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Access: (downloaded 07-08-2007)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:胡佳  Hu Chia
Title:陳光誠的律師李方平和李勁松在臨沂市遭遇暴力襲擊受傷 / 胡佳
Ch'en Kuang-ch'eng te lü-shih Li Fang-p'ing ho Li Chin-sung tsai Lin-i shih tsao-yü pao-li hsi-chi shou-shang / Hu Chia
Source:Po-hsün (27 Dec. 2006)
Description:3 html, 1 gif, 1 cgi, 3 jscript files (41,8 KB)
Loc. note:For English translation see
Subjects:Human rights

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