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Access: (downloaded 15-08-2005)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:China media guide / by Danwei
Source:Danwei (7 Aug. 2005)
Description:1 HTML, 2 JScript, 4 GIF, 1 CSS files (102 KB)
Corp. body:Danwei

Access: (downloaded 09-02-2006)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:Media, advertising, and urban life in China / Danwei
Published:Hong Kong : Danwei, 2005
Description:2704 HTML, 1988 JPEG, 87 GIF, 1 MP3, 1 PHP, 4 PNG, 17 PRIMARY, 1 RDF, 1 TIF, 2 XML files (85,4 MB)
Summary:"Danwei is a website about media, advertising, and urban life in China. With frequent reference to and translations from Mainland Chinese media, we publish fresh information about China that you won't find anywhere else. The Chinese word 'Danwei' (³æ¦ì) means 'unit', as in a unit of currency or measurement, or as in 'work unit' - the old term for a state-owned company that was supposed to provide cradle-to-grave employment, housing and medical treatment." (self description)
Corp. body:Danwei
City and town life

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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