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Access: (downloaded 02-08-2013)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:老兔子 [pseud.]  Lao t'u-tzu [pseud.]
Title:上海大劇院藝朮課堂歌劇《指環》免費講座 / 老兔子
Shang-hai ta-chü-yüan i-shu k'o-t'ang ko-chü "Chih-huan" mien-fei chiang-tso / Lao t'u-tzu 旺旺網 (11 Jul. 2013)
Orig. URL:
Description:1 css, 33 gif, 7 html, 1 jpeg, 10 js files (424 KB)
Series:Oper auf Chinesisch
Subjects:Opera, German
Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. Der Ring des Nibelungen
Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883 - Performances
Shanghai (China)
Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883

Access: (downloaded 02-08-2013)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:老兔子 [pseud.]  Lao t'u-tzu [pseud.]
Title:上海大劇院藝朮課堂歌劇《指環》免費講座 / 老兔子
Shang-hai ta-chü-yüan i-shu k'o-t'ang ko-chü "Chih-huan" mien-fei chiang-tso / Lao t'u-tzu 旺旺網 (11 Jul. 2013)
Orig. URL:
Description:1 css, 33 gif, 7 html, 1 jpeg, 10 js files (424 KB)
Series:Oper auf Chinesisch
Subjects:Opera, German
Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. Der Ring des Nibelungen
Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883 - Performances
Shanghai (China)
Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883

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