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You searched for "human rights in china [nov. 1991]"

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Access: (downloaded 11-10-2008)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:White papers of government / [Information Office of the State Council]
Description:1 css, 209 html, 44 gif, 4 jpeg files (2,51 MB)
Contents:White paper on China's national defense in 2002 [9 Dec. 2002]. -- White paper on labor and social security in China [29 Apr. 2002]. -- White paper on rural China's poverty reduction [15 Oct. 2001]. -- White paper on China's space activities [22 Nov. 2000]. -- White paper on Tibetan culture [22 June 2000]. -- White Paper on narcotics control [27 June 2000]. -- National minorities policy and its practice in China [Sep. 1999]. -- China's national defense [July 1998]. -- The development of China's marine programs [July 1998]. -- Human rights in China [Nov. 1991]. -- Criminal reform in China [Aug. 1992]. -- Tibet : its ownership and human rights situation [Sep. 1992]. -- The Taiwan question and reunification of China [Aug. 1993]. -- The situation of Chinese women [June 1994]. -- Intellectual property protection in China [June 1994]. -- Family planning in China [Aug. 1995]. -- The progress of human rights in China [Dec. 1995]. -- The situation of children in China [Apr. 1996]. -- Environmental protection in China [June 1996]. -- The grain issue in China [Oct. 1996]. -- On Sino-US trade balance [Mar. 1997]. -- Progress in China's human rights cause in 1996 [Mar. 1997]. -- Freedom of religious belief in China [Oct. 1997]. -- New progress in human rights in the Tibet Autonomous Region [Feb. 1998]
Corp. body:[Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China]
Subjects:Politics, Practical

Access: (downloaded 11-10-2008)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:White papers of government / [Information Office of the State Council]
Description:1 css, 209 html, 44 gif, 4 jpeg files (2,51 MB)
Contents:White paper on China's national defense in 2002 [9 Dec. 2002]. -- White paper on labor and social security in China [29 Apr. 2002]. -- White paper on rural China's poverty reduction [15 Oct. 2001]. -- White paper on China's space activities [22 Nov. 2000]. -- White paper on Tibetan culture [22 June 2000]. -- White Paper on narcotics control [27 June 2000]. -- National minorities policy and its practice in China [Sep. 1999]. -- China's national defense [July 1998]. -- The development of China's marine programs [July 1998]. -- Human rights in China [Nov. 1991]. -- Criminal reform in China [Aug. 1992]. -- Tibet : its ownership and human rights situation [Sep. 1992]. -- The Taiwan question and reunification of China [Aug. 1993]. -- The situation of Chinese women [June 1994]. -- Intellectual property protection in China [June 1994]. -- Family planning in China [Aug. 1995]. -- The progress of human rights in China [Dec. 1995]. -- The situation of children in China [Apr. 1996]. -- Environmental protection in China [June 1996]. -- The grain issue in China [Oct. 1996]. -- On Sino-US trade balance [Mar. 1997]. -- Progress in China's human rights cause in 1996 [Mar. 1997]. -- Freedom of religious belief in China [Oct. 1997]. -- New progress in human rights in the Tibet Autonomous Region [Feb. 1998]
Corp. body:[Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China]
Subjects:Politics, practical

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