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Material:Computer file
Title:黑豹 / 黑豹
Hei Pao / Hei Pao
Published:Kinn's management, ltd., 1991
Description:1 MP3 file (54:58 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:無地自容 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤 -- play
Take Care / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 竇唯 -- play
體會 / 詞曲: 李彤 -- play
別 來 糾纏 我 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
靠近 我 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 王文杰 -- play
Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
臉譜 / 詞曲: 李彤 -- play
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
眼光 裡 / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 王文杰 -- play
別 去 糟蹋 (獻 給 庫爾德 族 難民) / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤 -- play
Related names:黑豹樂隊 [演奏]  Hei-pao yüeh-tui [perf.]
竇唯, 1969- [詞曲]  Tou Wei, 1969- [comp., lyr.]
李彤, 1964- [詞曲]  Li T'ung, 1964- [comp., lyr.]
黃小茂 [作詞]  Huang Hsiao-mao [lyr.]
王文杰, 1965- [作曲]  Wang Wen-chieh, 1965- [comp.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1991- - China

Shelfmark:4261-1745 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:黑豹 / 黑豹
Hei Pao / Hei Pao
Published:Kinn's management, ltd., 1991
Description:1 sound disc (54:58 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:無地自容 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤
Take Care / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 竇唯
體會 / 詞曲: 李彤
別 來 糾纏 我 / 詞曲: 竇唯
靠近 我 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 王文杰
Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯
臉譜 / 詞曲: 李彤
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 詞曲: 竇唯
眼光 裡 / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 王文杰
別 去 糟蹋 (獻 給 庫爾德 族 難民) / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤
Related names:黑豹樂隊 [演奏]  Hei-pao yüeh-tui [perf.]
竇唯, 1969- [詞曲]  Tou Wei, 1969- [comp., lyr.]
李彤, 1964- [詞曲]  Li T'ung, 1964- [comp., lyr.]
黃小茂 [作詞]  Huang Hsiao-mao [lyr.]
王文杰, 1965- [作曲]  Wang Wen-chieh, 1965- [comp.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1991- - China

Material:Computer file
Title:黑豹 / 黑豹
Hei Pao / Hei Pao
Published:Kinn's management, ltd., 1991
Description:1 MP3 file (54:58 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:無地自容 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤 -- play
Take Care / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 竇唯 -- play
體會 / 詞曲: 李彤 -- play
別 來 糾纏 我 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
靠近 我 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 王文杰 -- play
Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
臉譜 / 詞曲: 李彤 -- play
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
眼光 裡 / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 王文杰 -- play
別 去 糟蹋 (獻 給 庫爾德 族 難民) / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤 -- play
Related names:黑豹樂隊 [演奏]  Hei-pao yüeh-tui [perf.]
竇唯, 1969- [詞曲]  Tou Wei, 1969- [comp., lyr.]
李彤, 1964- [詞曲]  Li T'ung, 1964- [comp., lyr.]
黃小茂 [作詞]  Huang Hsiao-mao [lyr.]
王文杰, 1965- [作曲]  Wang Wen-chieh, 1965- [comp.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1991- - China

Shelfmark:4261-1745 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:黑豹 / 黑豹
Hei Pao / Hei Pao
Published:Kinn's management, ltd., 1991
Description:1 sound disc (54:58 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:無地自容 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤
Take Care / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 竇唯
體會 / 詞曲: 李彤
別 來 糾纏 我 / 詞曲: 竇唯
靠近 我 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 王文杰
Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯
臉譜 / 詞曲: 李彤
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 詞曲: 竇唯
眼光 裡 / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 王文杰
別 去 糟蹋 (獻 給 庫爾德 族 難民) / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤
Related names:黑豹樂隊 [演奏]  Hei-pao yüeh-tui [perf.]
竇唯, 1969- [詞曲]  Tou Wei, 1969- [comp., lyr.]
李彤, 1964- [詞曲]  Li T'ung, 1964- [comp., lyr.]
黃小茂 [作詞]  Huang Hsiao-mao [lyr.]
王文杰, 1965- [作曲]  Wang Wen-chieh, 1965- [comp.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1991- - China

Material:Computer file
Author:黑豹  Hei Pao
Title:黑豹 : 中國人世界銷售量最高的搖滾樂隊 / 黑豹
Hei Pao : Chung-kuo-jen shih-chieh hsiao-shou-liang tsui kao te yao-kun yüeh-tui / Hei Pao
Published:北京 : 中國音樂家音像出版社, 1992
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo yin-yüeh-chia yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1992
Description:1 MP3 file (45:55 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Z426 H063
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:臉譜 / 詞曲: 李彤 -- play
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
眼光 裡 / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 王文杰 -- play
體會 / 詞曲: 李彤 -- play
別 來 糾纏 我 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
無 地 自 容 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤 -- play
Take Care / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 竇唯 -- play
靠近 我 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 王文杰 -- play
Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
Related names:郭傳林 (郭四) [演奏]  Kuo Ch'uan-lin (Kuo Ssu) [perf.]
巒樹彬, 1969-  Luan Shu-pin, 1969-
竇唯, 1969-  Tou Wei, 1969-
李彤, 1964-  Li T'ung, 1964-
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1992- - China

Shelfmark:4261-1562 MC
Material:Sound recording
Author:黑豹  Hei Pao
Title:黑豹 : 中國人世界銷售量最高的搖滾樂隊 / 黑豹
Hei Pao : Chung-kuo-jen shih-chieh hsiao-shou-liang tsui kao te yao-kun yüeh-tui / Hei Pao
Published:北京 : 中國音樂家音像出版社, 1992
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo yin-yüeh-chia yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1992
Description:1 sound cassette (45:55 min) : analog, stereo
Series:Z426 H063
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:臉譜 / 詞曲: 李彤
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 詞曲: 竇唯
眼光 裡 / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 王文杰
體會 / 詞曲: 李彤
別 來 糾纏 我 / 詞曲: 竇唯
無 地 自 容 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤
Take Care / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 竇唯
靠近 我 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 王文杰
Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯
Related names:郭傳林 (郭四) [演奏]  Kuo Ch'uan-lin (Kuo Ssu) [perf.]
巒樹彬, 1969-  Luan Shu-pin, 1969-
竇唯, 1969-  Tou Wei, 1969-
李彤, 1964-  Li T'ung, 1964-
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1992- - China

Shelfmark:4261-1562 MC
Material:Sound recording
Author:黑豹  Hei Pao
Title:黑豹 : 中國人世界銷售量最高的搖滾樂隊 / 黑豹
Hei Pao : Chung-kuo-jen shih-chieh hsiao-shou-liang tsui kao te yao-kun yüeh-tui / Hei Pao
Published:北京 : 中國音樂家音像出版社, 1992
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo yin-yüeh-chia yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1992
Description:1 sound cassette (45:55 min) : analog, stereo
Series:Z426 H063
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:臉譜 / 詞曲: 李彤
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 詞曲: 竇唯
眼光 裡 / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 王文杰
體會 / 詞曲: 李彤
別 來 糾纏 我 / 詞曲: 竇唯
無 地 自 容 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤
Take Care / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 竇唯
靠近 我 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 王文杰
Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯
Related names:郭傳林 (郭四) [演奏]  Kuo Ch'uan-lin (Kuo Ssu) [perf.]
巒樹彬, 1969-  Luan Shu-pin, 1969-
竇唯, 1969-  Tou Wei, 1969-
李彤, 1964-  Li T'ung, 1964-
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1992- - China

Material:Computer file
Author:黑豹  Hei Pao
Title:黑豹 : 中國人世界銷售量最高的搖滾樂隊 / 黑豹
Hei Pao : Chung-kuo-jen shih-chieh hsiao-shou-liang tsui kao te yao-kun yüeh-tui / Hei Pao
Published:北京 : 中國音樂家音像出版社, 1992
Pei-ching : Chung-kuo yin-yüeh-chia yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1992
Description:1 MP3 file (45:55 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Z426 H063
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:臉譜 / 詞曲: 李彤 -- play
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
眼光 裡 / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 王文杰 -- play
體會 / 詞曲: 李彤 -- play
別 來 糾纏 我 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
無 地 自 容 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 李彤 -- play
Take Care / 詞: 黃小茂 ; 曲: 竇唯 -- play
靠近 我 / 詞: 竇唯 ; 曲: 王文杰 -- play
Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
Related names:郭傳林 (郭四) [演奏]  Kuo Ch'uan-lin (Kuo Ssu) [perf.]
巒樹彬, 1969-  Luan Shu-pin, 1969-
竇唯, 1969-  Tou Wei, 1969-
李彤, 1964-  Li T'ung, 1964-
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1992- - China

Shelfmark:4261-1665 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:搖滾無罪 : 終極詮釋者!我們的搖滾年代 / 中國 搖滾 勢力
Yao-kun wu-tsui : chung-chi ch'üan-shih-che! wo-men te yao-kun nien-tai / Chung-kuo yao-kun shih-li
Avail. vol.:1
Edition:2 v.
Published:成都 : 成都音像出版社, 2002
Ch'eng-tu : Ch'eng-tu yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2002
Description:1 sound disc (76:30 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:不知 所措 / 回到未來樂隊
夢 纏繞 的 時候 / 超載樂隊
被 拋棄 的 游戲 / 地下嬰兒樂隊
不 再 沉默 / 鐵玉蘭樂隊; 詞曲: 胡建明
無能 的 力量 / 崔健; 詞曲: 崔健
理想 與 和平 / 紅色 搖滾
無地自容 / 黑豹樂隊; 詞: 竇唯, 曲: 李彤
沒有 甚麼 不 可以 / 零點樂隊; 詞曲: 零點樂隊
枯萎 生命 / 指南針樂隊
別 讓 愛 你 的 人 流 淚 / 輪回樂隊; 詞:吳彤, 曲: 趙衛
Don't break my heart / 竇唯
白色 中 的 玩偶 / 誘導社樂隊
選擇 / 唐朝樂隊
在 路上 / 麥田守望者
街道 / 鮑家街 43 號樂隊; 詞曲: 汪峰
幸福 / 冷血動物樂隊; 詞曲: 謝天笑
Related names:回到未來樂隊  Hui-tao wei-lai yüeh-tui
超載樂隊  Ch'ao-tsai yüeh-tui
地下嬰兒樂隊  Ti-hsia ying-erh yüeh-tui
鐵玉蘭樂隊  T'ieh yü-lan yüeh-tui
Parallel Title:Rock not guilty
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2002- - China

Material:Computer file
Title:搖滾 無罪 : 終極 詮釋者! 我們 的 搖滾 年代 / 中國 搖滾 勢力
Yao-kun wu-tsui : chung-chi ch'üan-shih-che! wo-men te yao-kun nien-tai / Chung-kuo yao-kun shih-li
Avail. vol.:1
Edition:2 v.
Published:成都 : 成都音像出版社, 2002
Ch'eng-tu : Ch'eng-tu yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2002
Description:1 MP3 file (76:30 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:不知 所措 / 回到未來樂隊
夢 纏繞 的 時候 / 超載樂隊
被 拋棄 的 游戲 / 地下嬰兒樂隊
不 再 沉默 / 鐵玉蘭樂隊; 詞曲: 胡建明
無能 的 力量 / 崔健; 詞曲: 崔健
理想 與 和平 / 紅色 搖滾
無地自容 / 黑豹樂隊; 詞: 竇唯, 曲: 李彤
沒有 甚麼 不 可以 / 零點樂隊; 詞曲: 零點樂隊
枯萎 生命 / 指南針樂隊
別 讓 愛 你 的 人 流 淚 / 輪回樂隊; 詞:吳彤, 曲: 趙衛
Don't break my heart / 竇唯
白色 中 的 玩偶 / 誘導社樂隊
選擇 / 唐朝樂隊
在 路上 / 麥田守望者
街道 / 鮑家街 43 號樂隊; 詞曲: 汪峰
幸福 / 冷血動物樂隊; 詞曲: 謝天笑
Related names:回到未來樂隊  Hui-tao wei-lai yüeh-tui
超載樂隊  Ch'ao-tsai yüeh-tui
地下嬰兒樂隊  Ti-hsia ying-erh yüeh-tui
T'ieh yü-lan yüeh-tui
Parallel Title:Rock not guilty
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2002- - China

Shelfmark:4261-1665 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:搖滾無罪 : 終極詮釋者!我們的搖滾年代 / 中國 搖滾 勢力
Yao-kun wu-tsui : chung-chi ch'üan-shih-che! wo-men te yao-kun nien-tai / Chung-kuo yao-kun shih-li
Avail. vol.:1
Edition:2 v.
Published:成都 : 成都音像出版社, 2002
Ch'eng-tu : Ch'eng-tu yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2002
Description:1 sound disc (76:30 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:不知 所措 / 回到未來樂隊
夢 纏繞 的 時候 / 超載樂隊
被 拋棄 的 游戲 / 地下嬰兒樂隊
不 再 沉默 / 鐵玉蘭樂隊; 詞曲: 胡建明
無能 的 力量 / 崔健; 詞曲: 崔健
理想 與 和平 / 紅色 搖滾
無地自容 / 黑豹樂隊; 詞: 竇唯, 曲: 李彤
沒有 甚麼 不 可以 / 零點樂隊; 詞曲: 零點樂隊
枯萎 生命 / 指南針樂隊
別 讓 愛 你 的 人 流 淚 / 輪回樂隊; 詞:吳彤, 曲: 趙衛
Don't break my heart / 竇唯
白色 中 的 玩偶 / 誘導社樂隊
選擇 / 唐朝樂隊
在 路上 / 麥田守望者
街道 / 鮑家街 43 號樂隊; 詞曲: 汪峰
幸福 / 冷血動物樂隊; 詞曲: 謝天笑
Related names:回到未來樂隊  Hui-tao wei-lai yüeh-tui
超載樂隊  Ch'ao-tsai yüeh-tui
地下嬰兒樂隊  Ti-hsia ying-erh yüeh-tui
鐵玉蘭樂隊  T'ieh yü-lan yüeh-tui
Parallel Title:Rock not guilty
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2002- - China

Material:Computer file
Title:搖滾 無罪 : 終極 詮釋者! 我們 的 搖滾 年代 / 中國 搖滾 勢力
Yao-kun wu-tsui : chung-chi ch'üan-shih-che! wo-men te yao-kun nien-tai / Chung-kuo yao-kun shih-li
Avail. vol.:1
Edition:2 v.
Published:成都 : 成都音像出版社, 2002
Ch'eng-tu : Ch'eng-tu yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2002
Description:1 MP3 file (76:30 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:不知 所措 / 回到未來樂隊
夢 纏繞 的 時候 / 超載樂隊
被 拋棄 的 游戲 / 地下嬰兒樂隊
不 再 沉默 / 鐵玉蘭樂隊; 詞曲: 胡建明
無能 的 力量 / 崔健; 詞曲: 崔健
理想 與 和平 / 紅色 搖滾
無地自容 / 黑豹樂隊; 詞: 竇唯, 曲: 李彤
沒有 甚麼 不 可以 / 零點樂隊; 詞曲: 零點樂隊
枯萎 生命 / 指南針樂隊
別 讓 愛 你 的 人 流 淚 / 輪回樂隊; 詞:吳彤, 曲: 趙衛
Don't break my heart / 竇唯
白色 中 的 玩偶 / 誘導社樂隊
選擇 / 唐朝樂隊
在 路上 / 麥田守望者
街道 / 鮑家街 43 號樂隊; 詞曲: 汪峰
幸福 / 冷血動物樂隊; 詞曲: 謝天笑
Related names:回到未來樂隊  Hui-tao wei-lai yüeh-tui
超載樂隊  Ch'ao-tsai yüeh-tui
地下嬰兒樂隊  Ti-hsia ying-erh yüeh-tui
T'ieh yü-lan yüeh-tui
Parallel Title:Rock not guilty
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2002- - China

Shelfmark:4261-1576 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:搖滾柔情 : 搖滾十年柔情經典 / 竇唯 / 黑豹樂隊 ; 吳桐 / 輪迴樂隊 ; 豹妹 = 李曉燕
Yao-kun jou-ch'ing : yao-kun shih nien jou-ch'ing ching-tien / Tou Wei / Hei Pao yüeh-tui ; Wu-t'ung / Lun-hui yüeh-tui ; Pao-mei = Li Hsiao-yen
[Pei-ching] : Kuo-chi wen-hua chiao-liu yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she
Description:1 sound casstte (48:38 min) : analog, stereo
Series:正大國際 ; IAM 96032
Cheng-ta kuo-chi ; IAM 96032
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:把 輕鬆 交給 我 / 豹妹 與 吳桐
Don't break my heart / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊
許多 天 來 我 很 難過 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊
我 自己 被 自己 欺騙 / 豹妹 (李曉燕)
Take Care / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊
不能 不 說 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊
愛情 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊
相 伴 到 永遠 / 豹妹 (李曉燕)
Related names:豹妹 [演唱]  Pao-mei [perf.]
吳桐 [詞曲, 演唱]  Wu T'ung [lyrics, comp., perf.]
輪迴樂隊 [演唱]  Lun-hui yüeh-tui [perf.]
竇唯 [詞曲, 演唱]  Tou Wei [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - China

Material:Computer file
Title:搖滾柔情 : 搖滾十年柔情經典 / 竇唯 / 黑豹樂隊 ; 吳桐 / 輪迴樂隊 ; 豹妹 = 李曉燕
Yao-kun jou-ch'ing : yao-kun shih nien jou-ch'ing ching-tien / Tou Wei / Hei Pao yüeh-tui ; Wu-t'ung / Lun-hui yüeh-tui ; Pao-mei = Li Hsiao-yen
[Pei-ching] : Kuo-chi wen-hua chiao-liu yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she
Description:1 MP3 file (48:38 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:正大國際 ; IAM 96032
Cheng-ta kuo-chi ; IAM 96032
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:把 輕鬆 交給 我 / 豹妹 與 吳桐 -- play
Don't break my heart / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊 -- play
許多 天 來 我 很 難過 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊 -- play
我 自己 被 自己 欺騙 / 豹妹 (李曉燕) -- play
Take Care / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊 -- play
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊 -- play
不能 不 說 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊 -- play
愛情 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊 -- play
相 伴 到 永遠 / 豹妹 (李曉燕) -- play
Related names:豹妹 [演唱]  Pao-mei [perf.]
吳桐 [詞曲, 演唱]  Wu T'ung [lyrics, comp., perf.]
輪迴樂隊 [演唱]  Lun-hui yüeh-tui [perf.]
竇唯 [詞曲, 演唱]  Tou Wei [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - China

Material:Computer file
Title:搖滾柔情 : 搖滾十年柔情經典 / 竇唯 / 黑豹樂隊 ; 吳桐 / 輪迴樂隊 ; 豹妹 = 李曉燕
Yao-kun jou-ch'ing : yao-kun shih nien jou-ch'ing ching-tien / Tou Wei / Hei Pao yüeh-tui ; Wu-t'ung / Lun-hui yüeh-tui ; Pao-mei = Li Hsiao-yen
[Pei-ching] : Kuo-chi wen-hua chiao-liu yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she
Description:1 MP3 file (48:38 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:正大國際 ; IAM 96032
Cheng-ta kuo-chi ; IAM 96032
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:把 輕鬆 交給 我 / 豹妹 與 吳桐 -- play
Don't break my heart / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊 -- play
許多 天 來 我 很 難過 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊 -- play
我 自己 被 自己 欺騙 / 豹妹 (李曉燕) -- play
Take Care / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊 -- play
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊 -- play
不能 不 說 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊 -- play
愛情 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊 -- play
相 伴 到 永遠 / 豹妹 (李曉燕) -- play
Related names:豹妹 [演唱]  Pao-mei [perf.]
吳桐 [詞曲, 演唱]  Wu T'ung [lyrics, comp., perf.]
輪迴樂隊 [演唱]  Lun-hui yüeh-tui [perf.]
竇唯 [詞曲, 演唱]  Tou Wei [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - China

Shelfmark:4261-1576 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:搖滾柔情 : 搖滾十年柔情經典 / 竇唯 / 黑豹樂隊 ; 吳桐 / 輪迴樂隊 ; 豹妹 = 李曉燕
Yao-kun jou-ch'ing : yao-kun shih nien jou-ch'ing ching-tien / Tou Wei / Hei Pao yüeh-tui ; Wu-t'ung / Lun-hui yüeh-tui ; Pao-mei = Li Hsiao-yen
[Pei-ching] : Kuo-chi wen-hua chiao-liu yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she
Description:1 sound casstte (48:38 min) : analog, stereo
Series:正大國際 ; IAM 96032
Cheng-ta kuo-chi ; IAM 96032
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:把 輕鬆 交給 我 / 豹妹 與 吳桐
Don't break my heart / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊
許多 天 來 我 很 難過 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊
我 自己 被 自己 欺騙 / 豹妹 (李曉燕)
Take Care / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 竇唯 與 黑豹樂隊
不能 不 說 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊
愛情 / 吳桐 與 Again 樂隊
相 伴 到 永遠 / 豹妹 (李曉燕)
Related names:豹妹 [演唱]  Pao-mei [perf.]
吳桐 [詞曲, 演唱]  Wu T'ung [lyrics, comp., perf.]
輪迴樂隊 [演唱]  Lun-hui yüeh-tui [perf.]
竇唯 [詞曲, 演唱]  Tou Wei [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - China

Shelfmark:4261-1850 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:搖滾之愛 / 竇唯, 唐朝, 張楚, 何勇, 黑豹
Yao-kun chih ai / Tou Wei, T'ang-ch'ao, Chang Ch'u, Ho Yung, Hei-pao
Avail. vol.:1
Published:上海 : 上海音像出版社, 2003
Shang-hai : Shang-hai yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2003
Description:1 sound disc (2 v.) (70:00 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 黑豹
艷陽 天 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯
飛翔 鳥 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝
姊姊 / 詞曲: 張楚 ; 演唱: 張楚
別 去 糟蹋 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 黑豹
感覺 時刻 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯
太陽 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝
姑娘 漂亮 / 詞曲: 何勇 ; 演唱: 何勇
上帝 保佑 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯
孤獨 的 人 是 可恥 的 / 詞曲: 張楚 ; 演唱: 張楚
開心 電話 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯
月 夢 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝
鐘鼓樓 / 詞曲: 何勇 ; 演唱: 何勇
窗外 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯
Related names:竇唯 [演唱, 詞曲]  Tou Wei [perf., comp., lyr.]
唐朝樂隊 [演奏, 詞曲]  T'ang-ch'ao yüeh-tui [perf., comp., lyr.]
張楚 [演唱, 詞曲]  Chang Ch'u [perf., comp., lyr.]
何勇 [演唱, 詞曲]  Ho Yung [perf., comp., lyr.]
Parallel Title:Chinese fine in rock's roll
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2003 - China

Material:Computer file
Title:搖滾之愛 / 竇唯, 唐朝, 張楚, 何勇, 黑豹
Yao-kun chih ai / Tou Wei, T'ang-ch'ao, Chang Ch'u, Ho Yung, Hei-pao
Avail. vol.:1
Published:上海 : 上海音像出版社, 2003
Shang-hai : Shang-hai yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2003
Description:1 MP3 file (2 v.) (70:00 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 黑豹 -- play
艷陽 天 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯 -- play
飛翔 鳥 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝 -- play
姊姊 / 詞曲: 張楚 ; 演唱: 張楚 -- play
別 去 糟蹋 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 黑豹 -- play
感覺 時刻 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯 -- play
太陽 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝 -- play
姑娘 漂亮 / 詞曲: 何勇 ; 演唱: 何勇 -- play
上帝 保佑 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯 -- play
孤獨 的 人 是 可恥 的 / 詞曲: 張楚 ; 演唱: 張楚 -- play
開心 電話 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯 -- play
月 夢 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝 -- play
鐘鼓樓 / 詞曲: 何勇 ; 演唱: 何勇 -- play
窗外 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯 -- play
Related names:竇唯 [演唱, 詞曲]  Tou Wei [perf., comp., lyr.]
唐朝樂隊 [演奏, 詞曲]  T'ang-ch'ao yüeh-tui [perf., comp., lyr.]
張楚 [演唱, 詞曲]  Chang Ch'u [perf., comp., lyr.]
何勇 [演唱, 詞曲]  Ho Yung [perf., comp., lyr.]
Parallel Title:Chinese fine in rock's roll
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2003 - China

Shelfmark:4261-1850 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:搖滾之愛 / 竇唯, 唐朝, 張楚, 何勇, 黑豹
Yao-kun chih ai / Tou Wei, T'ang-ch'ao, Chang Ch'u, Ho Yung, Hei-pao
Avail. vol.:1
Published:上海 : 上海音像出版社, 2003
Shang-hai : Shang-hai yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2003
Description:1 sound disc (2 v.) (70:00 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 黑豹
艷陽 天 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯
飛翔 鳥 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝
姊姊 / 詞曲: 張楚 ; 演唱: 張楚
別 去 糟蹋 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 黑豹
感覺 時刻 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯
太陽 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝
姑娘 漂亮 / 詞曲: 何勇 ; 演唱: 何勇
上帝 保佑 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯
孤獨 的 人 是 可恥 的 / 詞曲: 張楚 ; 演唱: 張楚
開心 電話 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯
月 夢 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝
鐘鼓樓 / 詞曲: 何勇 ; 演唱: 何勇
窗外 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯
Related names:竇唯 [演唱, 詞曲]  Tou Wei [perf., comp., lyr.]
唐朝樂隊 [演奏, 詞曲]  T'ang-ch'ao yüeh-tui [perf., comp., lyr.]
張楚 [演唱, 詞曲]  Chang Ch'u [perf., comp., lyr.]
何勇 [演唱, 詞曲]  Ho Yung [perf., comp., lyr.]
Parallel Title:Chinese fine in rock's roll
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2003 - China

Material:Computer file
Title:搖滾之愛 / 竇唯, 唐朝, 張楚, 何勇, 黑豹
Yao-kun chih ai / Tou Wei, T'ang-ch'ao, Chang Ch'u, Ho Yung, Hei-pao
Avail. vol.:1
Published:上海 : 上海音像出版社, 2003
Shang-hai : Shang-hai yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2003
Description:1 MP3 file (2 v.) (70:00 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Don't break my heart / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 黑豹 -- play
艷陽 天 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯 -- play
飛翔 鳥 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝 -- play
姊姊 / 詞曲: 張楚 ; 演唱: 張楚 -- play
別 去 糟蹋 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 黑豹 -- play
感覺 時刻 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯 -- play
太陽 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝 -- play
姑娘 漂亮 / 詞曲: 何勇 ; 演唱: 何勇 -- play
上帝 保佑 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯 -- play
孤獨 的 人 是 可恥 的 / 詞曲: 張楚 ; 演唱: 張楚 -- play
開心 電話 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯 -- play
月 夢 / 詞曲: 唐朝 ; 演唱: 唐朝 -- play
鐘鼓樓 / 詞曲: 何勇 ; 演唱: 何勇 -- play
窗外 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 演唱: 竇唯 -- play
Related names:竇唯 [演唱, 詞曲]  Tou Wei [perf., comp., lyr.]
唐朝樂隊 [演奏, 詞曲]  T'ang-ch'ao yüeh-tui [perf., comp., lyr.]
張楚 [演唱, 詞曲]  Chang Ch'u [perf., comp., lyr.]
何勇 [演唱, 詞曲]  Ho Yung [perf., comp., lyr.]
Parallel Title:Chinese fine in rock's roll
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2003 - China

Shelfmark:4261-1787 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:壹舉兩得 : 2003最新專輯 / 竇唯 + 不一定
I-chü liang-te : 2003 tsui hsin chuan-chi / Tou Wei + Pu-i-ting
Avail. vol.:2
Published:河北 : 河北音像出版社, 2002
Ho-pei : Ho-pei yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2002
Description:1 sound disc (2 v.) (72:00 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:幻 聽
Don't break my heart
豔陽 天 / 詞曲: 竇唯
上帝 保佑 / 詞曲: 竇唯
希望 之 光 / 詞曲: 竇唯
黑色 夢 中
明天 更 漫長 / 詞曲: 竇唯
春 去 春 來 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 編: 竇唯
哪兒 的 事 / 詞曲: 竇唯
噢 乖
三 月 春天 / 詞曲: 竇唯
窗 外 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 編: 竇唯
高級 動物
怕 你 為 自己 流淚
Related names:竇唯, 1969- [演唱, 詞曲, 編曲]  Tou Wei, 1969- [perf., comp., lyr., arr.]
不一定樂隊 [演奏]  Pu-i-ding yüeh-tui [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2002 - China

Material:Computer file
Title:壹舉兩得 : 2003最新專輯 / 竇唯 + 不一定
I-chü liang-te : 2003 tsui hsin chuan-chi / Tou Wei + Pu-i-ting
Avail. vol.:2
Published:河北 : 河北音像出版社, 2002
Ho-pei : Ho-pei yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2002
Description:1 MP3 file (2 v.) (72:00 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:幻 聽 -- play
風暴 -- play
Don't break my heart -- play
豔陽 天 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
上帝 保佑 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
希望 之 光 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
黑色 夢 中 -- play
明天 更 漫長 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
哪呢 -- play
春 去 春 來 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 編: 竇唯 -- play
哪兒 的 事 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
噢 乖 -- play
三 月 春天 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
窗 外 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 編: 竇唯 -- play
高級 動物 -- play
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 -- play
Related names:竇唯, 1969- [演唱, 詞曲, 編曲]  Tou Wei, 1969- [perf., comp., lyr., arr.]
不一定樂隊 [演奏]  Pu-i-ding yüeh-tui [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2002 - China

Material:Computer file
Title:壹舉兩得 : 2003最新專輯 / 竇唯 + 不一定
I-chü liang-te : 2003 tsui hsin chuan-chi / Tou Wei + Pu-i-ting
Avail. vol.:2
Published:河北 : 河北音像出版社, 2002
Ho-pei : Ho-pei yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2002
Description:1 MP3 file (2 v.) (72:00 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:幻 聽 -- play
風暴 -- play
Don't break my heart -- play
豔陽 天 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
上帝 保佑 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
希望 之 光 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
黑色 夢 中 -- play
明天 更 漫長 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
哪呢 -- play
春 去 春 來 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 編: 竇唯 -- play
哪兒 的 事 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
噢 乖 -- play
三 月 春天 / 詞曲: 竇唯 -- play
窗 外 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 編: 竇唯 -- play
高級 動物 -- play
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 -- play
Related names:竇唯, 1969- [演唱, 詞曲, 編曲]  Tou Wei, 1969- [perf., comp., lyr., arr.]
不一定樂隊 [演奏]  Pu-i-ding yüeh-tui [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2002 - China

Shelfmark:4261-1787 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:壹舉兩得 : 2003最新專輯 / 竇唯 + 不一定
I-chü liang-te : 2003 tsui hsin chuan-chi / Tou Wei + Pu-i-ting
Avail. vol.:2
Published:河北 : 河北音像出版社, 2002
Ho-pei : Ho-pei yin-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 2002
Description:1 sound disc (2 v.) (72:00 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics and further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:幻 聽
Don't break my heart
豔陽 天 / 詞曲: 竇唯
上帝 保佑 / 詞曲: 竇唯
希望 之 光 / 詞曲: 竇唯
黑色 夢 中
明天 更 漫長 / 詞曲: 竇唯
春 去 春 來 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 編: 竇唯
哪兒 的 事 / 詞曲: 竇唯
噢 乖
三 月 春天 / 詞曲: 竇唯
窗 外 / 詞曲: 竇唯 ; 編: 竇唯
高級 動物
怕 你 為 自己 流淚
Related names:竇唯, 1969- [演唱, 詞曲, 編曲]  Tou Wei, 1969- [perf., comp., lyr., arr.]
不一定樂隊 [演奏]  Pu-i-ding yüeh-tui [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 2002 - China

Material:Computer file
Title:Text, Tone, And Tune : Parameters of Music in Multicultural Perspective / Bonnie C. Wade
Description:1 MP3 file (78:17 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. For a "List of Selections on the Cassette" see also catalogue --------------. Inconsistent numbering in the original booklet: [4-1] / Song 1 corresponds to a01_01 and so on
Contents/Access:[4-1] Song 1 : Hariyali Tij; [4-2] Song 2 : Maruji; [4-3] Song 3 : Basuk plays dice; [4-4] Song 4 : The son of Nand plays Holi; [4-5] Song 5 : Mohan Nandlal; [4-6] Song 6 : Extract for Dhola epic: Motini's Wedding -- play
[6-1] Short excerpts of informal conversation in men's house; [6-2] Excerpt of "Slow speech"; [6-3] Excerpt of "Origin in maize"; [6-4] Ngatu laren; [6-5] Shout song; [6-6] Excerpt from "Turtle song"; [6-7] Invocation to relieve a child's fever; [6-8] Burity log invocation -- play
[7-1] Tarannum chanting; [7-2] Nauha hymn; [7-3] Salam hymn; [7-4] Matam hymn; [7-5] Na't hymn; [7-6] Qawwali song; [7-7] Ghazal song -- play
[8-1] Kriti : "Knakavanarucira" in the Raga Vareli; [8-2] Kriti : "Endaromahanubhavalu" in the Raga Sri; [8-3] Kriti : "Sri Vine Namaste" in the Raga Kalyani -- play
[10-1] Lithoko followed by mokorotlo; [10-2] Lengae; [10-3] Mohobelo; [10-4] Lesiba; [10-5] Sefela; [10-6] Mokhibo; [10-7] Seoeleoelele -- play
[11-1] Gai Shiah Ge; [11-2] Bah Waiy Bye ji; [11-3] (Without break from No. 2) Dramatic Aria; [11-4] Peking Drum Song; [11-5] West River Drum Song -- play
[12-1] Karam Binti; [12-2] Bir Seren; [12-3] Mage Seren; [12-4] Sohrae Seren; [12-5] Sohrae Seren -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:Wade, Bonnie C. [ed.]

Shelfmark:4260-9350 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Text, Tone, And Tune : Parameters of Music in Multicultural Perspective / Bonnie C. Wade
Description:1 sound cassette (78:17 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. For a "List of Selections on the Cassette" see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. Inconsistent numbering in the original booklet: [4-1] / Song 1 corresponds to a01_01 and so on
Contents/Access:[4-1] Song 1 : Hariyali Tij; [4-2] Song 2 : Maruji; [4-3] Song 3 : Basuk plays dice; [4-4] Song 4 : The son of Nand plays Holi; [4-5] Song 5 : Mohan Nandlal; [4-6] Song 6 : Extract for Dhola epic: Motini's Wedding
[6-1] Short excerpts of informal conversation in men's house; [6-2] Excerpt of "Slow speech"; [6-3] Excerpt of "Origin in maize"; [6-4] Ngatu laren; [6-5] Shout song; [6-6] Excerpt from "Turtle song"; [6-7] Invocation to relieve a child's fever; [6-8] Burity log invocation
[7-1] Tarannum chanting; [7-2] Nauha hymn; [7-3] Salam hymn; [7-4] Matam hymn; [7-5] Na't hymn; [7-6] Qawwali song; [7-7] Ghazal song
[8-1] Kriti : "Knakavanarucira" in the Raga Vareli; [8-2] Kriti : "Endaromahanubhavalu" in the Raga Sri; [8-3] Kriti : "Sri Vine Namaste" in the Raga Kalyani
[10-1] Lithoko followed by mokorotlo; [10-2] Lengae; [10-3] Mohobelo; [10-4] Lesiba; [10-5] Sefela; [10-6] Mokhibo; [10-7] Seoeleoelele
[11-1] Gai Shiah Ge; [11-2] Bah Waiy Bye ji; [11-3] (Without break from No. 2) Dramatic Aria; [11-4] Peking Drum Song; [11-5] West River Drum Song
[12-1] Karam Binti; [12-2] Bir Seren; [12-3] Mage Seren; [12-4] Sohrae Seren; [12-5] Sohrae Seren
Related names:Wade, Bonnie C. [ed.]

Shelfmark:4260-9350 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Text, Tone, And Tune : Parameters of Music in Multicultural Perspective / Bonnie C. Wade
Description:1 sound cassette (78:17 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. For a "List of Selections on the Cassette" see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. Inconsistent numbering in the original booklet: [4-1] / Song 1 corresponds to a01_01 and so on
Contents/Access:[4-1] Song 1 : Hariyali Tij; [4-2] Song 2 : Maruji; [4-3] Song 3 : Basuk plays dice; [4-4] Song 4 : The son of Nand plays Holi; [4-5] Song 5 : Mohan Nandlal; [4-6] Song 6 : Extract for Dhola epic: Motini's Wedding
[6-1] Short excerpts of informal conversation in men's house; [6-2] Excerpt of "Slow speech"; [6-3] Excerpt of "Origin in maize"; [6-4] Ngatu laren; [6-5] Shout song; [6-6] Excerpt from "Turtle song"; [6-7] Invocation to relieve a child's fever; [6-8] Burity log invocation
[7-1] Tarannum chanting; [7-2] Nauha hymn; [7-3] Salam hymn; [7-4] Matam hymn; [7-5] Na't hymn; [7-6] Qawwali song; [7-7] Ghazal song
[8-1] Kriti : "Knakavanarucira" in the Raga Vareli; [8-2] Kriti : "Endaromahanubhavalu" in the Raga Sri; [8-3] Kriti : "Sri Vine Namaste" in the Raga Kalyani
[10-1] Lithoko followed by mokorotlo; [10-2] Lengae; [10-3] Mohobelo; [10-4] Lesiba; [10-5] Sefela; [10-6] Mokhibo; [10-7] Seoeleoelele
[11-1] Gai Shiah Ge; [11-2] Bah Waiy Bye ji; [11-3] (Without break from No. 2) Dramatic Aria; [11-4] Peking Drum Song; [11-5] West River Drum Song
[12-1] Karam Binti; [12-2] Bir Seren; [12-3] Mage Seren; [12-4] Sohrae Seren; [12-5] Sohrae Seren
Related names:Wade, Bonnie C. [ed.]

Material:Computer file
Title:Text, Tone, And Tune : Parameters of Music in Multicultural Perspective / Bonnie C. Wade
Description:1 MP3 file (78:17 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. For a "List of Selections on the Cassette" see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. Inconsistent numbering in the original booklet: [4-1] / Song 1 corresponds to a01_01 and so on
Contents/Access:[4-1] Song 1 : Hariyali Tij; [4-2] Song 2 : Maruji; [4-3] Song 3 : Basuk plays dice; [4-4] Song 4 : The son of Nand plays Holi; [4-5] Song 5 : Mohan Nandlal; [4-6] Song 6 : Extract for Dhola epic: Motini's Wedding -- play
[6-1] Short excerpts of informal conversation in men's house; [6-2] Excerpt of "Slow speech"; [6-3] Excerpt of "Origin in maize"; [6-4] Ngatu laren; [6-5] Shout song; [6-6] Excerpt from "Turtle song"; [6-7] Invocation to relieve a child's fever; [6-8] Burity log invocation -- play
[7-1] Tarannum chanting; [7-2] Nauha hymn; [7-3] Salam hymn; [7-4] Matam hymn; [7-5] Na't hymn; [7-6] Qawwali song; [7-7] Ghazal song -- play
[8-1] Kriti : "Knakavanarucira" in the Raga Vareli; [8-2] Kriti : "Endaromahanubhavalu" in the Raga Sri; [8-3] Kriti : "Sri Vine Namaste" in the Raga Kalyani -- play
[10-1] Lithoko followed by mokorotlo; [10-2] Lengae; [10-3] Mohobelo; [10-4] Lesiba; [10-5] Sefela; [10-6] Mokhibo; [10-7] Seoeleoelele -- play
[11-1] Gai Shiah Ge; [11-2] Bah Waiy Bye ji; [11-3] (Without break from No. 2) Dramatic Aria; [11-4] Peking Drum Song; [11-5] West River Drum Song -- play
[12-1] Karam Binti; [12-2] Bir Seren; [12-3] Mage Seren; [12-4] Sohrae Seren; [12-5] Sohrae Seren -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:Wade, Bonnie C. [ed.]

Material:Computer file
Title:Text, Tone, And Tune : Parameters of Music in Multicultural Perspective / Bonnie C. Wade
Description:1 MP3 file (78:17 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. For a "List of Selections on the Cassette" see also catalogue --------------. Inconsistent numbering in the original booklet: [4-1] / Song 1 corresponds to a01_01 and so on
Contents/Access:[4-1] Song 1 : Hariyali Tij; [4-2] Song 2 : Maruji; [4-3] Song 3 : Basuk plays dice; [4-4] Song 4 : The son of Nand plays Holi; [4-5] Song 5 : Mohan Nandlal; [4-6] Song 6 : Extract for Dhola epic: Motini's Wedding -- play
[6-1] Short excerpts of informal conversation in men's house; [6-2] Excerpt of "Slow speech"; [6-3] Excerpt of "Origin in maize"; [6-4] Ngatu laren; [6-5] Shout song; [6-6] Excerpt from "Turtle song"; [6-7] Invocation to relieve a child's fever; [6-8] Burity log invocation -- play
[7-1] Tarannum chanting; [7-2] Nauha hymn; [7-3] Salam hymn; [7-4] Matam hymn; [7-5] Na't hymn; [7-6] Qawwali song; [7-7] Ghazal song -- play
[8-1] Kriti : "Knakavanarucira" in the Raga Vareli; [8-2] Kriti : "Endaromahanubhavalu" in the Raga Sri; [8-3] Kriti : "Sri Vine Namaste" in the Raga Kalyani -- play
[10-1] Lithoko followed by mokorotlo; [10-2] Lengae; [10-3] Mohobelo; [10-4] Lesiba; [10-5] Sefela; [10-6] Mokhibo; [10-7] Seoeleoelele -- play
[11-1] Gai Shiah Ge; [11-2] Bah Waiy Bye ji; [11-3] (Without break from No. 2) Dramatic Aria; [11-4] Peking Drum Song; [11-5] West River Drum Song -- play
[12-1] Karam Binti; [12-2] Bir Seren; [12-3] Mage Seren; [12-4] Sohrae Seren; [12-5] Sohrae Seren -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:Wade, Bonnie C. [ed.]

Material:Computer file
Title:Text, Tone, And Tune : Parameters of Music in Multicultural Perspective / Bonnie C. Wade
Description:1 MP3 file (78:17 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. For a "List of Selections on the Cassette" see also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF. Inconsistent numbering in the original booklet: [4-1] / Song 1 corresponds to a01_01 and so on
Contents/Access:[4-1] Song 1 : Hariyali Tij; [4-2] Song 2 : Maruji; [4-3] Song 3 : Basuk plays dice; [4-4] Song 4 : The son of Nand plays Holi; [4-5] Song 5 : Mohan Nandlal; [4-6] Song 6 : Extract for Dhola epic: Motini's Wedding -- play
[6-1] Short excerpts of informal conversation in men's house; [6-2] Excerpt of "Slow speech"; [6-3] Excerpt of "Origin in maize"; [6-4] Ngatu laren; [6-5] Shout song; [6-6] Excerpt from "Turtle song"; [6-7] Invocation to relieve a child's fever; [6-8] Burity log invocation -- play
[7-1] Tarannum chanting; [7-2] Nauha hymn; [7-3] Salam hymn; [7-4] Matam hymn; [7-5] Na't hymn; [7-6] Qawwali song; [7-7] Ghazal song -- play
[8-1] Kriti : "Knakavanarucira" in the Raga Vareli; [8-2] Kriti : "Endaromahanubhavalu" in the Raga Sri; [8-3] Kriti : "Sri Vine Namaste" in the Raga Kalyani -- play
[10-1] Lithoko followed by mokorotlo; [10-2] Lengae; [10-3] Mohobelo; [10-4] Lesiba; [10-5] Sefela; [10-6] Mokhibo; [10-7] Seoeleoelele -- play
[11-1] Gai Shiah Ge; [11-2] Bah Waiy Bye ji; [11-3] (Without break from No. 2) Dramatic Aria; [11-4] Peking Drum Song; [11-5] West River Drum Song -- play
[12-1] Karam Binti; [12-2] Bir Seren; [12-3] Mage Seren; [12-4] Sohrae Seren; [12-5] Sohrae Seren -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play -- play
Related names:Wade, Bonnie C. [ed.]

Material:Computer file
Title:K Jell / K Jell promo
Published:[s.l.] : October Party Records, 2007
Description:1 MP3 file (05:56 min ; xxx Kb) : digital, stereo
Series:Von Schaper Collection. Digital
Bib. note:For further information see also ML156.2.S33y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:奮 起 突 破 -- play
KKK 帶走 我 的 寶貝 -- play
Related names:K Jell [perf.]
Roaren [perf.]
Jostein [perf.]
BT [perf.]
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Material:Computer file
Title:K Jell / K Jell promo
Published:[s.l.] : October Party Records, 2007
Description:1 MP3 file (05:56 min ; xxx Kb) : digital, stereo
Series:Von Schaper Collection. Digital
Bib. note:For further information see also ML156.2.S33y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:奮 起 突 破 -- play
KKK 帶走 我 的 寶貝 -- play
Related names:K Jell [perf.]
Roaren [perf.]
Jostein [perf.]
BT [perf.]
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4262-4994 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:K Jell / K Jell promo
Published:[s.l.] : October Party Records, 2007
Description:1 sound disc (05:56 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Von Schaper Collection. Sound recordings
Bib. note:For further information see also ML156.2.S33y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:奮 起 突 破
KKK 帶走 我 的 寶貝
Related names:K Jell [perf.]
Roaren [perf.]
Jostein [perf.]
BT [perf.]
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4262-4994 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:K Jell / K Jell promo
Published:[s.l.] : October Party Records, 2007
Description:1 sound disc (05:56 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Von Schaper Collection. Sound recordings
Bib. note:For further information see also ML156.2.S33y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:奮 起 突 破
KKK 帶走 我 的 寶貝
Related names:K Jell [perf.]
Roaren [perf.]
Jostein [perf.]
BT [perf.]
Subjects:Music, Chinese

Shelfmark:4261-1662 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:最瘋狂的搖滾樂 : 中國搖滾樂之最 / 竇唯, 秦勇, 黑豹樂隊
Tsui feng-k'uang te yao-kun-yüeh : Chung-kuo yao-kun-yüeh chih tsui / Tou Wei, Ch'in Yung, Hei-pao yüeh-tui
Avail. vol.:2
Edition:2 v.
Published:廣州 : 廣州市新時代影音公司, 2000
Kuang-chou : Kuang-chou shih hsin shih-tai ying-yin kung-ssu, 2000
Description:1 sound disc (76:16 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:別 來 糾纏 我 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
無地自容 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
Don't break my heart / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
光芒 之 神 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
無 是 無 非 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
放心 走 吧 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
Take care / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
靠近 我 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
海市蜃樓 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
眼光 裡 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
朝 前 走 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
臉譜 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
誰 最 愛 我 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
Related names:竇唯, 1969-  Tou Wei, 1969-
秦勇, 1968-  Ch'in Yung, 1968-
黑豹樂隊  Hei-pao yüeh-tui
Parallel Title:Best rock-and-roll : best famous songs
Subjects:Popular music - 2000- - China

Shelfmark:4261-1662 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:最瘋狂的搖滾樂 : 中國搖滾樂之最 / 竇唯, 秦勇, 黑豹樂隊
Tsui feng-k'uang te yao-kun-yüeh : Chung-kuo yao-kun-yüeh chih tsui / Tou Wei, Ch'in Yung, Hei-pao yüeh-tui
Avail. vol.:2
Edition:2 v.
Published:廣州 : 廣州市新時代影音公司, 2000
Kuang-chou : Kuang-chou shih hsin shih-tai ying-yin kung-ssu, 2000
Description:1 sound disc (76:16 min) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:別 來 糾纏 我 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
無地自容 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
Don't break my heart / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
光芒 之 神 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
無 是 無 非 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
放心 走 吧 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
Take care / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
靠近 我 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
海市蜃樓 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
眼光 裡 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
朝 前 走 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
臉譜 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊]
誰 最 愛 我 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊]
Related names:竇唯, 1969-  Tou Wei, 1969-
秦勇, 1968-  Ch'in Yung, 1968-
黑豹樂隊  Hei-pao yüeh-tui
Parallel Title:Best rock-and-roll : best famous songs
Subjects:Popular music - 2000- - China

Shelfmark:Digitizing in progess
Material:Computer file
Title:Great Indian Rock : The largest and loudest ever / RSJ presents Seagram's fuel CD's
Published:[s.l.] : Entertainment media Services Pvt. Ltd., 2008
Description:1 MP3 file (67:56 min ; xxx Kb) : digital, stereo
Series:Volume 12
Series:Von Schaper Collection. Digital
Bib. note:For further information see also ML156.2.S33y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:Cyanide : Holding cell -- play
Level 9 : The bus song (come on over) -- play
Prophecy : Break em -- play
Slingshot : Country liquor -- play
Frequency : Drown -- play
Scribe : Pomaribegattari -- play
Rainbow Bridge : Banned -- play
Bhayanak Maut : Habemus Papeum -- play
Lucid Recess : Painstaking obsession -- play
Kryptos : Order of the D.N.A. -- play
Something relevant : Harry Mole -- play
Extinct Reflections : Recognize analyze -- play
Zodiac : Economic times -- play
Barefacedliar : Carnation -- play
Undyinginc : Existence filed -- play
Related names:Cyanide [perf.]
Level 9 [perf.]
Prophecy [perf.]
Slingshot [perf.]
Subjects:Music, Indian

Material:Computer file
Title:最瘋狂的搖滾樂 : 中國搖滾樂之最 / 竇唯, 秦勇, 黑豹樂隊
Tsui feng-k'uang te yao-kun-yüeh : Chung-kuo yao-kun-yüeh chih tsui / Tou Wei, Ch'in Yung, Hei-pao yüeh-tui
Avail. vol.:2
Edition:2 v.
Published:廣州 : 廣州市新時代影音公司, 2000
Kuang-chou : Kuang-chou shih hsin shih-tai ying-yin kung-ssu, 2000
Description:1 MP3 file (76:16 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:別 來 糾纏 我 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
無地自容 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
Don't break my heart / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
光芒 之 神 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
無 是 無 非 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
放心 走 吧 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
Take care / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
靠近 我 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
海市蜃樓 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
眼光 裡 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
朝 前 走 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
臉譜 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
誰 最 愛 我 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
Related names:竇唯, 1969-  Tou Wei, 1969-
秦勇, 1968-  Ch'in Yung, 1968-
黑豹樂隊  Hei-pao yüeh-tui
Parallel Title:Best rock-and-roll : best famous songs
Subjects:Popular music - 2000- - China

Shelfmark:4262-7518 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:Great Indian Rock : The largest and loudest ever / RSJ presents Seagram's fuel CD's
Published:[s.l.] : Entertainment media Services Pvt. Ltd., 2008
Description:1 sound disc (67:56 min) : digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in
Series:Volume 12
Series:Von Schaper Collection. Sound recordings
Bib. note:For further information see also ML156.2.S33y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:Cyanide : Holding cell
Level 9 : The bus song (come on over)
Prophecy : Break em
Slingshot : Country liquor
Frequency : Drown
Scribe : Pomaribegattari
Rainbow Bridge : Banned
Bhayanak Maut : Habemus Papeum
Lucid Recess : Painstaking obsession
Kryptos : Order of the D.N.A.
Something relevant : Harry Mole
Extinct Reflections : Recognize analyze
Zodiac : Economic times
Barefacedliar : Carnation
Undyinginc : Existence filed
Related names:Cyanide [perf.]
Level 9 [perf.]
Prophecy [perf.]
Slingshot [perf.]
Subjects:Music, Indian

Material:Computer file
Title:最瘋狂的搖滾樂 : 中國搖滾樂之最 / 竇唯, 秦勇, 黑豹樂隊
Tsui feng-k'uang te yao-kun-yüeh : Chung-kuo yao-kun-yüeh chih tsui / Tou Wei, Ch'in Yung, Hei-pao yüeh-tui
Avail. vol.:2
Edition:2 v.
Published:廣州 : 廣州市新時代影音公司, 2000
Kuang-chou : Kuang-chou shih hsin shih-tai ying-yin kung-ssu, 2000
Description:1 MP3 file (76:16 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original CD is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For further references see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:別 來 糾纏 我 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
無地自容 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
Don't break my heart / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
光芒 之 神 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
無 是 無 非 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
放心 走 吧 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
Take care / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
靠近 我 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
海市蜃樓 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
眼光 裡 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
怕 你 為 自己 流淚 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
朝 前 走 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
臉譜 / 竇唯 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
誰 最 愛 我 / 秦勇 [黑豹樂隊] -- play
Related names:竇唯, 1969-  Tou Wei, 1969-
秦勇, 1968-  Ch'in Yung, 1968-
黑豹樂隊  Hei-pao yüeh-tui
Parallel Title:Best rock-and-roll : best famous songs
Subjects:Popular music - 2000- - China

Shelfmark:4262-7518 CD
Material:Sound recording
Title:Great Indian Rock : The largest and loudest ever / RSJ presents Seagram's fuel CD's
Published:[s.l.] : Entertainment media Services Pvt. Ltd., 2008
Description:1 sound disc (67:56 min) : digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in
Series:Volume 12
Series:Von Schaper Collection. Sound recordings
Bib. note:For further information see also ML156.2.S33y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:Cyanide : Holding cell
Level 9 : The bus song (come on over)
Prophecy : Break em
Slingshot : Country liquor
Frequency : Drown
Scribe : Pomaribegattari
Rainbow Bridge : Banned
Bhayanak Maut : Habemus Papeum
Lucid Recess : Painstaking obsession
Kryptos : Order of the D.N.A.
Something relevant : Harry Mole
Extinct Reflections : Recognize analyze
Zodiac : Economic times
Barefacedliar : Carnation
Undyinginc : Existence filed
Related names:Cyanide [perf.]
Level 9 [perf.]
Prophecy [perf.]
Slingshot [perf.]
Subjects:Music, Indian

Shelfmark:Digitizing in progess
Material:Computer file
Title:Great Indian Rock : The largest and loudest ever / RSJ presents Seagram's fuel CD's
Published:[s.l.] : Entertainment media Services Pvt. Ltd., 2008
Description:1 MP3 file (67:56 min ; xxx Kb) : digital, stereo
Series:Volume 12
Series:Von Schaper Collection. Digital
Bib. note:For further information see also ML156.2.S33y 2009 REF
Contents/Access:Cyanide : Holding cell -- play
Level 9 : The bus song (come on over) -- play
Prophecy : Break em -- play
Slingshot : Country liquor -- play
Frequency : Drown -- play
Scribe : Pomaribegattari -- play
Rainbow Bridge : Banned -- play
Bhayanak Maut : Habemus Papeum -- play
Lucid Recess : Painstaking obsession -- play
Kryptos : Order of the D.N.A. -- play
Something relevant : Harry Mole -- play
Extinct Reflections : Recognize analyze -- play
Zodiac : Economic times -- play
Barefacedliar : Carnation -- play
Undyinginc : Existence filed -- play
Related names:Cyanide [perf.]
Level 9 [perf.]
Prophecy [perf.]
Slingshot [perf.]
Subjects:Music, Indian

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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