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Access: | (downloaded 22-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Mahlmann, Gisela |
Title: | Genosse Massenmörder : Jung Chang und Jon Halliday korrigieren das Bild des "Grossen Vorsitzenden" Mao Tse-tung / von Gisela Mahlmann |
Source: | Die Zeit (17 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 3 HTML, 3 GIF, 1 JPEG, 1 JScript, 1 DTD files (83 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | Biography China - Politics and government - 1949-1976 Heads of state - China - Biography Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 23-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Bumiller, Elisabeth |
Title: | How biography of Mao offers insight into Bush / Elisabeth Bumiller |
Source: | (22 Jan. 2006) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 3 GIF, 1 CSS, 2 JS, 1 noname files (67,1 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Biography China - Politics and government - 1949-1976 Head of state - China - Biography Bush, George W. (George Walker), 1946- Halliday, Jon. Chang, Jung, 1952- |
Access: | (downloaded 31-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Bernstein, Thomas P., 1937- |
Title: | The new leader Mao : the unknown story by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday / Reviewed by Thomas P. Bernstein |
Source: | [s.l.] ([Oct. 2005?]) |
Description: | 1 ASCII file (12,4 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Heads of state - China - Biography Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 31-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Kristof, Nicholas D., 1959- |
Title: | 'Mao' : the real Mao / By Nicholas D. Kristof |
Source: | New York Times (23 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 5 GIF, 14 CSS, 2 JPEG, 12 JScript files (764 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Heads of state - China - Biography Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 20-10-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Grobe, Karl |
Title: | Zertrümmerte Mythen : Jung Chang und Jon Halliday klagen Mao in ihrer "Biographie" eindrucksvoll an, argumentieren aber höchst einseitig / von Karl Grobe |
Source: | Frankfurter Rundschau (20 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 21 GIF, 1 CSS, 4 JScript files (201 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | History Heads of state - China - Biography Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 18-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | French, Howard W., 1957- |
Title: | Putting a knife into heart of the Chairman's legend : review / by Howard W. French |
Source: | (23 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 5 JPEG, 2 GIF, 2 CSS filesd (76,6 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Heads of state - China - Biography Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 04-08-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Chellaney, Brahma |
Title: | Neo-emperor of evil genius / By Brahma Chellaney |
Source: | (4 Sep. 2005) |
Description: | 1 html, 1 gif, 1 jpeg files (25,4 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | This is the print version of this article. |
Subjects: | Persons Books - Reviews Mao: The unknown story Chang Jung, 1952 - Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 31-10-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Levitator [pseud.] |
Title: | To Mao or not to Mao / Levitator |
Source: | The Levitator (Blog) (27 Aug. 2006) |
Description: | 2 html, 2 css, 3 gif, 6 jscript, 1 ascii files (160 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Taiwan Literature Chang Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 15-05-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Wenk, Kirstin |
Title: | Das Ausland ist an allem Schuld : "Haßerfüllte extreme Kräfte": Warum viele Chinesen die Entmythifizierung Mao Tse-tungs ablehnen / von Kirstin Wenk |
Source: | (6 Feb. 2006) |
Description: | 55 html, 55 gif, 9 jpeg, 1 ico, 15 js, 2 css files (2,46 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang Jung, 1952- |
Access: | (downloaded 28-02-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Chang Jung |
Title: | Jung Chang : remembering Mao / Jung Chang |
Source: | BBC Hardtalk Extra (27 June 2005) |
Description: | 1 rm file (6,19 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | Real Player needed to view video. |
Husain, Mishal [int.] | |
Subjects: | Interview Literature Chang Jung, 1952 - |
Access: | (downloaded 28-07-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Heartfield, James |
Title: | Mao: the end of the affair : a new biography by former Maoists Jung Chang and Jon Halliday blames Mao for everything that has gone wrong in China. What are they trying to hide? / by James Heartfield |
Source: | (4 July 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 6 JScript, 1 JPEG, 30 GIF files (129 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Oppression - China Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Heads of state - China - Biography History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 31-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Spence, Jonathan D., 1936- |
Title: | Portrait of a monster / By Jonathan D. Spence |
Source: | New York Review of Books, vol. 52, no. 17 (3 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 1 XML, 1 GIF files (43,8 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Heads of state - China - Biography Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 12-06-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Radtke, Oliver |
Title: | Der Große Vorsitzende als Lord Voldemort : Heidelberger Sinologie-Studenten diskutieren Jung Changs Mao-Biografie / Oliver Radtke |
Source: | (9 Dec. 2005) |
Description: | 4 html, 1 jpeg files (29 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Bib. note: | Original source: Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung. |
Subjects: | Science Chang Jung, 1952- University of Heidelberg Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
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