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Access: (downloaded 19-06-2015)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:劉欣  Liu Hsin
Title:90後的量化"三觀" : 對時政很冷感,選對象不是顏值最重要 / 劉欣
90 hou te liang-hua "san-kuan" : tui shih-cheng hen leng-kan, hsüan tui-hsiang pu-shih yen-chih tsui chung-yao / lu-ju pien-chi : Liu Hsin
Orig. URL:
Description:4 png, 3 html, 2 css files (176 KB)
Subjects:Culture - China
China - Social conditions - 21st century

Access: (downloaded 29-05-2015)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:劉欣  Liu hsin
Title:90后的量化"三觀":對時政很冷感,選對象不是顏值最重要 / 錄入編輯:劉欣
90-hou te liang-hua "san-kuan": tui shih-cheng hen leng-kan, hsüan tui-hsiang pu-shih yen-chih tsui chung-yao / Lu-ju pien-chi: Liu Hsin 澎湃新聞 (30 Apr. 2015)
Orig. URL:
Description:5 css, 11 html, 27 jpeg, 3 js, 42 png files (1.94 MB)
Subjects:Culture - China
China - Social conditions - 21st century

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