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Material:Sound recording
Hsiang-kang tso-ch'ü-chia kuan-hsien-yüeh tso-ch'ü
Published:香港 : 雨果製作有限公司, 1992
Hsiang-kang : Yü-kuo chih-tso yu-hsien kung-ssu, 1992
Description:1 sound disc (compact disc) : digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in.. + 1 introductory booklet
Performed:Russian Philharmonic Orchestra
Related names:曾葉發, 1952- [作曲]  Tsang, Richard Yip-fat, 1952- [comp.]
羅永暉, 1949- [作曲]  Lo Yung-hui, 1949- [comp.]
陳錦標, 1962- [作曲]  Ch'en Chin-piao, 1962- [comp.]
羅炳良, 1946- [作曲]  Law, Daniel Ping Leung, 1946- [comp.]
陳永華, 1954- [作曲]  Chan Wing-wah, 1954- [comp.]
麥家樂 [指揮]  Mak Ka-lok [cond.]
Parallel Title:Orchestral Works by Hong Kong Composers
Subjects:Tsang, Richard Yip-fat, 1952-
Lo Yung-hui, 1949-
Ch'en Chin-piao, 1962-

Material:Sound recording
Hsiang-kang tso-ch'ü-chia kuan-hsien-yüeh tso-ch'ü
Published:香港 : 雨果製作有限公司, 1992
Hsiang-kang : Yü-kuo chih-tso yu-hsien kung-ssu, 1992
Description:1 sound disc (compact disc) : digital, stereo ; 4 3/4 in.. + 1 introductory booklet
Performed:Russian Philharmonic Orchestra
Related names:曾葉發, 1952- [作曲]  Tsang, Richard Yip-fat, 1952- [comp.]
羅永暉, 1949- [作曲]  Lo Yung-hui, 1949- [comp.]
陳錦標, 1962- [作曲]  Ch'en Chin-piao, 1962- [comp.]
羅炳良, 1946- [作曲]  Law, Daniel Ping Leung, 1946- [comp.]
陳永華, 1954- [作曲]  Chan Wing-wah, 1954- [comp.]
麥家樂 [指揮]  Mak Ka-lok [cond.]
Parallel Title:Orchestral Works by Hong Kong Composers
Subjects:Tsang, Richard Yip-fat, 1952-
Lo Yung-hui, 1949-
Ch'en Chin-piao, 1962-

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Data last updated: 8 April 2008
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