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Access: | (downloaded 17-02-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Huang, Cary |
Title: | '習近平經濟學'是什麼? ' Hsi Chin-p'ing ching-chi-hsüeh ' shih shen-mo ? / Cary Huang |
Source: | 南早中文 (17 Feb. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 1 htm, 12 jpeg, 10 js, 34 png files (2.62 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | China - Economic conditions - 21st century Structural adjustment (Economic policy) - China Political leadership - China Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- |
Access: | (downloaded 08-08-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Huang, Cary |
Title: | Beijing to give HK media extra freedoms / by Cary Huang |
Source: | South China Morning Post (9 Dec. 2006) |
Description: | 1 ascii file (3 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Journalism Censorship China - Foreign relations - Hong Kong |
Access: | (downloaded 20-04-2015) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Ruan, Victoria |
Title: | Downward pressure on China's economy 'increasing', admits Premier Li Keqiang : Li Keqiang's comments come as the central bank reports a decline in the money supply / Victoria Ruan and Cary Huang |
Source: | South China Morning Post (15 Apr. 2015) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 17 css, 4 eot, 6 gif, 7 html, 2 jpeg, 16 js, 73 png, 1 text, 2 ttf, 2 woff, 2 xml files (3.26 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Huang, Cary | |
Subjects: | China - Economic conditions - 21st century Structural adjustment (Economic policy) - China Investments, Foreign - China Li Keqiang, 1955- |
Access: | (downloaded 11-03-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Huang, Cary |
Title: | Millions pledged to revive Marxism / Cary Huang |
Source: | (21 Jan. 2006) |
Description: | 7 html, 86 gif, 6 css, 2 dtd, 3 jpeg, 2 js, 1 xml files (512 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | Orig. source: South China Morning Post |
Loc. note: | This is an archive page of this blog. For the relevant article scroll down to Saturday,January 21st 2006. |
Subjects: | Government Marxism |
Access: | (downloaded 14-08-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Huang, Cary |
Title: | Political cliques 'violate basic party principles' : government mouthpiece in veiled attack on 'Shanghai Gang' / Cary Huang |
Source: | South China Morning Post (14 Oct. 2006) |
Description: | 1 ascii file (4 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Politics, practical Party discipline - China Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang |
Access: | (downloaded 03-08-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Huang, Cary |
Title: | Hu gets a grip on the PLA / Cary Huang |
Source: | South China Morning Post (1 Aug. 2007) |
Description: | 1 ascii file (9 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Military Chung-kuo jen-min chieh-fang chün Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- |
Access: | (downloaded 19-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Huang, Cary |
Title: | As China's navy grows, end of Deng's dictum of keeping a low profile? : beijing's strategists, in responding to US domination of the oceans, are taking on board the ideas of a 19th century American historian / Cary Huang |
Source: |, Southern China Morning Post (04 Jan. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 17 js, 25 jpeg, 10 html, 5 gif, 6 css, 2 other files (2.25 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | International Relations China - Foreign relations - United States China - Foreign relations - Asia Hu chin-t'ao, 1942- |
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