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Access: | (downloaded 06-04-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Zhang Weiyuan |
Title: | The evolution of career guidance and counseling in the People's Republic of China / Weiyuan Zhang |
Source: | (2002) |
Description: | 1 html, 1 gif, 4 css files (60 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | This is the print version of the article. |
Subjects: | Education Vocational education |
Access: | (downloaded 13-03-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Leadership shift |
Source: |, The Asahi Shimbun (08 Nov. 2012) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 18 css, 26 gif, 75 html, 1 ico, 321 jpeg, 27 js, 7 png files (11.3 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | In part 3 embedded google map showing the cost of Hsia-men/Amoy missing |
Contents: | Senkaku dispute led to Hu's retraction of retirement plan / Kenji Minemura ; Nozomu Hayashi. -- Xi tried to rebuild China from the bottom up / Nozomu Hayashi. -- Xi showed early interest in Taiwanese political activists / Nozomu Hayashi. -- Xi avoided corruption trap by keeping distance from local officials / Nozomu Hayashi. -- Xi maintains balance between reformists, conservatives / Nozomu Hayashi. -- Li chose political career over chance to study abroad / Kenji Minemura. -- Hu, Li were like brothers during Communist Youth League days / Kenji Minemura. -- Li's rise hits snag over lack of achievements on local level / Kenji Minemura. -- Quick promotion made it difficult for Xi to keep promises with Shizuoka governor / Nozomu Hayashi. -- In secret voting, Xi rose in popularity while Bo fell / Nozomu Hayashi ; Kenji Minemura. -- Party elders, family background pushed Xi to the top / Nozomu Hayashi ; Kenji Minemura |
Subjects: | Government Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang - Congresses China - Politics and government - 21st century Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- Li K'o-ch'iang, 1955- |
Access: | (downloaded 20-10-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Macalister, Terry |
Title: | From Red Guard to blue chip: the making of a merchant banker : Ying Fang's career spans revolution to evolution / Terry Macalister and Luc Torres |
Source: | (6 Sep. 2006) |
Description: | 7 html, 11 gif, 1 jpeg, 2 css, 8 js files (105 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Torres, Luc | |
Subjects: | Business Red Guards Women Expatriates |
Access: | (downloaded 09-03-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Chang Wei-yüan |
Title: | The evolution of career guidance and counseling in the People's Republic of China / Weiyuan Zhang |
Source: | Career Development Quarterly (Mar. 2002) |
Description: | 1 html, 1 gif, 4 css files (59,9 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | Print version |
Hu Hsiao-lu Pope, Mark | |
Subjects: | Education |
Access: | (downloaded 25-06-2010) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Associated Press |
Title: | Celebrity moms making motherhood hot : once career suicide, actresses now easily mixing life in spotlight with kids / Associated Press |
Published: | New York |
Source: | (31 Jan. 2006) |
Description: | 2 aspx, 14 axd, 18 css, 23 html, 28 gif, 48 jpeg, 1 png, 74 js, 3 swf, 1 other file (1,11 MB) |
Series: | »¶¶ý Hot Moms |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing. |
Associated Press | |
Subjects: | Gender Feminism American Actresses Jolie, Angelina, 1975- Pitt, Brad, 1963- |
Access: |,,2099-2409883,00.html (downloaded 10-11-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | DeWoskin, Rachel |
Title: | Wife sentence : China's economic boom has turned the ancient role of the concubine into a lucrative career option. Rachel DeWoskin meets the Prada-clad 'second wives' aiming to get rich before they hit 30 / by Rachel DeWoskin |
Source: | (22 Oct. 2006) |
Description: | 141 html, 36 jpeg, 129 gif, 23 css, 3 dtd, 1 cab, 2 ico, 28 js, 5 png, 4 swf, 1 xml files (3,16 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Society Mistresses Luxury |
Access: | (downloaded 28-10-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Wagner, Wieland |
Title: | Mao on Your Mobile : a New Communist Career Built on the Past / By Wieland Wagner |
Source: | Spiegel Online (12 May 2011) |
Orig. URL: | : |
Description: | 3 css, 5 html, 19 gif, 12 jpeg, 8 js, 74 png files (1.51 MB) |
Series: | Red songs |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kung-chàn-tang China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Propaganda, Communist - China Chongqing (China) Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Po Hsi-lai, 1949- |
Access: | (downloaded 13-04-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Kleinschmidt, Andreas |
Title: | Job zum Dessert / von Andreas Kleinschmidt |
Source: | Der Spiegel (21 Mar. 2005) |
Description: | 1 PDF file (33 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | Career development - China |
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