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Access: (downloaded 04-05-2018)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:北京航空航天大學三個學院,面向海內外公開遴選院長 / 北京 航空 航天 大學
Pei-ching hang-k'ung hang-tien ta-hsüeh san-ke hsüeh-yüan, mien-hsiang hai-nei wai kung-k'ai lin-hsüan yüan-chang / Pei-ching hang-k'ung hang-tien ta-hsüeh 澎湃 (16 Apr. 2018)
Orig. URL:
Description:10 css, 2 eot, 2 gif, 4 html, 3 js, 10 jpg, 111 png, 1 svg, 2 ttf, 1 woff files (3.25 MB)
Corp. body:北京 航空 航天 大學
Pei-ching hang-k'ung hang-tien ta-hsüeh
Subjects:Education, Higher - China
Academic freedom - China
Science education

Access: (downloaded 29-03-2018)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:總局下發通知遴選5000個影廳組成"人民院線" / 1905 電影 網
Tsung-chü hsia fa t'ung-chih lin-hsüan 5000 ke ying-t'ing tsu-ch'eng "jen-min yüan hsien" / 1905 tien-ying wang 新浪 網 (09 Feb. 2018)
Orig. URL:
Description:12 css, 13 gif, 6 html, 13 js, 30 jpg, 79 png files (1.9 MB)
Corp. body:1905 電影 網
1905 tien-ying wang
Subjects:Motion pictures - China
Mass media - China
Propaganda, Communist - China

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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