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Access: (downloaded 09-06-2004)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:'中國六四真相'編者張良對挑戰者的反駁[獨家專稿] : [獨家專稿] / 多維新聞
'Chung-kuo liu-ssu chen-hsian' pien-che Chang Liang tui t'iao-chan-che te fan-po : [tu-chia chuan-kao] / To-wei hsin-wen
Source:To-wei hsin-wen 多維新聞 (2 Jun.-15 Jun. 2004)
Description:13 HTML, 87 GIF, 13 JPEG files (814 KB)
Loc. note:Available are the six parts of the article.
Corp. body:多維新聞
To-wei hsin-wen
Subjects:China - History - Tiananmen Square Incident, 1989

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