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Shelfmark:MT6.T88 P3 1979
Author:曾達聰  Tseng Ta-ts'ung
Title:北曲譜法,音調與字調 / 曾達聰 著
Pei-ch'ü p'u fa, yin-tiao yü tzu-tiao / Tseng Ta-ts'ung chu
Published:臺北 : 文史哲出版社, 民國 68 [1979]
T'ai-pei : Wen-shih-che ch'u-pan-she, 民國 68 [1979]
Description:2, 4, 367 p.
Wen shih che hsüeh chi-ch'eng
Subjects:Music theory - China
Musical analysis
Instrumentation and orchestration
Musical notation

Shelfmark:MT6.T88 P3 1979
Author:曾達聰  Tseng Ta-ts'ung
Title:北曲譜法,音調與字調 / 曾達聰 著
Pei-ch'ü p'u fa, yin-tiao yü tzu-tiao / Tseng Ta-ts'ung chu
Published:臺北 : 文史哲出版社, 民國 68 [1979]
T'ai-pei : Wen-shih-che ch'u-pan-she, 民國 68 [1979]
Description:2, 4, 367 p.
Wen shih che hsüeh chi-ch'eng
Subjects:Music theory - China
Musical analysis
Instrumentation and orchestration
Musical notation

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