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Access: (downloaded 12-06-2006)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:關于印發"中央企業發展戰略與規划編制大綱(修訂稿)的通知" / 國務院 國有 資產 監督 管理 委員會
Kuan-yü yin-fa "Chung-yang chih-ye fa-chan chan-lüeh yü kui-hua pien-chih ta-kang (hsiu-ting kao)" te t'ung-chih / Kuo-wu-yüan kuo-yu tzu-ch'an chien-tu kuan-li wei-yüan-hui, no. 26 (2006)
Description:4 html, 10 gif, 4 jpeg, 1 doc, 1 swf, 1 cab, 1 css files (1,07 MB)
Corp. body:國務院 國有 資產 監督 管理 委員會
Kuo-wu-yüan kuo-yu tzu-ch'an chien-tu kuan-li wei-yüan-hui
State ownership - China
Government business enterprises - China

Access: (downloaded 12-04-2017)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Wang-luo ch'an-p'in ho fu-wu an-ch'üan shen-ch'a pan-fa (cheng-ch'iu i-chien kao) / China Law Translate China Law Translate (04 Feb. 2017)
Orig. URL:
Description:18 css, 7 eot, 11 gif, 7 html, 13 jpg, 2 js, 13 png, 4 ttf, 3 woff, 4 xml files (1.97 MB)
Corp. body:China Law Translate
Subjects:Internet - China
Mass media - China
Internet - Security measures - China
Computer networks - Security measures

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
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