my name") / Cui Jian
Garbage dump (live in Peking, 28.7.1990) / He Yong
Interview with Andrew [Jones] about Hui Yong, the Northwest wind trend (1986-1989) and Cui Jian's "False monk"
Wolf / Qi Qin
Sequal to "Descending to the dragon" / Hou Deqian
Nanniwan (from the album "Solution", 1992) / Cui Jian
Commentary on the last three songs
My beloved hometown / Ai Jing
Sedan chair song / Wang Di
Sister, go bravely forward / Zhang Yimou
There's only today / Two Two Band
There's only today (cont.) / Two Two Band
Opportunis (from "Solution") / Cui Jian
Song- and radio-announcement
A piece of red cloth / Cui Jian
Final commentary and radio-announcement
Related names:±Z°·, 1961-  Ts'ui Chien, 1961-
¦ã·q, 1969-  Ai Ching, 1969-
¦ó«i, 1969-  Ho Yung, 1969-
»ô¯³ [ºt°Û]  Ch'i Ch'in [perf.]
Subjects:Rock, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Author:Jones, Andrew F.
Title:WHRB : "Like a knife" / Cui Jian and others
Description:1 MP3 file (62:59 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Bib. note:Radio-special on Chinese rock with interview by WHRB/Cambridge on May 28, 1991
Loc. note:Cassette accompanying Andrew Jones' book "Like a knife: ideology and genre in contemporary Chinese popular music". East Asia Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1992). See HD-catalogue ML336.5.J43y 1991
Contents/Access:False monk (taken from the album "Nothing to my name: rock'n'roll on the New Long March", 1991) / Cui Jian -- play
Xin qin niu (part of the "Northwest wind"-trend) / Ai Jing -- play
It's not that I don't understand (taken from "Nothing to my name") / Cui Jian -- play
Garbage Dump (live in Peking, 28.7.1990) / He Yong -- play
Interview with Andrew [Jones] about Hui Yong, the Northwest wind trend (1986-1989) and Cui Jian's "False monk" -- play
Wolf / Qi Qin -- play
Sequal to "Descending to the dragon" / Hou Deqian -- play
Nanniwan (from the album "Solution", 1992) / Cui Jian -- play
Commentary on the last three songs -- play
My beloved hometown / Ai Jing -- play
Sedan chair song / Wang Di -- play
Sister, go bravely forward / Zhang Yimou -- play
Song-announcement -- play
There's only today / Two Two Band -- play
There's only today (cont.) / Two Two Band -- play
Opportunis (from "Solution") / Cui Jian -- play
Song- and radio-announcement -- play
A piece of red cloth / Cui Jian -- play
Final commentary and radio-announcement -- play
Extro -- play
Related names:±Z°·, 1961-  Ts'ui Chien, 1961-
¦ã·q, 1969-  Ai Ching, 1969-
¦ó«i, 1969-  Ho Yung, 1969-
»ô¯³ [ºt°Û]  Ch'i Ch'in [perf.]
Subjects:Rock, Chinese

Shelfmark:4252-6401 MC
Material:Sound recording
Author:Jones, Andrew F.
Title:WHRB : "Like a knife" / Cui Jian and others
Description:1 sound cassette (62:59 min) : analog, stereo
Bib. note:Radio-special on Chinese rock with interview by WHRB/Cambridge on May 28, 1991
Loc. note:Cassette accompanying Andrew Jones' book "Like a knife: ideology and genre in contemporary Chinese popular music". East Asia Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. (1992). See HD-catalogue ML336.5.J43y 1991
Contents/Access:False monk (taken from the album "Nothing to my name: rock'n'roll on the New Long March", 1991) / Cui Jian
Xin qin niu (part of the "Northwest wind"-trend) / Ai Jing
It's not that I don't understand (taken from "Nothing to my name") / Cui Jian
Garbage dump (live in Peking, 28.7.1990) / He Yong
Interview with Andrew [Jones] about Hui Yong, the Northwest wind trend (1986-1989) and Cui Jian's "False monk"
Wolf / Qi Qin
Sequal to "Descending to the dragon" / Hou Deqian
Nanniwan (from the album "Solution", 1992) / Cui Jian
Commentary on the last three songs
My beloved hometown / Ai Jing
Sedan chair song / Wang Di
Sister, go bravely forward / Zhang Yimou
There's only today / Two Two Band
There's only today (cont.) / Two Two Band
Opportunis (from "Solution") / Cui Jian
Song- and radio-announcement
A piece of red cloth / Cui Jian
Final commentary and radio-announcement
Related names:±Z°·, 1961-  Ts'ui Chien, 1961-
¦ã·q, 1969-  Ai Ching, 1969-
¦ó«i, 1969-  Ho Yung, 1969-
»ô¯³ [ºt°Û]  Ch'i Ch'in [perf.]
Subjects:Rock, Chinese

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