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Access: (downloaded 03-12-2017)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:張陽疑"被自殺"恐牽出更多"軍老虎" / 世界 日報
Chang Yang i "pei tzu-sha" k'ung ch'ien ch'u keng-tuo "chün lao-hu" / Shih-chieh jih-pao 世界 日報 (29 Nov. 2017)
Orig. URL:
Description:17 css, 2 eot, 5 gif, 17 html, 32 js, 1 jpeg, 164 jpg, 3 php, 33 png, 2 ttf, 3 woff, 4 xml files (19.1 MB)
Corp. body:世界 日報
Shih-chieh jih-pao
Subjects:Corruption (in politics) - China
Corruption - China
Chang Yang, 1951-2017

Access: (downloaded 03-12-2017)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:林庭瑤  Lin T'ing-yao
Title:博聞社:張陽政變流產曾給郭文貴200支槍 / 記者 林庭瑤
Po-wen she: Chang Yang cheng-pien liu-ch'an ts'eng kei Kuo Wen-kui 200 chih ch'iang / Chi-che Lin T'ing-yao 世界 日報 (29 Nov. 2017)
Orig. URL:
Description:16 css, 2 eot, 5 gif, 11 html, 24 js, 1 jpeg, 89 jpg, 3 php, 27 png, 2 ttf, 3 woff, 4 xml files (10.6 MB)
Subjects:Corruption - China
Gun control
Chang Yang, 1951-2017
Kuo Wen-kui, 1967-

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