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Material:Computer file
Title:Rome Concert / Bun-Ching Lam
Published:June 25, 1992
Description:1 MP3 file (58:27 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM16). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Bittersweet music I (1981) / Lauren Weiss, piccolo -- play
After spring (1983) / Shihomi Kishida ; Bun-Ching Lam, pianos -- play
L'Air du temps (1991) / Antonio Salvatore, violin ; Marco Rogliano, violin ; Francesco Fiore, viola ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello -- play
Another spring (1988) / Lauren Weiss, alto flute ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello ; Shihomi Kishidi, piano -- play
Last spring (1992) / Antonio Salvatore, violin ; Marco Rogliano, violin ; francesco Fiore, viola ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello ; Bun-Ching Lam, piano
Related names:林品晶, 1954-  Lam Bun-ch'ing, 1954-
Weiss, Lauren [perf., piccolo, alto flute]
Shihomi Kishida [perf., piano]
Salvatore, Antonio [perf., piano]
Rogliano, Marco [perf., violin]

Shelfmark:4260-9300 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Rome Concert / Bun-Ching Lam
Published:June 25, 1992
Description:1 sound cassette (58:27 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM16). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Bittersweet music I (1981) / Lauren Weiss, piccolo
After spring (1983) / Shihomi Kishida ; Bun-Ching Lam, pianos
L'Air du temps (1991) / Antonio Salvatore, violin ; Marco Rogliano, violin ; Francesco Fiore, viola ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello
Another spring (1988) / Lauren Weiss, alto flute ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello ; Shihomi Kishidi, piano
Last spring (1992) / Antonio Salvatore, violin ; Marco Rogliano, violin ; francesco Fiore, viola ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello ; Bun-Ching Lam, piano
Related names:林品晶, 1954-  Lam Bun-ch'ing, 1954-
Weiss, Lauren [perf., piccolo, alto flute]
Shihomi Kishida [perf., piano]
Salvatore, Antonio [perf., piano]
Rogliano, Marco [perf., violin]

Material:Computer file
Title:Rome Concert / Bun-Ching Lam
Published:June 25, 1992
Description:1 MP3 file (58:27 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection. Digital
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM16). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Bittersweet music I (1981) / Lauren Weiss, piccolo -- play
After spring (1983) / Shihomi Kishida ; Bun-Ching Lam, pianos -- play
L'Air du temps (1991) / Antonio Salvatore, violin ; Marco Rogliano, violin ; Francesco Fiore, viola ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello -- play
Another spring (1988) / Lauren Weiss, alto flute ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello ; Shihomi Kishidi, piano -- play
Last spring (1992) / Antonio Salvatore, violin ; Marco Rogliano, violin ; francesco Fiore, viola ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello ; Bun-Ching Lam, piano
Related names:林品晶, 1954-  Lam Bun-ch'ing, 1954-
Weiss, Lauren [perf., piccolo, alto flute]
Shihomi Kishida [perf., piano]
Salvatore, Antonio [perf., piano]
Rogliano, Marco [perf., violin]

Shelfmark:4260-9300 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:Rome Concert / Bun-Ching Lam
Published:June 25, 1992
Description:1 sound cassette (58:27 min) : analog, stereo
Series:C.C. Liu Collection - Musikkassetten
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Barbara Mittler (BM16). See also catalogue ML156.2.M58y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:Bittersweet music I (1981) / Lauren Weiss, piccolo
After spring (1983) / Shihomi Kishida ; Bun-Ching Lam, pianos
L'Air du temps (1991) / Antonio Salvatore, violin ; Marco Rogliano, violin ; Francesco Fiore, viola ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello
Another spring (1988) / Lauren Weiss, alto flute ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello ; Shihomi Kishidi, piano
Last spring (1992) / Antonio Salvatore, violin ; Marco Rogliano, violin ; francesco Fiore, viola ; Luigi Lanzillotta, cello ; Bun-Ching Lam, piano
Related names:林品晶, 1954-  Lam Bun-ch'ing, 1954-
Weiss, Lauren [perf., piccolo, alto flute]
Shihomi Kishida [perf., piano]
Salvatore, Antonio [perf., piano]
Rogliano, Marco [perf., violin]

Shelfmark:4261-1612 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:天外 / 演唱 / 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超
T'ien wai / Yen-ch'ang / Lu Mei-hua, Liu Yin-ying, Shao Chüan-yen, Huo I-ping, Wang Yüan-ch'ao
Published:上海 : 上海聲像出版社, 1999
Shang-hai : Shang-hai sheng-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1999
Description:1 sound cassette (41:24 min) : analog, stereo
Series:滾石聲像 ; SRVC-010
Kun-shih sheng-hsiang ; SRVC-010
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics, further references and biographical sketches see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:誕生 = Birth / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超 ; 詞曲: 張磊
天 外 = Far heaven / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超 ; 做詞: 曾強, 張峰 ; 做曲: 曾強
想 要 就 要 = Go as longing for / 演唱: 劉音穎 ; 做詞: 曹峻, 張磊 ; 做曲: Lauren Christy
感覺 的 惘 = Netted sense / 演唱: 邵雋彥 ; 做詞: 張照 ; 做曲: 李佼華
神秘 來 信 = Anonymous letter / 演唱: 王淵超 ; 詞曲: 王淵超
唱 出來 = Sing / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 肖山, 火一兵, 王淵超, 邵雋彥 ; 做詞: 張磊, 曹峻 ; 做曲: 安棟
雪花 = Snowflake / 演唱: 陸梅華 ; 詞曲: 張磊
菲 你 停留 = Lingering for you / 演唱: 火一兵 ; 詞曲: 火一兵
不 是 乖乖 = No darling / 演唱: 曾強 ; 詞曲: 曾強
躲雨 = Sheltering from the rain / 演唱: 肖山 ; 詞曲: 肖山
聽 我 唱完 這 首 歌 = Music therapy / 演唱: 王淵超, 火一兵, 陸梅華 ; 詞曲: 張磊
Related names:陸梅華 [演唱]  Lu Mei-hua [perf.]
劉音穎 [演唱]  Liu Yin-ying [perf.]
邵雋彥 [演唱]  Shao Chüan-yen [perf.]
火一兵 [演唱]  Huo I-ping [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1999- - China

Material:Computer file
Title:天外 / 演唱 / 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超
T'ien wai / Yen-ch'ang / Lu Mei-hua, Liu Yin-ying, Shao Chüan-yen, Huo I-ping, Wang Yüan-ch'ao
Published:上海 : 上海聲像出版社, 1999
Shang-hai : Shang-hai sheng-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1999
Description:1 MP3 file (41:24 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:滾石聲像 ; SRVC-010
Kun-shih sheng-hsiang ; SRVC-010
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics, further references and biographical sketches see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:誕生 = Birth / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超 ; 詞曲: 張磊 -- play
天 外 = Far heaven / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超 ; 做詞: 曾強, 張峰 ; 做曲: 曾強 -- play
想 要 就 要 = Go as longing for / 演唱: 劉音穎 ; 做詞: 曹峻, 張磊 ; 做曲: Lauren Christy -- play
感覺 的 惘 = Netted sense / 演唱: 邵雋彥 ; 做詞: 張照 ; 做曲: 李佼華 -- play
神秘 來 信 = Anonymous letter / 演唱: 王淵超 ; 詞曲: 王淵超 -- play
唱 出來 = Sing / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 肖山, 火一兵, 王淵超, 邵雋彥 ; 做詞: 張磊, 曹峻 ; 做曲: 安棟 -- play
雪花 = Snowflake / 演唱: 陸梅華 ; 詞曲: 張磊 -- play
菲 你 停留 = Lingering for you / 演唱: 火一兵 ; 詞曲: 火一兵 -- play
不 是 乖乖 = No darling / 演唱: 曾強 ; 詞曲: 曾強 -- play
躲雨 = Sheltering from the rain / 演唱: 肖山 ; 詞曲: 肖山 -- play
聽 我 唱完 這 首 歌 = Music therapy / 演唱: 王淵超, 火一兵, 陸梅華 ; 詞曲: 張磊 -- play
Related names:陸梅華 [演唱]  Lu Mei-hua [perf.]
劉音穎 [演唱]  Liu Yin-ying [perf.]
邵雋彥 [演唱]  Shao Chüan-yen [perf.]
火一兵 [演唱]  Huo I-ping [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1999- - China

Material:Computer file
Title:天外 / 演唱 / 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超
T'ien wai / Yen-ch'ang / Lu Mei-hua, Liu Yin-ying, Shao Chüan-yen, Huo I-ping, Wang Yüan-ch'ao
Published:上海 : 上海聲像出版社, 1999
Shang-hai : Shang-hai sheng-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1999
Description:1 MP3 file (41:24 min ; xxx KB) : digital, stereo
Series:滾石聲像 ; SRVC-010
Kun-shih sheng-hsiang ; SRVC-010
Series:Steen Collection. Digital
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics, further references and biographical sketches see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:誕生 = Birth / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超 ; 詞曲: 張磊 -- play
天 外 = Far heaven / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超 ; 做詞: 曾強, 張峰 ; 做曲: 曾強 -- play
想 要 就 要 = Go as longing for / 演唱: 劉音穎 ; 做詞: 曹峻, 張磊 ; 做曲: Lauren Christy -- play
感覺 的 惘 = Netted sense / 演唱: 邵雋彥 ; 做詞: 張照 ; 做曲: 李佼華 -- play
神秘 來 信 = Anonymous letter / 演唱: 王淵超 ; 詞曲: 王淵超 -- play
唱 出來 = Sing / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 肖山, 火一兵, 王淵超, 邵雋彥 ; 做詞: 張磊, 曹峻 ; 做曲: 安棟 -- play
雪花 = Snowflake / 演唱: 陸梅華 ; 詞曲: 張磊 -- play
菲 你 停留 = Lingering for you / 演唱: 火一兵 ; 詞曲: 火一兵 -- play
不 是 乖乖 = No darling / 演唱: 曾強 ; 詞曲: 曾強 -- play
躲雨 = Sheltering from the rain / 演唱: 肖山 ; 詞曲: 肖山 -- play
聽 我 唱完 這 首 歌 = Music therapy / 演唱: 王淵超, 火一兵, 陸梅華 ; 詞曲: 張磊 -- play
Related names:陸梅華 [演唱]  Lu Mei-hua [perf.]
劉音穎 [演唱]  Liu Yin-ying [perf.]
邵雋彥 [演唱]  Shao Chüan-yen [perf.]
火一兵 [演唱]  Huo I-ping [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1999- - China

Shelfmark:4261-1612 MC
Material:Sound recording
Title:天外 / 演唱 / 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超
T'ien wai / Yen-ch'ang / Lu Mei-hua, Liu Yin-ying, Shao Chüan-yen, Huo I-ping, Wang Yüan-ch'ao
Published:上海 : 上海聲像出版社, 1999
Shang-hai : Shang-hai sheng-hsiang ch'u-pan-she, 1999
Description:1 sound cassette (41:24 min) : analog, stereo
Series:滾石聲像 ; SRVC-010
Kun-shih sheng-hsiang ; SRVC-010
Series:Steen Collection. Sound recordings
Language:chi.; eng.
Bib. note:The original cassette is in the possession of Andreas Steen. For lyrics, further references and biographical sketches see also ML156.2.B36y 2005 REF
Contents/Access:誕生 = Birth / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超 ; 詞曲: 張磊
天 外 = Far heaven / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 邵雋彥, 火一兵, 王淵超 ; 做詞: 曾強, 張峰 ; 做曲: 曾強
想 要 就 要 = Go as longing for / 演唱: 劉音穎 ; 做詞: 曹峻, 張磊 ; 做曲: Lauren Christy
感覺 的 惘 = Netted sense / 演唱: 邵雋彥 ; 做詞: 張照 ; 做曲: 李佼華
神秘 來 信 = Anonymous letter / 演唱: 王淵超 ; 詞曲: 王淵超
唱 出來 = Sing / 演唱: 陸梅華, 劉音穎, 肖山, 火一兵, 王淵超, 邵雋彥 ; 做詞: 張磊, 曹峻 ; 做曲: 安棟
雪花 = Snowflake / 演唱: 陸梅華 ; 詞曲: 張磊
菲 你 停留 = Lingering for you / 演唱: 火一兵 ; 詞曲: 火一兵
不 是 乖乖 = No darling / 演唱: 曾強 ; 詞曲: 曾強
躲雨 = Sheltering from the rain / 演唱: 肖山 ; 詞曲: 肖山
聽 我 唱完 這 首 歌 = Music therapy / 演唱: 王淵超, 火一兵, 陸梅華 ; 詞曲: 張磊
Related names:陸梅華 [演唱]  Lu Mei-hua [perf.]
劉音穎 [演唱]  Liu Yin-ying [perf.]
邵雋彥 [演唱]  Shao Chüan-yen [perf.]
火一兵 [演唱]  Huo I-ping [perf.]
Subjects:Rock music
Popular music - 1999- - China

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