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(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:人文月刊 / 香港人文哲學會
Jen-wen yüeh-k'an / Hsiang-kang jen-wen che-hsüeh-hui
Published:香港 : 香港人文哲學會
Hsiang-kang : Hsiang-kang jen-wen che-hsüeh-hui
Description:HTML, GIF, ASCII files
Collections:Dachs - Journals
Bib. note:Appears monthly.
Loc. note:Available issues: V.1 (Jan.1994)-V.126 (Jun. 2004) V.167 (Nov. 2007) (downloaded monthly). Language code needs to be adjusted.
Corp. body:香港人文哲學會
Hsiang-kang jen-wen che-hsüeh-hui
Philosophy - China

(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:人文月刊 / 香港人文哲學會
Jen-wen yüeh-k'an / Hsiang-kang jen-wen che-hsüeh-hui
Published:香港 : 香港人文哲學會
Hsiang-kang : Hsiang-kang jen-wen che-hsüeh-hui
Description:HTML, GIF, ASCII files
Bib. note:Appears monthly.
Loc. note:Available issues: V.1 (Jan.1994)-V.143 (Nov. 2005) (downloaded 5 Feb. 2005); V.144- (downloaded monthly).
Corp. body:香港人文哲學會
Hsiang-kang jen-wen che-hsüeh-hui
Philosophy - China

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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