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Shelfmark:4260-9301 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:林品晶作品選/瞿小松作品選 / 林品晶, 瞿小松
Lam Bun-ch'ing tso-p'in hsüan ; Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-p'in hsüan / Lam Bunching, Qu Xiaosong
Description:1 sound cassette (87:22 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM17). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Impetus for Chinese orchestra (1987) / Lam Bunching
Spring water (1979) for piccolo flute, trumpet, clarinette and piano / Lam Bunching
Song of deities (1987) concerto for Chinese wind instruments, soloists and Chinese instrumental orchestra / Qu Xiaosong
Wind (1990) concerto for a huqin soloist and Chinese instrumental orchestra / composer: Qu Xiaosong ; soloist: Wang An-yüan, conductor: Ch'en Yu-huang, Hong Kong Chinese Instrumental Orchestra
Stillness (1991) for zheng, yangqin and percussion / Qu Xiaosong
Related names:林品晶, 1954-  Lam Bunching, 1954-
瞿小松, 1955-  Qu Xiaosong, 1955-
Wang An-yüan [perf.]
Ch'en Yu-huang [cond.]
Hong Kong Chinese Instrumental Orchestra

Material:Computer file
Title:林品晶作品選/瞿小松作品選 / 林品晶, 瞿小松
Lam Bun-ch'ing tso-p'in hsüan ; Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-p'in hsüan / Lam Bunching, Qu Xiaosong
Description:1 MP3 file (87:22 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM17). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Impetus for Chinese orchestra (1987) / Lam Bunching -- play
Spring water (1979) for piccolo flute, trumpet, clarinette and piano / Lam Bunching -- play
Song of deities (1987) concerto for Chinese wind instruments, soloists and Chinese instrumental orchestra / Qu Xiaosong -- play
Wind (1990) concerto for a huqin soloist and Chinese instrumental orchestra / composer: Qu Xiaosong ; soloist: Wang An-yüan, conductor: Ch'en Yu-huang, Hong Kong Chinese Instrumental Orchestra -- play
Stillness (1991) for zheng, yangqin and percussion / Qu Xiaosong -- play
Related names:林品晶, 1954-  Lam Bunching, 1954-
瞿小松, 1955-  Qu Xiaosong, 1955-
Wang An-yüan [perf.]
Ch'en Yu-huang [cond.]
Hong Kong Chinese Instrumental Orchestra

Shelfmark:4260-9301 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:林品晶作品選/瞿小松作品選 / 林品晶, 瞿小松
Lam Bun-ch'ing tso-p'in hsüan ; Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-p'in hsüan / Lam Bunching, Qu Xiaosong
Description:1 sound cassette (87:22 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM17). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Impetus for Chinese orchestra (1987) / Lam Bunching
Spring water (1979) for piccolo flute, trumpet, clarinette and piano / Lam Bunching
Song of deities (1987) concerto for Chinese wind instruments, soloists and Chinese instrumental orchestra / Qu Xiaosong
Wind (1990) concerto for a huqin soloist and Chinese instrumental orchestra / composer: Qu Xiaosong ; soloist: Wang An-yüan, conductor: Ch'en Yu-huang, Hong Kong Chinese Instrumental Orchestra
Stillness (1991) for zheng, yangqin and percussion / Qu Xiaosong
Related names:林品晶, 1954-  Lam Bunching, 1954-
瞿小松, 1955-  Qu Xiaosong, 1955-
Wang An-yüan [perf.]
Ch'en Yu-huang [cond.]
Hong Kong Chinese Instrumental Orchestra

Material:Computer file
Title:林品晶作品選/瞿小松作品選 / 林品晶, 瞿小松
Lam Bun-ch'ing tso-p'in hsüan ; Ch'ü Hsiao-sung tso-p'in hsüan / Lam Bunching, Qu Xiaosong
Description:1 MP3 file (87:22 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM17). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Impetus for Chinese orchestra (1987) / Lam Bunching -- play
Spring water (1979) for piccolo flute, trumpet, clarinette and piano / Lam Bunching -- play
Song of deities (1987) concerto for Chinese wind instruments, soloists and Chinese instrumental orchestra / Qu Xiaosong -- play
Wind (1990) concerto for a huqin soloist and Chinese instrumental orchestra / composer: Qu Xiaosong ; soloist: Wang An-yüan, conductor: Ch'en Yu-huang, Hong Kong Chinese Instrumental Orchestra -- play
Stillness (1991) for zheng, yangqin and percussion / Qu Xiaosong -- play
Related names:林品晶, 1954-  Lam Bunching, 1954-
瞿小松, 1955-  Qu Xiaosong, 1955-
Wang An-yüan [perf.]
Ch'en Yu-huang [cond.]
Hong Kong Chinese Instrumental Orchestra

Shelfmark:ML531.M6 1984
Author:Moule, Arthur Christopher, 1873-1957
Title:A list of the musical and other sound-producing instruments of the Chinese / A. C. Moule. Introduction: Harrison Ryker
Edition:corr. repr. of the original edition of 1908
Published:Buren : Frits Knuf, 1989
Description:xvi, 160 p. : ills.
Series:Source Materials in Ethnomusicology ; 3
Bib. note:Includes index
Related names:Ryker, Harrison
Subjects:Musical instruments, chinese

Shelfmark:ML531.M6 1984
Author:Moule, Arthur Christopher, 1873-1957
Title:A list of the musical and other sound-producing instruments of the Chinese / A. C. Moule. Introduction: Harrison Ryker
Edition:corr. repr. of the original edition of 1908
Published:Buren : Frits Knuf, 1989
Description:xvi, 160 p. : ills.
Series:Source Materials in Ethnomusicology ; 3
Bib. note:Includes index
Related names:Ryker, Harrison
Subjects:Musical instruments, chinese

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Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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