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Access: (downloaded 09-05-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:張良  Chang Liang
Title:六四,中國民主化必須跨越的門檻 / 作者 張良
Liu-ssu, Chung-kuo min-chu hua pi-hsü k'ua-yüeh te men-k'an / tso-che Chang Liang
Source:Ta-chi yüan 大紀元 (2 Jun. 2002)
Description:1 HTML file
Subjects:China - History - Tiananmen Square Incident, 1989
China - Politics and government - 1976-

(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Shelfmark:4258-6532 ARCHIV
Material:Computer file
Title:The Tiananmen Papers : an Exclusive Interview / CNN senior Asia correspondent Mike Chinoy speaks to Zhang Liang, compiler of "The Tiananmen Papers"
Source:Cable News Network (CNN)
Description:1 HTML file
Related names:Chinoy, Mike [interviewer]
Chang Liang [interviewee]
Subjects:China - History - Tiananmen Square Incident, 1989
China - Politics and government - 1976-
Chang Liang. Chung-kuo "liu ssu" chen-hsiang

(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Shelfmark:4258-6532 ARCHIV
Material:Computer file
Title:The Tiananmen Papers : an Exclusive Interview / CNN senior Asia correspondent Mike Chinoy speaks to Zhang Liang, compiler of "The Tiananmen Papers"
Source:Cable News Network (CNN)
Description:1 HTML file
Related names:Chinoy, Mike [interviewer]
Chang Liang [interviewee]
Subjects:China - History - Tiananmen Square Incident, 1989
China - Politics and government - 1976-
Chang Liang. Chung-kuo "liu ssu" chen-hsiang

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