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Access: (downloaded 17-12-2004)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:Famous Writers Yu Jie Subpoenaed and Liu Xiaobo Disappeared / China Information Center (13 Dec. 2004)
Description:1 HTML, 4 JPEG, 1 JScript files (122 KB)
Corp. body:China Information Center
Subjects:Censorship - China

Access: (downloaded 23-08-2006)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:程麗紅  Ch'eng Li-hung
Title:從落拓文人到報界聞人 : 對晚清職業報人的群体透視 / 程麗紅
Ts'ung luo-t'uo wen-jen tao pao-chieh wen-jen : tui wan Ch'ing chih-ye pao-jen te ch'ün-t'i t'ou-shih / Ch'eng Li-hung
Source:Chi-lin ta-hsüeh she-hui-hsüeh hsüeh-pao 吉林大學社會學學報, vol. 46, no. 3 (May 2006)
Description:1 pdf file (408 KB)
Related names:劉文山 [編輯]  Liu Wen-shan [ed.]
Parallel Title:From poor literati to famous journalists - perspectives of professional journa lists in the late Qing dynasty
Qing dynasty, 1644-1912

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