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Access: (downloaded 30-05-2005)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Kleinman, Arthur
Title:How bodies remember : social memory and bodily experience of criticism, resistance, and delegitimation following China's Cultural Revolution / Arthur Kleinman; Joan Kleinman
Source:New Literary History, vol. 25/1994, no. 3, p. 707-723
Description:1 PDF file (497 KB)
Related names:Kleinman, Joan
Subjects:China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Personal narratives

Access: (downloaded 08-01-2007)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Clarke, Donald C.
Title:New book: "China's psychiatric inquisition" / Donald C. Clarke (4 Jan. 2007)
Description:4 html, 9 pdf, 3 js, 4 gif, 5 jpeg, 1 png, 1 unknown files (698 KB)
Contents:Political psychiatry in post-Mao China and its origins in the cultural revolution. -- Psychiatrists on the side of the angels: the Falun Gong and Soviet jewry. -- The political misuse of psychiatry: an African-Caribbean perspective. -- Psychiatry in its political and professional contexts: a response to Robin Munro. -- Psychiatric abuse of Falun Gong practitioners in China. -- Comparing Soviet and Chinese political psychiatry. -- Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union and in China: complexities and controversies. -- Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union and China: a rough guide for bystanders. -- On the psychiatric abuse of Falun Gong and other dissenters in China: a reply to Stone, Hickling, Kleinman, and Lee
Subjects:Human rights

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