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Access: | (downloaded 05-12-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Ch'en Hsiao-ya |
Title: | Studying Mao Zedong made me "shivering all over though not cold" - Chen Xiaoya / Chen Xiaoya |
Source: | China Digital Times (9 Sep. 2006) |
Description: | 2 html, 1 css, 9 gif, 4 jpeg files (196 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Hsiao Ch'iang | |
Subjects: | History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 09-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ÄÒ³ø : ôªñ¥¦b¤ò¿AªF½Ï¨°Á¿¸Ü¼vÅã¾r¶¿²{¹ê¯à¤O tang-pao : Hsi Chin-p'ing tsai Mao Tse-tung tan-ch'en chiang-hua ying-hsien chia-yü hsien-shih neng-li |
Source: | ·s»D¤¤¤ß (08 Jan. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 11 css, 27 gif, 5 htm, 41 js, 21 jpg, 52 png files (2,94 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Politicians Statesmen - China Socialism - China - History - 21st century Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- |
Access: | (downloaded 01-08-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Volynets, Alexei |
Title: | Towards the history of Maoist dissidence in the Soviet Union : part 1 / an article by Alexei Volynets |
Source: | (25 Jul. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 8 gif, 5 html, 5 jpeg, 7 js, 11 png files (484 KB) |
Series: | Afoniya's blog |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | Translation of "Sovetskie chunvejbiny: "SSSR nuzen Mao Dzedun!"" (10 Jul. 2013) |
Loc. note: | For part 1 see - For Russian text see |
afoniya [pseud.] | |
Subjects: | Soviet Union China - Foreign relations - Soviet Union - Study and teaching Soviet Union - Foreign relations - China - 1949- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 01-08-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Volynets, Alexei |
Title: | Towards the history of Maoist dissidence in the Soviet Union : part 1 / an article by Alexei Volynets |
Source: | (25 Jul. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 6 gif, 7 html, 3 jpeg, 6 js, 16 png files (400 KB) |
Series: | Afoniya's blog |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | Translation of "Sovetskie chunvejbiny: "SSSR nuzen Mao Dzedun!"" (10 Jul. 2013) |
Loc. note: | For part 2 see - For Russian text see |
afoniya [pseud.] | |
Subjects: | Soviet Union China - Foreign relations - Soviet Union - Study and teaching Soviet Union - Foreign relations - China - 1949- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 06-07-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | MacMillan, Margaret |
Title: | Nixon and Mao / By Margaret MacMillan |
Source: | (25 Feb. 2007) |
Description: | html files (22,8 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | International relations United States - Foreign relations - China China - Politics and government - 20th century Nixon, Richard Milhous, 1913-1994 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 18-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | "Eight Musts" : why does Xi's political programme contain? |
Source: | China Copyright and Media |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 7 gif, 287 html, 2 jpeg, 9 js, 52 png files (16.8 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng.; chi. |
China Copyright and Media | |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - Politics and government - 21st century Socialism - China Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Access: | (downloaded 10-08-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Nathan, Andrew J., 1943- |
Title: | The bloody engima : Mao's last revolution / Andrew J. Nathan |
Source: | The New Republic (27 Nov. 2006) |
Description: | 1 pdf file (376 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - History - 1949-1976 MacFarquhar, Roderick Schoenhals, Michael |
Access: | (downloaded 25-08-2010) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¨ÊªF¤j¹ª : Ū¤ò¥D®uªº®Ñ / ºt°Û : ¸³´ð©ø. ¦ñ«µ : ¤ýÄ~¤å, ±i¤j»í Ching-tung-ta-ku : tu Mao Chu-hsi te shu / Yen-ch'ang : Tung Hsiang-k'un. Pan-tsou : Wang Chi-wen, Chang Ta-k'ui |
Source: | (11 Aug. 2009) |
Description: | 3 css, 2 html, 10 gif, 3 jpeg, 12 jpeg, 7 js, 3 swf, 1 flv file (6,73 MB) |
Series: | Songs in praise of Mao |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
¸³´ð©ø, 1927- Tung Hsiang-k'un, 1927- | |
Subjects: | Music Folk Music - China - Pei-ching Opera - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 22-12-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | No support for Taiwan independence, Nixon assured China in 1972 : new documents reveal origins of current U.S. policy / National Security Archive |
Source: | National Security Archive (11 Dec. 2003) |
Description: | 343 HTML, 115 PDF, 10 Cascading Style Sheets, 1696 GIF, 412 JPEG, 27 JScript, 294 WD3 files (69,6 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Contents: | Nixon's Trip to China : records now completely declassified, including Kissinger intelligence briefing and assurances on Taiwan / by William Burr. -- Memorandum of Conversation, 22 February 1972, 2:10 p.m. - 6:10 p.m.. -- Memorandum of Conversation, 23 February 1972, 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.. -- Memorandum of Conversation, 24 February 1972, 5:15 p.m. - 8:05 p.m.. -- Memorandum of Conversation, 23 February 1972, 9:35 a.m. - 12:34 p.m. |
National Security Archive | |
Subjects: | United States - Foreign relations - China Taiwan - Politics and government - 1945- Nixon, Richard Milhous, 1913- Kissinger, Henry Alfred, 1923- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 10-02-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ²ßªñ¥ : ¦b¬ö©À¤ò¿AªF¦P§Ó½Ï¨°120©P¦~®y½Í·|¤WªºÁ¿¸Ü / ´ò«nªÀ¬ì³W¹ººô Hsi Chin-p'ing : tsao chi-nien Mao Tse-t'ung tung-chih tan-ch'en 120 chou-nien tso-t'an-hui shang te chiang-hua / Hu-nan she-k'o kuei-hua wang |
Source: | ´ò«nªÀ¬ì³W¹ººô (14 Jan. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 html, 5 gif, 17 jpeg, 6 js files (736 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
´ò«nªÀ¬ì³W¹ººô Hu-nan she-k'o kuei-hua wang | |
Subjects: | Political leadership Heads of state - China China - History - 1949-1976 Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- |
Access: | (downloaded 21-11-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Scott, James |
Title: | China and the WTO / by James Scott and Rorden Wilkinson |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 pdf file (360 KB) |
Series: | Working paper ; 5 |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | Abstract in eng. and chi. |
Wilkinson, Rorden | |
Indiana University Research Center for Chinese Politics & Business | |
Chung-kuo yü Shih Mao Tsu-chih ¤¤°ê»P¥@¶T²Õ´ | |
Subjects: | Economy China - Foreign economic relations - 21st century World Trade Organization - China |
Access: | (downloaded 20-06-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | T©ó¸ý, 1929- Mao Yü-shih, 1929- |
Title: | T©ó¸ýªº±À¯S : 10.06.2013 / T©ó¸ý Tweets from Mao Yushi : 10.06.2013 / Mao Yü-shih |
Source: | Twitter (2009-2013) |
Description: | 1 pdf file (544 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Tweets and Retweets from 31.12.2009 - 09.06.2013 |
Subjects: | Microblogs |
Access: | (downloaded 23-01-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | From Mao to Mozart : Isaac Stern in China |
Source: | (11 Nov. 1982 [release date]) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 html, 11 avi files (166 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Director: | Lerner, Murray |
Cast: | Stern, Isaac |
Subjects: | Music Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, China, 1966-1976 Stern, Isaac, 1920-2001 |
Access: | (downloaded 27-10-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Karl, Rebecca E. |
Title: | On Women's Labor: : He Zhen, Anarcho-Feminism and Twentieth-Century China in the World / Rebecca E. Karl |
Source: | Labrys (2010) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 7 gif, 3 html files (788 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Women Equality Gender Communism - China Ho Chen, 1884-1920 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | JÀAÀÜ, 1942- Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- |
Title: | JÀAÀܦb¬ö©À¤ò¿AªF½Ï±á110©P¦~®y½ÍªºÁ¿¸Ü / JÀAÀÜ, 1942- Hu Chin-t'ao tsai chi-nien Mao Tse-tung tan-chen 110 chou nien tso-t'an-hui te chiang-hua |
Source: | ¤H¥Áºô |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css file, 10 gif, 2 htm files, 1 js file, 7 jpg files (232 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Political leadership Leadership - China National characteristics, Chinese - History Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- |
Access: | (downloaded 09-02-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Morning Sun : a film and website about Cultural revolution / Long Bow Group |
Source: | Long Bow Group (2003) |
Description: | 505 HTML, 137 JPEG, 120 GIF, 3 CSS, 11 MP3, 72 MOV, 5000 SWF files (128 MB) |
Collections: | |
Summary: | "A range of techniques and perspectives are used in the Morning Sun website to reflect on the origins and history of the Cultural Revolution (c.1964-1976). We approach the period not from a simplistic linear perspective, but from a panoptic one, encompassing a broad overview while allowing the user to focus in on individual histories, narratives and events that reveal the complex contradictory forces that led to an era of unrivalled revolutionary fervor and political turmoil." (self description) |
Language: | eng. |
Contents: | Living revolution. -- Smash the old world. -- Reddest red sun. -- Stages of history. -- The East is red |
Long Bow Group | |
Subjects: | History China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 China - Politics and government - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 26-08-2010) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®uªº®Ñ§Ú³Ì·RŪ / ¶P¤l¤u§@«Ç Mao Chu-hsi te shu wo tsui ai tu / He-tzu kung-tso-shih |
Source: | (2008) |
Description: | 1 css, 1 flv, 32 html, 25 gif, 129 jpeg, 4 png, 6 js, 10 swf files (14,3 MB) |
Series: | Songs in praise of Mao |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
¶P¤l¤u§@«Ç He-tzu kung-tso-shih | |
Subjects: | Music Popular music - China - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-12-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Morning Sun : a film and website about Cultural Revolution / Morning Sun |
Published: | Newton St. : Long Bow Group, Inc., 2003 |
Description: | 504 HTML, 119 GIF, 134 JPEG, 72 MOV, 11 MP3, 500 SWF, 3 CSS, 61 WD3 files (128 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng.; chi. |
Bib. note: | "A range of techniques and perspectives are used in the Morning Sun website to reflect on the origins and history of the Cultural Revolution (c.1964-1976). We approach the period not from a simplistic linear perspective, but from a panoptic one, encompassing a broad overview while allowing the user to focus in on individual histories, narratives and events that reveal the complex contradictory forces that led to an era of unrivalled revolutionary fervor and political turmoil." [self description] This site offers a great amount on quicktime films and interactive flash-sites with filmclips including Chinese and English texts. |
Morning Sun | |
Pa-chiu tien-chung te t'ai-yang ¤K¤E ÂIÁé ªº ¤Ó¶§ | |
Subjects: | China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Theater - China - History |
Access: | (downloaded 18-09-2018) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ²ßªñ¥¬°¿Wµô¾Q¸ô?¤¤°ê±Ð¬ì®ÑÀ°¤ò¿AªF¬~¥ÕºÙ'¤å¤Æ¤j²©R¬O¬°¨¾¤î¸ê¥»¥D¸q´_ÅP' / · ¶Ç´C Hsi Chin-p'ing wei tu-ts'ai p'u-lu? Chung-kuo chiao-k'o shu pang Mao Tse-tung hsi-pai ch'eng 'wen-hua ta ke-ming shih wei fang-chih tzu-pen chu-i fu-pi' / Feng ch'uan-mei |
Source: | · ¶Ç´C (11 Sep. 2018) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 19 css, 6 eot, 5 gif, 500 htm, 65 jpg, 67 js, 8 json, 12 otf, 185 png, 2 ttf, 28 woff, 127 xml files (118 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
· ¶Ç´C Feng ch'uan-mei | |
Subjects: | Leadership - China Education - China - 21st century Children - China Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 22-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Mahlmann, Gisela |
Title: | Genosse Massenmörder : Jung Chang und Jon Halliday korrigieren das Bild des "Grossen Vorsitzenden" Mao Tse-tung / von Gisela Mahlmann |
Source: | Die Zeit (17 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 3 HTML, 3 GIF, 1 JPEG, 1 JScript, 1 DTD files (83 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | Biography China - Politics and government - 1949-1976 Heads of state - China - Biography Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 01-08-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Volynec, Aleksej |
Title: | Sovetskie chunvejbiny: "SSSR nuzen Mao Dzedun!" / Aleksej Volynec |
Source: | Russkaja planeta (10 Jul. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 4 gif, 11 html, 33 jpeg, 17 js, 8 png files (2,39 MB) |
Collections: | |
Loc. note: | For English translation see (part 1) and (part 2) |
Subjects: | Soviet Union China - Foreign relations - Soviet Union - Study and teaching Soviet Union - Foreign relations - China - 1949- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 23-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Bumiller, Elisabeth |
Title: | How biography of Mao offers insight into Bush / Elisabeth Bumiller |
Source: | (22 Jan. 2006) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 3 GIF, 1 CSS, 2 JS, 1 noname files (67,1 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Biography China - Politics and government - 1949-1976 Head of state - China - Biography Bush, George W. (George Walker), 1946- Halliday, Jon. Chang, Jung, 1952- |
Access: | (downloaded 30-03-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | The political evolution of China / Hoover |
Source: | Hoover ([s.a.]) |
Description: | 90 HTML, 97 GIF, 253 JPEG, 2 JScript files (7,54 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | Contents: (1) An ancient civilization; (2) Political evolution of China; (3) Chinese Americans; (4) Chinese treasures |
Contents: | 19th century - the doors open. -- 1900 - The boxer rebellion. -- 1900-1931 - battles for power. -- 1932-1949 - chaos in Asia. -- 1949-1971 - The Mao Empire. -- 1972-1978 - The Bamboo curtain. -- 1979-2001 - An Uneasy alliance. -- China in the 21st Century |
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum |
Access: | (downloaded 25-08-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤ò¿AªF, 1893-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Title: | Worte des Vorsitzenden Mao Tse-tung / Mao Tse-tung |
Description: | 1 word file (411 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - History - 20th century China - Politics and government - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 12-06-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Kampen, Thomas |
Title: | The Zunyi conference and further steps in Mao's rise to power / Thomas Kampen |
Source: | The China Quarterly, no. 117 (Mar. 1989) |
Description: | 1 pdf file (2,09 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-01-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Buckley, Chris |
Title: | Ex-aide to Mao urges China to move toward democracy / by Chris Buckley |
Source: | Political Posts (7 Jan. 2003) |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | Chinese version available at: |
Access: | (downloaded 07-04-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Overholt, William H. |
Title: | China's Party Congress : the new vision / William H. Overholt |
Description: | 1 ASCII file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Political leadership Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang - Congresses China - Politics and government - 21st century Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Access: | (downloaded 12-06-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Kampen, Thomas |
Title: | Wang Jiaxiang, Mao Zedong and the "triumph of Mao Zedong thought" (1935-1945) / Thomas Kampen |
Source: | Modern Asian Studies, vol. 23, no. 4 (1989) |
Description: | 1 pdf file (2,67 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Wang Chia-hsiang, 1906-1974 |
Access: | (downloaded 18-09-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Weathersby, Kathryn |
Title: | New Russian Documents on the Korean War / by Kathryn Weathersby |
Source: | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars ([s.a.]) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 16 GIF, 2 JPEG, 1 CSS files (710 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Korean War, 1950-1953 - Soviet Union Korean War, 1950-1953 - China Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 15-03-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | JÁZ°¶ Hu Chi-wei |
Title: | ¦ñ§g¦p¦ñªê : ¤ò¿AªF¬O«ç¼Ë§â¾H©Ý¹G¤Jµ´¸ô / JÁZ°¶ Pan chün ju pan hu : Mao Tse-tung shih tsen-yang pa Teng T'o pi ju chüeh-lu / Hu Chi-wei |
Source: | (14 Apr. 2001) |
Description: | 1 HTML file (22 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Mass media - China Teng T'o |
Access: | (downloaded 04-12-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Jewish doctor turned 'Buddha savior'under Mao / Yedioth Internet |
Source: | (22 Nov. 2006) |
Description: | 7 html, 24 gif, 5 jpeg, 2 css, 3 js files (155 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Yedioth Internet | |
Subjects: | Biography Jewish refugees - China - Biography Jews - China - Biography China - History -Civil War.1945-1949 - Participation. Jewish Rosenfeld, Jakob, 1903-1952 |
Access: | (downloaded 18-10-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ·¬¾ô¸gÅ窺½Ï¥Í,µo®i»P³Ð·s / ¤H¥Á ºô Feng-ch'iao ching-yen te tan-sheng, fa-chan yü ch'uang-hsin / Jen-min wang |
Source: | ¤H¥Á ºô (11 Oct. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 3 html, 37 gif, 42 jpeg, 13 js, 4 png files (1.15 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | For more information on fengqiao see also Xi Jinping, playing with fire |
¤H¥Á ºô Jen-min wang | |
Subjects: | Communist strategy Education and state - China - History - 20th century Political culture - China - History - 20th century Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang - Party work Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- |
Access: | (downloaded 19-08-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Blecher, Marc |
Title: | China photos / Oberlin |
Source: | Oberlin |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | This site contains real and fake depictions of Mao Zedong's funeral and the 7,000 Cadres Conference in 1962. |
Oberlin online | |
Subjects: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 Liu Shao-ch'i, 1898-1969 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-12-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Color ceramic statues of Cultural Revolution images / West Coast Trading Group |
Source: | (19 Dec. 2007 (date of download)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
West Coast Trading Group | |
Subjects: | Art China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Art and the revolution Ceramics - 20th century - Exhibitions Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 28-04-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | T©ó¸ý, 1929- Mao Yü-shih, 1929- |
Title: | T©ó¸ýªº·s®ö³Õ«È / T©ó¸ý, 1929- Mao Yü-shih te hsin-lang wei po-k'o / Mao Yü-shih |
Source: | ·s®ö³Õ«È (Sep. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Collections: | Dachs - Blog |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Blogs |
Information on name variants (Please follow link for related entries) | |
Mao Yushi |
Access: | (downloaded 18-03-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬ö©À¤ò¿AªF³u¥@¤T¤Q©P¦~1976.9.9-2006.9.9 / ¥_ «C ºô Chi-nien Mao Tse-tung shih-shih san-shih chou-nien 1976.9.9 - 2006.9.9 / Pei Ch'ing Wang |
Source: | ¥_ «C ºô (18 Mar. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 swf, 49 png, 52 js, 140 jpeg, 83 gif, 125 html, 8 css files (6,66 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
¥_ «C ºô Pei Ch'ing Wang | |
Subjects: | History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 06-03-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ±i±áªì Chang Ch'en-ch'u |
Title: | ±i±áªì2007¦~§@ªF¤è¬õ¨t¦C"¬¶¥´¥q¥O³¡,§Úªº¤@±i¤j¦r³ø" / ±i±áªì Chang Ch'en-ch'u 2007 nien tso Tung-fang hung hsi-lieh "p'ao-ta ssu-ling-pu, wo-te i-chang ta-tzu-pao" / Chang Ch'en-ch'u |
Source: | (6 Mar. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 5 html, 12 gif, 8 jpeg, 10 js, 1 jsp, 2 php, 1 png, 1 txt file (606 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 21st century Chang Ch'en-ch'u, 1973- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 23-02-2010) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Suzie [pseud.] |
Title: | Chairman Mao imitation / by Suzie |
Published: | Peking |
Source: | (22 Jun. 2007) |
Description: | 1 txt, 5 png, 6 js, 8 jpeg, 11 gif, 3 html, 2 css, 2 other files (497 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Media Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 14-03-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Becker, Jasper |
Title: | Did China's new leaders take part in a school bloodbath? / by Jasper Becker |
Description: | 1 ASCII file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¾ÞÁa¾Ç¥Í¹F¬Fªv¥Øªº¤òß½Ï : ¥ª¬£²Õ´90Ô°Û¬õ / µÓªG ¤é³ø Ts'ao-tsung hsüeh-sheng ta cheng-chih mu-ti Mao ming tan : Tso-p'ai tsu-shih 90 hou ch'ang hung / P'ing-kuo jih-pao |
Source: | µÓªG ¤é³ø (23 Dez. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 css, 4swf files, 1 flv file, 14 gif, 7 htm, 16 js, 26 jpg, 2 mp4, 132 png files (27,7 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
µÓªG ¤é³ø P'ing-kuo jih-pao | |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - History - 1949-1976 Head of state - China |
Access: | (downloaded 14-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | µû¼@(¤ò¿AªF¦b1960)Äm§°ê¼y¥_¤è¼@³õ¤Wºt / CRI Online °ê»Ú ¦b½u P'ing-chü (Mao Tse-tung tsai 1960) hsien-li kuo-ch'ing pei-fang chü-ch'ang shang-yen / CRI Online Kuo-chi tsai-hsien |
Source: | °ê»Ú ¦b½u (22 Sep. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 7 css, 33 gif, 5 htm, 15 js, 43 jpg, 1 png, 1 swf files (652 KB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
°ê»Ú ¦b½u Kuo-chi tsai-hsien | |
Subjects: | Theater and state Art Leadership - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 16-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¿ù±þ·s¥|x¦W±N°ª·q«F:½±¤¶¥Û§åã¤ò¿AªF¤Ï¹ï / »ñ°Ä ºô Ts'o-sha hsin ssu-chün ming-chiang Kao Ching-t'ing: Chiang Chieh-shih p'i-chun Mao Tse-tung fan-tui / Feng-huang wang |
Source: | »ñ°Ä ºô (06 Nov. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 css, 2 gif, 2 htm, 1 html, 5 js, 12 jpg, 5 png, 1 swf, 1 xhtml files (376 KB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
»ñ°Ä ºô Feng-huang wang | |
Subjects: | Political leadership - China Military - China - Biography China. Chung-kuo jen-min chieh-fang chün Kao Ch'ing-t'ing, 1907-1939 |
Access: | (downloaded 12-12-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Heilmann, Sebastian |
Title: | Mao als blutrünstiges Monster : Biographie von Jung Chang und Jon Halliday / Von Sebastian Heilmann |
Source: | (14 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 4 HTML, 8 CSS, 13 GIF, 10 WD3, 1 JS files (130 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | Mao, Das Leben eines Mannes - Das Schicksal eines Volkes : book review / Jung Chang und Jon Halliday Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday History Heads of state - China - Biography Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 04-04-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤ò¿AªF, 1893-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Title: | ¤é¥»¤H¥Á¤æª§ªº¼vÂQ¬O«Ü²`»·ªº[1] / ¤ò¿AªF; ¶Â¥Ð¹Ø«n Jih-pen jen-min tou-cheng te ying-hsiang shih hen shen-yüan te [1] / Mao Tse-tung; Hei-tien Shou-nan |
Source: | (11 Nov. 2003) |
Description: | 2 html, 9 gif files (84 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
¶Â¥Ð¹Ø«n Kuroda Hisao | |
Subjects: | History History - Japanese - Invasion, 1932 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFµe¶° : ¦~µe / ¬õxºX Mao Tse-tung hua-chi : nien-hua / Hung-chün ch'i |
Source: | (30 Oct. 2011 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Related page - See also |
¬õxºX Hung-chün ch'i | |
Subjects: | Persons Communists - China - Biography Communists - China - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 14-03-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao's poster girl becomes capitalist icon : a former Cultural Revolution role model is now a chief executive overseeing 12 village factories / South China Morning Post |
Source: | South China Morning Post (9 NOv. 2002) |
Description: | 1 ASCII file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
South China Morning Post | |
Subjects: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chiang Tse-min, 1926- Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Access: | (downloaded 21-03-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao's lost children / The Guardian |
Source: | Guardian Unlimited (16 Mar. 2006) |
Description: | 2 css, 6 html, 12 gif, 7 js files (141,7 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | Advertisement missing. |
The Guardian | |
Subjects: | History Long March, 1934-1935 Sun Shu-yün Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 30-12-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Bodeen, Christopher |
Title: | Mao writings mined for tips on capitalism / by Christopher Bodeen |
Source: | Guardian (24 Dec. 2003) |
Orig. URL: |,1280,-3544942,00.html |
Description: | 2 HTML, 7 GIF files (51,7 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Capitalism - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 11-09-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Wu, Zhong |
Title: | Sun Wukong : tough times breed nostalgia for Mao / by Wu Zhong |
Published: | Hong Kong |
Source: | (6 May 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 8 html, 25 gif, 5 js files (474 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Society Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-09-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | [¹aÁn¤U¸ü]·sª©¤ò¥D®u»y¿ý / ·¬¸ Äƹs [Ling-sheng hsia-tsai] hsin-pan Mao chu-hsi yü-lu / Feng-yeh p'iao-ling |
Source: | (8 Aug. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 cab, 2 exe, 5 css, 156 html, 130 gif, 160 jpeg, 20 js, 1 mp3, 3 png, 2 inf, 6 swf files (12,5 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
·¬¸ Äƹs [pseud.] Feng-yeh p'iao-ling [pseud.] | |
Subjects: | Cellular telephones Music Cellular telephones - ring Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 25-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Kenmore dishwasher : Mao / Agency: The Bravo Group, Chicago ; Art Director: Martin Casamayor ; Copywriter: Harry Pujols |
Source: | ([July 2006]) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 11 css, 37 html, 48 gif, 15 jpeg, 6 js, 20 png files (1,1 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Casamayor, Martin [art director] Pujols, Harry [copywriter] | |
Subjects: | Art Commercial art - 21st century Advertising Humor in advertising Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF³ÕÄý / ¬õxºX Mao Tse-tung po-lan / Hung-chün ch'i |
Source: | (30 Oct. 2011 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 zip, 26 pdf, 3 exe, 19 css, 1 class, 54 chm, 3496 html, 554 gif, 5307 jpeg, 1 js, 10 rar, 304 swf, 171 txt, 292 flv, 1371 mp3, 1 mpg, 3415 wma, wmv files (57,4 GB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some links just as some online videos missing |
¬õxºX Hung-chün ch'i | |
Subjects: | Persons Communists - China - Biography China - History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Contemporary Chinese art / Contemporary Chinese art. Expert: William y. Wu |
Source: | (23 Jun. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 pdf file (3,37 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Wu, William Y. | |
Contemporary Chinese art (auction: Saturday, 23 June 2007) | |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 20th century Art, Chinese - 21th century Mao, Zedong, 1893-1976 - Pictorial works |
Access: | (downloaded 22-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao: the unknown story : reviews / China Politics links |
Source: | (2005) |
Description: | 1020 HTML, 211 JPEG, 155 JScript, 2 MP3, 4 RSS, 25 SWF, 2 XML, 1 XLS, 7 X, 1249 GIF, 140 CSS, 1 PDF filesl3 (20,08 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Summary: | Contains a great number of reviews of Jung Chang and Jon Halliday's book Mao: the unknown story. |
Language: | eng. |
Contents: | Jade and plastic / Nathan, Andrew. -- Portait of a monster / Spence, Jonathan. -- The real Mao / Kristoff, Nicholas |
China Politics links | |
Subjects: | Literature Jung Chang |
Access: | (downloaded 09-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ½Þ¤K©j [pseud.] Chu-pa-chieh [pseud.] |
Title: | ¦U¦a"¤ò¥D®u¼q"¤j½LÂI / ºô©ö½×¾Â Ko-ti "Mao chu-hsi miao" ta p'an-tien / Wang i lun-t'an |
Source: | BBC ¤¤¤åºô (27 Sep. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 css, 45 gif, 2 html, 56 jpeg, 12 js, 39 png, 2 swf files (2.89 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
ºô©ö½×¾Â Wang i lun-t'an | |
Subjects: | Religion China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence |
Access: | (downloaded 09-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¹Ï¤ù³ø¹D : ªC¦{·s¤H©çÄá¤å²µ²±B·Ó / BBC ¤¤¤åºô T'u-p'ien pao-tao : Hang-chou hsin-jen p'ai-she wen-k'o chieh-hun chao / BBC chung-wen wang |
Source: | BBC ¤¤¤åºô (27 Sep. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 3 gif, 2 html, 9 jpeg, 2 js files (524 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
BBC ¤¤¤åºô BBC chung-wen wang | |
Subjects: | Society China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence |
Access: | (downloaded 19-12-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬õ¤é·Ó®üªe / ©±¦W:¥Ûªù¬õ®È Hung-jih chao hai-ho / Tien-ming: shih-men hung lü |
Source: | ¤¤°ê¦¬Âüö½u ([n.d.]) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 24 gif, 2 html, 5 jpeg, 6 js files (352 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¥Ûªù¬õ®È Shih-men hung lü | |
Subjects: | Art China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Pictorial works Painting, Chinese - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Wang Huai-ch'i Chung Ch'ang-sheng, 1941- |
Access: | (downloaded 19-12-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¼B¥e¬u Liu Chan-ch'üan |
Title: | B355¬õ¤é·Ó®üªe / ¼B¥e¬u B355 hung-jih chao hai-ho / Liu Chan-ch'üan |
Source: | ²^Ä_ºô (1975) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 gif, 2 html, 3 png files (80 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Art China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Pictorial works Painting, Chinese - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Wang Huai-ch'i Chung Ch'ang-sheng, 1941- |
Access: | (downloaded 18-12-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤å²¬õÄ_®Ñ¥]¥]A / ¤Õ¤Ò¤l ©ç½æ ºô Wen-ko hung-pao shu-pao pao A / K'ung-fu-tzu p'ai-mai wang |
Source: | ¤Õ¤Ò¤l ©ç½æ ºô ([n.d.]) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 14 gif, 4 html, 2 jpeg, 7 js, 2 png files (400 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤Õ¤Ò¤l ©ç½æ ºô Kung-fu-tzu p'ai-mai wang | |
Subjects: | Art China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Collectibles China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Art and the revolution Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-12-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¥Õ¤ò¤k¿}¯È / Pai mao nü t'ang-chih / |
Source: | ([n.d.]) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 1 gif, 2 html, 1 jpeg, 1 js files (44 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. | | |
Subjects: | Art China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Collectibles Theater - China - History - 20th century |
Access: | (downloaded 08-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | 120th anniversary of Mao Zedong / Xinhua |
Source: | (Jan. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng. |
Xinhua | |
Subjects: | Political leadership Heads of state - China China - History - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | [Paintings by Andy Warhol] / Wikipaintings - Visual Art Encyclopedia |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 6 gif, 10 html, 227 jpeg, 3 js, 1 png file (3.8 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Wikipaintings | |
Subjects: | Art Pop art - United States China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Warhol, Andy, 1928-1987 |
Access: | (downloaded 16-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ejun [pseud.] |
Title: | ¥tÃþ¤H¥Í¥v Ling-lei jen-sheng shih / ejun |
Source: | EEonline ¥ì¥ì¦b½u ([n.d.]) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 7 gif, 2 html, 25 jpeg, 1 js, 1 other file (832 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Collectibles Painting, Chinese - 20th century Caricatures Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 20-06-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬¶¥´¥q¥O³¡,1969¦~ / ¸Ñ©ñxµe³øªÀ P'ao ta ssu-ling-pu, 1969 nien / Chieh-fang-chün hua-pao she |
Source: | (20 Nov. 2010) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 5 gif, 2 html, 6 jpeg, 2 js, 9 png, 1 other file (297 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¸Ñ©ñxµe³øªÀ Chieh-fang-chün hua-pao she | |
Subjects: | Art China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Art and the revolution Art and state - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 11-09-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Leaders : asking who is in charge of the universe / University of Westminster |
Source: | (11 Sep. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng.;chi. |
University of Westminster | |
Wen cangmang dadi shei zhu chenfu, Shanghai, 1978 [°Ý »a¯í ¤j¦a ½Ö ¥D ¨I¯B, ¤W®ü, 1978] | |
Subjects: | Art Art and state Politicians - China - 20th century - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-04-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | zcf100 [pseud.] |
Title: | ª§¨ú³Ó§Q2 Cheng-ch'ü sheng-li 2 / zcf100 |
Source: | (24 Sep. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Songs and music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-04-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | The sun / HeidICON (Die Heidelberger Datenbank) |
Source: | (17 Apr. 2012 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 pdf file (3,07 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. ; eng. |
HeidICON | |
Subjects: | Art Art and state - China China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Art and the revolution Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-11-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®uªº®Ñ§Ú³Ì·RŪ Mao Chu-hsi te shu wo tsui ai tu / szmskeva [pseud.] |
Source: | (2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 21 html, 17 gif, 48 jpeg, 23 png, 10 js, 14 swf, 1 flv file (7,05 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
szmskeva [pseud.] | |
Subjects: | Music Popular music - China - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-04-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®uªº®Ñ§Ú³Ì·RŪ / ¤õ¬P¦Ï¤H Mao Chu-hsi te shu wo tsui ai tu / Huo-hsing-yang-jen |
Source: | (3 Feb. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 23 gif, 3 html, 8 jpeg, 15 js, 51 png, 13 swf, 1 flv, 1 mp3 file (4,88 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Sme advertisements missing |
¤õ¬P¦Ï¤H [pseud.] Huo-hsing-yang-jen [pseud.] | |
Subjects: | Music Music - 20th century - Political aspects - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-04-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®uªº®Ñ§Ú³Ì·RŪ / Á¤£¥±` Mao Chu-hsi te shu wo tsui ai tu / Hsieh-pu-p'ing-ch'ang |
Source: | (2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 7 gif, 2 html, 34 jpeg, 7 js, 1 mp4, 9 png, 5 swf, 1 flv file (10 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
Á¤£¥±` [pseud.] Hsieh-pu-p'ing-ch'ang [pseud.] | |
Subjects: | Music Music - China - 20th century Documentary photography - China - History - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-04-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | zcf100 [pseud.] |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®u»y¿ýºq Mao Chu-hsi yü-lu ko / zcf100 |
Source: | (24 Sep. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 html, 41 mp3 files (25,8 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Songs and music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 11-09-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Leaders : Chaiman Mao will always live in our hearts / University of Westminster |
Source: | (11 Sep. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng.;chi. |
University of Westminster | |
N 18 : Mao Zhuxi yongyuan huo zai women xin zhong, Shanghai, 1978 N 18 : ¤ò¥D®u ¥Ã»· ¬¡ ¦b §ÚÌ ¤ß ¤¤, ¤W®ü, 1978 | |
Subjects: | Art Art and state - China Politicians - China - 20th century - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-04-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Familiar situations / HeidICON (Die Heidelberger Datenbank) |
Source: | (17 Apr. 2012 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 pdf file (2,4 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. ; eng. |
HeidICON | |
Subjects: | Art Art and state - China China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Art and the revolution Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 23-03-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ³¯¤jÙy Chen Ta-pin, 1937- |
Title: | 1964¦~12¤ë,¤ò¿AªF±µ¨£³¯¥Ã¶Q(3) / §@ªÌ : ³¯¤jÙy 1964 nien 12 yüeh, Mao Tse-tung chieh-chien Ch'en Yung-kuei (3) / Tso-che : Ch'en Ta-pin |
Source: | (23 Mar. 2011 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | History Dazhai (Shanxi Sheng, China) - History - 20th century Agriculture - China - Ta-chai (Shan-hsi sheng) Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 23-03-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ³¯¤jÙy, 1937- Ch'en Ta-pin, 1937- |
Title: | ¤j¹ë´J¨¥ : "¹A·~¾Ç¤j¹ë"ªº¾ú¥vĵ¤h / ³¯¤jÙy, 1937- Ta-chai yü-yen : "Nung-yeh hsüeh Ta-chai" te li-shih ching-shih / ³¯¤jÙy ÁÛ |
Source: | (1 Jan. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 10 css, 57 html, 163 gif, 18 jpeg, 12 js, 4 other files (2,04 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Politics Agriculture - China - Ta-chai (Shan-hsi Sheng) Da-chai (Shan-hsi sheng, China) - History - 20th century Ch'en Yung-kui, 1915-1986 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 16-11-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Chinese propaganda posters / Pierre-Loïc Lavigne : Poster collector |
Source: | (2011) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | Htmls |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng. |
Contents: | Children. -- Civic duties. -- Culture and science. -- Education and health. -- Heroes. -- Mao and Leaders. -- Military. -- Motherland. -- Movies. -- Peasants. -- Socialism. -- Sports. -- Women. -- Workers |
Lavigne, Pierre-Loïc | |
Subjects: | Media Propaganda, Communist - China Posters, Chinese - 20th century - Pictorial works |
Access: | (downloaded 08-04-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®uªº®Ñ§Ú³Ì·RŪ / §Ö¼Öªº§Úa Mao Chu-hsi te shu wo tsui ai tu / K'uai-le te wo a |
Source: | (11 Aug. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 22 gif, 2 html, 10 jpeg, 15 js, 1 mp4, 51 png, 1 avi file (26 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
§Ö¼Öªº§Úa K'uai-le te wo a [pseud.] | |
Subjects: | Music Music - China - 20th century Opera - China - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-11-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®uªº®Ñ§Ú³Ì·RŪ / °ª¿³ Mao Chu-hsi te shu wo tsui ai tu : chuan-chi : hung t'ai-yang ti 1 chi / Kao-hsing |
Source: | (10 Jul. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 7 html, 1 gif, 18 jpeg, 1 png, 19 js, 4 swf, 1 flv file (5,67 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
°ª¿³ [pseud.] Kao-hsing [pseud.] | |
Subjects: | Music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 26-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | §õµa, 1928- Li Ch'i, 1928- |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®u¨«¹M¥þ°ê / §õµa Mao Chu-hsi tsou-pien ch'üan-kuo / Li Ch'i |
Source: | (21 Mar. 2011) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 7 html, 17 gif, 4 jpeg, 8 js files (516 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
Subjects: | Art Ink painting, Chinese - 20th century Portraits, Chinese Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 26-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | [©ç«È][²{¥Nª©]¤ò¥D®uªº®Ñ§Ú³Ì·RŪ [P'ai-k'e] [Hsien-tai-pan] Mao Chu-hsi te shu wo tsui ai tu / yingyutong |
Source: | (2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 3 html, 16 gif, 9 jpeg, 20 png, 10 js, 5 swf, 1 flv file (5,27 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
yingyutong [pseud.] | |
Subjects: | Music Music - China - 20th century Politicians - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 26-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®uªº®Ñ§Ú³Ì·RŪ : ¦Ê©m½°Ûµ¼Ö¤À¨É©µ°Ñ¼vµøÅw¼Ö¤j®a°Û / ·s®ö µøÀW Mao Chu-hsi te shu wo tsui ai tu : pai-hsing fan-ch'ang yin-yüeh fen-hsiang Yen-ts'an Ying-shih Huan-lo Ta-chia Ch'ang / Hsin-lang shih-p'in |
Source: | ·s®ö µøÀW (21 May 2011) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 3 html, 11 gif, 11 jpeg, 4 png, 14 js, 4 swf, 1 flv file (1,82 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
·s®ö µøÀW Hsin-lang shih-p'in | |
Subjects: | Music Politicians - China - 20th century Music - China - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-11-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ªF¤è¬õ : ºqµü / ³d¥ô½s¿è : ¥Û§Æ Tung-fang hung : ko-tz'u / Tse-jen pien-chi : Shih Hsi |
Source: | |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 2 html, 16 gif, 12 jpeg, 1 js file (174 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Audio in original link disabled |
¥Û§Æ Shih Hsi | |
Subjects: | Music Music and state Music - China - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-03-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¼ï ªö¤Ò P'an Ts'ai-fu |
Title: | "¬õ¤Ó¶§"¼ö¾P,¹S½Z±Hµ¹"¤ò¥D®u" / ¼ï ªö¤Ò "Hung-t'ai-yang" je-hsiao, ch'ou-kao chi-kei "Mao chu-hsi" / P'an Ts'ai-fu |
Source: | (7 Oct. 2008) |
Description: | 4 css, 8 html, 11 gif, 11 jpeg, 7 js, 2 swf files (509 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Music Music - China - 20th century Music - China - 20th century - History and criticism Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-11-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®uªº®Ñ§Ú³Ì·RŪ / ³Íô Mao Chu-hsi te shu wo tsui ai tu / K'ai-ko |
Source: | (2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 21 html, 18 gif, 82 jpeg, 30 png, 10 js, 14 swf, 1 flv file (6,54 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
Cast: | ±i°¶¶i, 1966- Chang Wei-chin, 1966- |
³Íô K'ai-ko [pseud.] | |
Tu Mao Chu-hsi te shu Ū ¤ò¥D®u ªº ®Ñ | |
Subjects: | Music Popular music - China - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 12-05-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Zhang, Erping |
Title: | SARS : unmasking censorship in China / Erping Zhang |
Source: | (11 Aug. 2003) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 bmp, 1 css, 2 html, 10 gif, 10 jpeg files (488 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | SARS (Disease) Comics and cartoons Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 10-12-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ªF¤è¬õ Tung-fang-hung [pseud.] |
Title: | ¬ü¥º§@«~¤¤ªº¤ò¿AªF / ªF¤è¬õ Mei-shu tso-p'in chung te Mao Tse-tung / Tung-fang-hung |
Source: | (10 Sep. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 68 html, 115 gif, 108 jpeg, 1 png, 1 swf, 3 other files (18,6 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Art Art - China - History - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬õ¦âÃÙºq1 : ¬ö©À¤ò¿AªF¦P§Ó½Ï¨°110©P¦~ / ¤¤°ê ¿ýµ ¿ý¹³ ¥Xª© Á` ªÀ Hung-se tsan-ko 1 : Chi-nien Mao Tse-tung t'ung-chih tan-ch'en 110 chou nien / Chung-kuo lu-yin lu-hsiang ch'u-pan tsung she |
Published: | [¤Ñ¬z] : ¤¤°ê¿ýµ¿ý¹³¥Xª©Á`ªÀ, [s.a.] [Tien-chin] : Chung-kuo lu-yin lu-hsiang ch'u-pan tsung she, [s.a.] |
Description: | 12 mp3, 1 pdf file (45:07 min ; 107 MB) : digital, stereo |
Series: | ¬õ¦âÃÙºq ; 1 Hung-se tsan-ko ; 1 |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Bib. note: | The original CD is in the possession of Barbara Mittler. |
Contents: | ªF¤è ¬õ / »¯¤j¦a [ºt«µ]. -- ÃÙºq / ÂĤ¯©I [ºt«µ]. -- ·sæ ¦n / ¦×§¶ ªü¤ì´£ [ºt«µ]. -- ¬E ªá ¶}©ñ ¨¯ºÖ ¨Ó / §f·L [ºt«µ]. -- ½¨ ¹A ¥£ §â ºq °Û / ©Ô©i±¹ [ºt«µ]. -- ©µÃä ¤H¥Á ¼ö·R ¤ò ¥D«× / »¯®ü· [ºt«µ] ; ±i»· [ºt«µ]. -- °Û ¤ä ¤sºq µ¹ ÄÒ Å¥ / ©Ô©æ±¹ [ºt«µ]. -- ¬D ¾á ¯ù¸ ¤W ¥_¨Ê / ¬K¹p [ºt«µ]. -- ªüÊ_ ¤H¥Á °Û ·s ºq / ªü¥®¦· [ºt«µ]. -- ½Ð ¯ù ºq / ¦±¤ñªü³¾ [ºt«µ]. -- ¥_¨Ê ¦³ ¤@ Ó ª÷ ¤Ó¶§ / »¯®ü· [ºt«µ] ; ±i»· [ºt«µ]. -- ¤s ¤¦¤¦ ¶} ªá ¬õ ÆvÆv / ¶ÀµØÄR [ºt«µ] |
»¯¤j¦a [ºt«µ] Chao Ta-ti [perf.] ÂĤ¯©I [ºt«µ] Sa Jen-hu [perf.] ¦×§¶ ªü¤ì´£ [ºt«µ] Jou-tzu A-mu-t'i [perf.] §f·L [ºt«µ] Lü Wei [perf.] La Mu-ts'uo [perf.] Chao Hai-feng [perf.] Chang Yüan [perf.] Ch'un Lei [perf.] A Yu-to [perf.] Ch'ü-pi-a-niao [perf.] Huang Hua-li [perf.] | |
Subjects: | Music, Chinese |
Access: | (downloaded 31-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Bernstein, Thomas P., 1937- |
Title: | The new leader Mao : the unknown story by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday / Reviewed by Thomas P. Bernstein |
Source: | [s.l.] ([Oct. 2005?]) |
Description: | 1 ASCII file (12,4 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Heads of state - China - Biography Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 17-04-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao's pad / Radical Jack |
Source: | (17 Apr. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 gif, 4 js, 1 txt, 1 html file (157 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Radical Jack | |
Subjects: | Computers Hardware Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-11-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Landsberger, Stefan |
Title: | The Mao cult / Stefan Landsberger |
Source: | (17 Nov. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 7 gif, 7 jpeg, 1 html file (283 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Propaganda, Chinese Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 22-05-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | 7729383 [pseud.] |
Title: | ¯R¿Ë®Q¿Ë¤£¦p¤ò¥D®u¿Ë Tieh-ch'in niang-ch'in pu-ju Mao chu-hsi ch'in / 7729383 |
Source: | (Oct. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 avi, 2 css, 26 html, 19 gif, 2 jpeg, 16 js, 7 swf, 1 flv file (20 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Musical settings Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Songs and music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 31-03-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Citroen regrets Mao ad 'insult' / BBC |
Source: | (15 Jan. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 27 css, 15 html, 158 gif, 31 jpeg, 17 js, 32 png, 1 swf, 2 xml, 1 xsl, 2 zzz, 8 other files (1,71 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
BBC | |
Subjects: | Advertising Citroen automobile Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 25-03-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ±i ÆA¬õ [½s] |
Title: | ºô¤Í¤£½Ì¸Ñ³·ÅKÀs´c·d¤ò¥D®u¼s§i : ©è¨î¤§Án¤£µ´ / ½s¿è: ±i ÆA¬õ Wang-yu pu liang-chieh Hsüeh-t'ieh-lung e-kao Mao chu-hsi kuang-kao : ti-chih chih sheng pu-chüeh / pien-chi: Chang Yen-hung |
Source: | (17 Jan. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 html, 5 gif, 16 jpeg, 9 js, 1 png, 4 swf files (392 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Chang Yen-hung [ed.] | |
Subjects: | Blogs Citroen automobile Public opinion - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 25-03-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤ýªÌ¦^Âk Wang Che Hui Kuei |
Title: | ³·ÅKÀs´N¤ò¿AªF¼s§iPºp : "µL¤ß¶Ë®`¤¤°ê¤Hªº·P±¡" / ¤ýªÌ¦^Âk Hsüeh-t'ieh-lung chiu Mao Tse-tung kuang-kao chih-ch'ien : "wu-hsin shang-hai Chung-kuo jen te kan-ch'ing" / Wang Che Hui Kuei |
Source: | (15 Jan. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 swf, 20 js, 72 gif, 6 html, 2 css files (781 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Blogs Citroen automobile Public opinion - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-03-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¨¦Zªº¤ò¿AªF¥@¬É / «C b ¼vµø ºô Mao Tse-tung shen-hou te Mao Tse-tung shih-chieh / ch'ing yüan ying-shih wang |
Source: | (19 Mar. 2009) |
Description: | 1 mp3, 34 jpeg, 36 gif, 3 html, 1 css file (1,13 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Sound missing |
«C b ¼vµø ºô ch'ing yüan ying-shih wang | |
Subjects: | Music Music - China - 20th century Music - China - 20th century - History and criticism Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-04-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬õ¦âÃÙºq¤j¤ñ«÷ / Å] »R ¤Ñ ²P ; °r ³£ ¥¬ ¦ç ; ¤Ñ °ê ¨S ¦³ µ£ ¸Ü Hung-se tsan-ko ta pi-p'in / Mo Wu T'ien Ya [pseud.] ; Ying Tu Pu I [pseud.] ; T'ien Kuo Mei Yu T'ung Hua [pseud.] |
Source: | (27 May 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 swf, 10 js, 5 jpeg, 25 gif, 37 html, 1 css file (1,07 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Å] »R ¤Ñ ²P [½s] Mo Wu T'ien Ya [ed.] °r ³£ ¥¬ ¦ç [½s] Ying Tu Pu I [ed.] ¤Ñ °ê ¨S ¦³ µ£ ¸Ü [½s] T'ien Kuo Mei Yu T'ung Hua [ed.] | |
Subjects: | Music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Musical settings Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-03-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ³\ ±Ó Hsü Min |
Title: | "¬õ¤Ó¶§"¥Ã¤£¸¨,¤£¥i«äijªº²±ªp / ¯S¬ù °OªÌ: ³\ ±Ó "Hung-t'ai-yang" yung pu lo, pu-k'e-ssu-i te sheng-k'uang / t'e-yüeh chi-che: Hsü Min |
Source: | (5 Sep. 2006) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 swf, 2 js, 1 jpeg, 15 gif, 15 html, 3 css, 1 html file (258 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Music Music - China - 20th century - History and criticism Music - China - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Zhang, Lynn |
Title: | Mao's new tailor: Sui Jianguo / by Lynn Zhang |
Source: | (24 Feb. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 php, 2 js, 39 jpeg, 23 gif, 2 html, 1 css file (1,13 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 21st century Art, Chinese - 20th century Sui Chien-kuo, 1956- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤k¤l·Ó¬ÛÃM¤W¤ò¥D®u¶ì¬Û : ºô¤Í«ã¥¸¥i®¢[¹Ï] / MSN ¤¤ ¤å ºô Nü-tzu chao-hsiang ch'i shang Mao chu-hsi su-hsiang : wang-yu nu ch'ih k'o-ch'ih [t'u] / MSN Chung-wen Wang |
Source: | (20 Feb. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 swf, 1 png, 21 js, 39 jpeg, 17 gif, 12 html, 1 css file (770 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
MSN ¤¤ ¤å ºô MSN Chung-wen Wang | |
Subjects: | Society Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Reverence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 26-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ýËxÄá¼v¦b½u®i / ¶® ©÷ ÃÀ¥º®a ºô Wang T'ung she-ying tsai-hsien chan / ya ch'ang i-shu-chia wang |
Source: | |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 33 html, 9 gif, 31 jpeg, 1 js file (1,83 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¶® ©÷ ÃÀ¥º®a ºô ya ch'ang i-shu-chia wang | |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 20th century - Exhibitions Art, Chinese - 21st century - Exhibitions Wang T'ung, 1967- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Contemporary Chinese art / Contemporary Chinese art. Expert: William y. Wu |
Source: | (8 Dec. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 pdf file (2,85 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Wu, William Y. | |
Contemporary Chinese art (auction: Saturday, 8 December 2007) | |
Subjects: | Art Mao, Zedong, 1893-1976 - Pictorial works Art, Chinese - 20th century Art, Chinese - 21th century |
Access: | (downloaded 25-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Bernstein, Amy |
Title: | Mao Chairman Mao : Jim Riswold at Augen Gallery / posted by Amy Bernstein |
Source: | (21 Jan. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 bmi, 1 css, 2 html, 36 gif, 3 jpeg files (374 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Art Art, Modern - 21st century - Exhibitions Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Riswold, Jim, 1957- |
Access: | (downloaded 13-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Richter, Gerhard |
Title: | "Mao" 1968 / Gerhard Richter |
Source: | |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 gif, 1 jpeg, 1 css, 1 html file (34,4 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Art Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 15-03-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ©Ô · ªº ¦Ñ ªd La feng te lao ni [pseud.] |
Title: | ³·ÅKÀs´c·d¤ò¥D®u / ©Ô · ªº ¦Ñ ªd Hsüeh-t'ieh-lung e-kao Mao chu-hsi / La feng te lao ni |
Source: | (14 Jan. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 aspx, 1 css, 5 html, 6 gif, 2 jpeg, 3 js, 1 swf file (285 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Blogs Citroen automobile Public opinion - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 11-09-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Morning sun : a film and website about cultural revolution / Long Bow Group, Inc. |
Source: | (11 Sep. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 29 swf, 1 inf, 6 js, 47 jpeg, 75 gif, 59 html, 5 css, 1 exe file (4,72 MB) |
Series: | The continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng.;chi. |
Long Bow Group, Inc. | |
Subjects: | History China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 China - Politics and government - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 06-09-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Landsberger, Stefan R. |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®u»y¿ý Quotations from Chairman Mao / Stefan R. Landsberger |
Source: | International Institute of Social History |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 724 html, 36 gif, 1 ico, 1339 jpeg, 1 png, 1 swf file (47,3 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng. |
Mao chu-hsi yü-lu ¤ò ¥D®u »y¿ý | |
Subjects: | Website Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 30-06-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | The East is Red / The East is Red. LLC |
Source: | (June 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 162 html, 2 gif, 1 icon, 457 jpeg files (82,3 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Summary: | Website that offers items from the Cultural Revolution, both genuine and reproduced. |
Language: | eng. |
Contents: | Statues. -- Ceramics. -- Silks. -- Cufflinks. -- Everything else!. -- Posters. -- Plaques & signs. -- NEW June 2008!. -- Books. -- Watches & clocks. -- Armbands & flags. -- Chairman Mao busts. -- Pins. -- Records. -- Desk ornaments. -- About us |
The East is Red | |
Subjects: | Website China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Collectibles |
Access: | (downloaded 24-01-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¨S¦³¦@²£ÄÒ´N¨S¦³·s¤¤°ê Mei-yu Kung-ch'an_tang chiu mei-yu hsin Chung-kuo / |
Source: | (3 Oct. 2006) |
Description: | 1 avi file (3,98 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
siuoo [pseud.] [comp.] | | | |
Subjects: | Music Karaoke music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-01-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®u¸U·³!!!!!!! Mao Chu-hsi wan-sui !!!!!!! / |
Source: | (2 Jan. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 avi file (2,91 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | The video is of poor quality. |
3mycookie [pseud.] [comp.] | | | |
Subjects: | Music Karaoke Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 16-01-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ±i§»¹Ï Chang Hung-t'u |
Title: | MoMAO : Museum of My Art Only / Zhang Hongtu |
Source: | (c2001) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 14 css, 156 html, 63 gif, 21 js, 99 jpeg, 2 other files (7,59 MB) |
Series: | A continuous Revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Summary: | "This is Zhang Hongtu/Hongtu Zhang's home page. Each icon below represents the respective categories of my work. Please feel free to click around. Check out the News section which is constantly updated to keep you informed of my activities." (self description) |
Language: | eng. |
Contents: | Soy sauce. -- Mao. -- Fashion. -- Mouse work. -- On-going projects. -- S.Africa workshop. -- Shuffling the deck.... -- News. -- Bibliography. -- Contact. -- Links |
Subjects: | Website Art, Modern - 21st century Parody Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-12-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | °ê»Úºq : ªF¤è¬õ Kuo-chi ko : tung-fang hung / |
Source: | (11 Dec. 2006) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 html, 1 flv file (5,33 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi.; eng. |
Loc. note: | The video is of poor quality. |
tom07ttn [pseud.] [comp.] | | | |
International : the East is red | |
Subjects: | Music China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Songs and music Revolutionary ballads and songs - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-11-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Full text of resolution on CPC Central Committee report : Resolution of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the Report of the 18th Central Committee / Source: Xinhua |
Source: | ·sµØ ³] (24 Oct. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 2 gif, 3 html, 8 js, 3 jpg, 4 png files (560 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
·sµØ ªÀ Hsin-hua she | |
Subjects: | Political leadership - China Communist parties Leadership - China Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ð¬w¹½ T'ang Chou-yen |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¸s«§Î¦¨ªº¾ú¥v¹Lµ{ / ð¬w¹½ Mao Tse-tung ch'ün-chung kuan hsing-ch'eng te li-shih kuo-ch'eng / T'ang Chou-yen |
Source: | ¤¤°ê¦@²£ÄÒ·s»Dºô (28 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 2 html, 14 gif, 16 jpeg, 6 js, 2 png files (596 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Political leadership Heads of state - China China - History - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Information on name variants (Please follow link for related entries) | |
Tang Zhouyan |
Access: | (downloaded 18-12-2015) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬Fªv§½:¹ïÄÒµ´¹ï©¾¸Û¬O³Ì«n¬Fªv¬ö«ß : ¤ò¿AªF´¿n¨DÄÒûn"·í¦Ñ¹ê¤H,Á¿¦Ñ¹ê¸Ü,°µ¦Ñ¹ê¨Æ".¾H¤p¥¤]´¿»¡¹L,¤@Ó²©RªÌ,¬O¤£¬O©¾¤_ÄÒ,©¾¤_¤H¥Á,´N¬O¬Ý¥L¬O¤£¬O¦Ñ¹ê,¬O¤£¬O¹ê¨Æ¨D¬O. / «n¦ Cheng-chi chü: tui tang chüeh-tui chung-ch'eng shih tsui chung-yao cheng-chi chi-lü : Mao Tse-tung ts'eng yao-ch'iu tang-yüan yao "tang lao-shih jen, chiang lao-shih hua, tso lao-shih shih". Teng Hsiao-p'ing yeh ts'eng shuo-kuo, i-ke ke-ming che, shih pu-shih chung-yü tang, chung-yu jen-min, chiu-shih k'an ta shih pu-shih lao-shih, shih pu-shih shih-shih ch'iu-shih. / Nan-tsao |
Source: | «n¦ (24 Nov. 2015) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 6 eot, 2 htc, 3 html, 13 js, 23 jpg, 41 png, 3 ttf, 2 url, 3 woff, 4 xml files (7.68 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
«nµØ ¦³ø ¶°¹Î Nan-hua tsao-pao chi-t'uan | |
Subjects: | China - Politics and government - 21st century Politics Nationalism - China Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- |
Access: | (downloaded 10-07-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Motion picture |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¤~·Ë¶m½Õ¬d¬ö©ÀÀ] / ¥¡µøºô Mao Tse-tung ts'ai hsi-hsiang tiao-ch'a chi-nien-kuan / CCTV |
Source: | ¥¡µøºô (04 Dec. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | Documentary, China. - In Chinese with chin. subtitles 1 vidoefile (1 flv file) (10:00 min) : color |
Series: | ·R§Ú¤¤µØ Ai wo chung-hua |
Collections: | Dachs - Aiwozhonghua |
Language: | chi. |
¥¡µøºô CCTV | |
Subjects: | Motion picture Art, Chinese - 21st century - Exhibitions Television broadcasting - China - History Fujian (China) |
Access: | (downloaded 03-02-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Lawrence Chung |
Title: | ³°«È¹C¥x·R¶R"¸T®Ñ"®Ñ°Ó:4¦~¥b»Ý¨D¦Ü¤Ö¼W¤¿ : ¸Ó¦W¤u§@¤Hûªí¥Ü,¤j³°´å«È±`±`n§äªº®Ñ¥]¬A¤ò¿AªFªº±¡¥v,»¯µµ¶§ªº¯µ±K¤é°O,¤¤°ê¤Q¤jÅv¶Õ®a±Úµ¥. Lu-k'e yu t'ai ai-mai "chin-shu" shu-shang: 4 nien pan hsü-ch'iu chih-shao tseng wu-pei : Kai-ming kung-zuo jen-yüan piao-shih, ta-lu yu-k'e ch'ang-ch'ang yao chao te shu pao-k'uo Mao Tse-tung te ch'ing-shih, Chao Tzu-yang te mi-mi jih-chi, chung-kuo shih ta ch'üan-shih chia-tsu teng. / Lawrence Chung |
Source: | «n¦ ¤¤¤å (06 Jan. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 7 css, 8 eot, 1 file, 2 htc, 12 js, 28 jpg, 45 png, 4 ttf, 2 url, 4 woff, 5 xml files (14.3 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Prohibited books - China Literature Censorship - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 25-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | reccaphoenix [pseud.] |
Title: | Evil Chairman Mao / by reccaphoenix |
Source: | (May 2007) |
Description: | 50 css, 42 html, 13 gif, 7 jpeg, 3 js, 11 png files (2,56 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | Some errors on the page. |
Subjects: | Blogs Pictures Caricatures and cartoons Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 15-06-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | °ªµØ Kao Hua |
Title: | ¬õ¤Ó¶§¬O«ç¼Ë¤É°_ªº : ©µ¦w¾ã·¹B°Êªº¨ÓÀs¥h¯ß / °ªµØ Hung t'ai-yang shih tsen-yang sheng-ch'i te : Yen-an cheng-feng yün-tung te lai-lung ch'ü-mai / Kao Hua |
Source: | (2001-2004) |
Description: | 184 ASP, 1 BMP, 1 CSS, 37 GIF, 102 JPEG files (9 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Bib. note: | Orig. publ.: Hsiang-kang: Chung-wen ta-hsüeh ch'u-pan-she, 2000 |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang - Purges - History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 25-03-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤@ °A ´n »È ¥J I Wen K'ai Yin Tsai [pseud.] |
Title: | ³·ÅKÀs³ºµM´c·d¤ò¥D®u,¥²¶·¹Dºp[¹Ï] / ¤@ °A ´n »È ¥J Hsüeh-t'ieh-lung ching-jan e-kao Mao chu-hsi, pi-hsü tao-ch'ien [t'u] / I Wen K'ai Yin Tsai |
Source: | (14 Jan. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 rss, 1 swf, 6 js, 61 jpeg, 102 gif, 25 html, 7 css, 1 other file (1,63 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Blogs Citroen automobile Public opinion - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 27-03-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤ò¿AªF, 1893-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Title: | ¬°¤H¥ÁªA°È,¬ö©À¥Õ¨D®¦,·M¤½²¾¤s / ¤ò¿AªF, 1893-1976 Wei jen-min fu-wu, Chi-nien Pai Ch'iu-en, Yü-kung i shan / Mao Tse-tung |
Source: | (1 Jun. 2004) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 7 html, 25 gif, 2 jpeg, 1 png, 15 js, 1 swf file (477 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Title page and selling information only |
Subjects: | Politics Propaganda, Communist - China Teleshopping - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 10-05-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Hsüeh Hsin-jan, 1958- |
Title: | Great helmsman's role still has currency / Xinran |
Source: | (5 Sep. 2005) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 8 css, 8 html, 52 gif, 11 jpeg, 20 png, 13 js files (1,82 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Public opinion China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Influence Politicians - China - 20th century - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Waldron, Arthur |
Title: | Mao lives / Arthur Waldron |
Source: | Commentary Magazine (s.a.) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 2 JScript, 3 CSS, 5 GIF files (169 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Literature Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Biography Review Mao: the unknown story Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 11-07-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¥Ù©ó¸ý, 1929- Mao Yü-shih, 1929- |
Title: | ¥Ù©ó¸ýªº±À¯S : 11.07.2013 / ¥Ù©ó¸ý Tweets from Mao Yushi : 11.07.2013 / Mao Yü-shih |
Source: | Twitter (May-Jul. 2013) |
Description: | 1 pdf file (364 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Tweets and Retweets from 30.05.2013-09.07.2013 |
Subjects: | Microblogs |
Access: | (downloaded 17-05-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Cultural Revolution, 50 years on The pain, passion and power struggle that shaped China today : The pain, passion and power struggle that shaped China today / South China Morning Post |
Source: | Sout China Morning Post (15 May 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 js, 7 eot 8 file, 5 html, 3 js, 94 jpg, 8 mp4, 33 png files (600 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
South China Morning Post | |
Subjects: | Great proletarian cultural revolution, China, 1966-1976 Leadership - China Propaganda - History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Liu Shao-ch'i, 1898-1969 Lin Piao, 1908-1971 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-02-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Revealed: life inside China's 'Red Army' schools : Patriotic songs and lessons on the nation's revolutionary past on the curriculum at more than 200 of the schools across the country / South China Morning Post |
Source: | South China Morning Post (13 Feb. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 25 css, 9 eot, 5 gif, 7 html, 3 jpg, 48 js, 60 png, 5 ttf, 10 woff, 5 xml files (6,79 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
South China Morning Post | |
Subjects: | Propaganda, Communist - China Education - China - 21st century Students - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 16-12-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Chinese propaganda posters / |
Source: | (2005) |
Description: | 1082 jpeg, 374 htm, 2 gif files (54,4 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Contents: | Children. -- Civic duties. -- Culture and science. -- Education and health. -- Heroes. -- Mao and Leaders. -- Military. -- Motherland. -- Movies. -- Peasants. -- Socialism. -- Sports. -- Women. -- Workers | | |
Subjects: | Media |
Access: | (downloaded 14-05-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao's promised land ends in sweated labour / The Observer |
Source: | Guardian (9 May 2004) |
Description: | 6 HTML, 16 GIF, 2 CSS files (91,5 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Observer | |
Subjects: | Labor Labor laws and legislation - China China - Politics and government Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- |
Access: | (downloaded 12-12-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¸ÖµüMTV¤ô½ÕºqÀY´åªa / ¤g¨§ Mao Tse-tung shih-tz'u MTV shui tiao ke t'ou yu-yung / T'u-tou |
Source: | ¤g¨§ (11 Feb. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 html, 1 mp4 files (7.40 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤g¨§ T'u-tou | |
Subjects: | Music Art Propaganda, Communist - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-05-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Davies, Gloria |
Title: | Lu Xun's afterlives / By Gloria Davies |
Source: | The China Story (5 Apr. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 15 png, 3 js, 24 jpeg, 6 gif, 6 html, 8 css, 8 js files |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Literature Lu Hsuen, 1881-1936 - Criticism and interpretation China - social life and customs - fiction Lu Hsuen, 1881-1936 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 20-01-2015) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF´åªa¬Ã¶QµøÀW / ¤g¨§ Mao Tse-tung yu-yung cheng-kui shih-p'in / Tudou |
Source: | ¤g¨§ |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1videofile (1 flv file) (3:11 min) : color |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤g¨§ Tudou | |
Subjects: | Political leadership Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Personality cult China - History - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 21-12-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Spengler, Tilman |
Title: | 40 Jahre Mao-Bibel : vor 40 Jahren trat ein kleines rotes Büchlein einen gewaltigen Siegeszug an. Die Parolen des Großen Erlösers - und was man darüber wissen muss / Von Tilman Spengler |
Source: | (15 Dec. 2006) |
Description: | 1 html, 26 jpeg, 3 js, 1 css files (332 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - Politics and government - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-03-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¥ª¬£·s¤jÀç : ¤ò¿AªFºX¼mºô Tso-p'ai hsin ta ying : Mao Tse-tung ch'i-chih wang / Ta-chi-yüan |
Source: | (6 Dec. 2003) |
Description: | 1 html, 1 js, 3 jpeg, 1 css, 9 gif files (98,8 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤j¬ö¤¸ Ta-chi-yüan | |
Subjects: | Marxism China - History - 1949-1976 China - Politics and government - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 21-03-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Dal Lago, Francesca |
Title: | Personal Mao : reshaping an icon in contemporary Chinese art. Chinese political and cultural leader Mao Zedong / Francesca Dal Lago |
Source: | Art Journal, vol. Summer issue (1999) |
Description: | 1 html, 1 gif, 4 css files (74,8 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Art Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 26-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Artist¼B¤O°êÓ¤H©x¤èºô¯¸ / ¨ô§J ÃÀ¥º ºô Artist Liu Li-kuo ke-jen kuan-fang wang-chan / cho-k'e i-shu wang |
Source: | |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 cab, 11 swf, 1 inf, 3 png, 6 js, 666 jpeg, 161 gif, 392 html, 9 css, 1 exe, 3 other files (68,6 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | missing video.- See also: |
¨ô§J ÃÀ¥º ºô cho-k'e i-shu wang | |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 20th century Art, Chinese - 21st century Liu Li-kuo, 1961- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-03-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Rise and fall of Bo Xilai |
Source: |, The Asahi Shimbun (08 Aug. 2012) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 18 css, 97 gif, 96 html, 1 ico, 370 jpeg, 28 js, 8 png files (13.4 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Contents: | Driven to become "emperor," Bo Xilai curries favor with president Jiang / Kenji Minemura. -- Influenced by Mao, Bo declares, "We will be the leaders of the future China" / Nozomu Hayashi. -- Father's influence even got Bo out of marriage / Nozomu Hayashi. -- As the brass band played, a smiling Bo rose through the ranks / Kenji Minemura. -- Bo beautified Dalian, with the help of young female cops on horseback / Kenji Minemura. -- Power as new Dalian mayor went to Bo's head / Kenji Minemura. -- Corruption-exposing journalist tackles Bo and his wife / Kenji Minemura. -- Anti-Bo journalist was watched, detained, indicted in secrecy / Kenji Minemura. -- With his enemy behind bars, Bo rises from mayor to governor / Kenji Minemura. -- Bo an immediate hit in first stint as cabinet minister / Nozomu Hayashi. -- China's "iron lady" had it in for Bo Xilai / Nozomu Hayashi. -- Bo's revolutionary-song campaign stirred emotions in Chongqing / Nozomu Hayashi. -- Bo's policies loved by the masses, detested by central leadership / Nozomu Hayashi. -- In 80 days, 9,500 arrested in Bo's 'dahei' campaign / Nozomu Hayashi. -- Chongqing's second-richest man suddenly treated as "mafia boss" / Kenji Minemura. -- Funds rolled in during Bo's torture-filled campaign against mafia / Kenji Minemura. -- Conspicuous no-shows at pro-Mao concert signal shift in attitude toward Bo / Nozomu Hayashi. -- Bo sacked close aide over probe into wife's link to murder / Nozomu Hayashi. -- In usual secrecy, a decision is made and Bo's fate is sealed / Kenji Minemura. -- Wiretapping allegations stirred leadership distrust of Bo / Kenji Minemura. -- After emergency phone, the end was swift for Bo / Nozomu Hayashi |
Subjects: | Politician Political leadership - China China - Politics and government - 21st century Ta-lien (China) Ch'ung-ch'ing (China) Po Hsi-lai, 1949- Chiang Tse-min, 1926- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 25-10-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ÀF³s¬ì, 1958- Yen Lien-k'o, 1958- |
Title: | ¬°¤H¥ÁªA°È / ÀF³s¬ì Wei jen-min fu-wu / Yen Lien-k'o |
Source: | ¶Àªá ±^ ºô (17 Aug. 2004) |
Description: | 1 pdf, 1 aspx, 1 cab, 5 css, 1 cgi, 1 ini, 1 entry, 44 file, 135 gif, 9 html, 38 js, 35 jpg, 1 open, 16 php, 4 pl, 1 png, 54 shtml, 115 wd3 files (9 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Prohibited books - China Literature and society - China Society Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Yen Lien-k'o, 1958- |
Access: | (downloaded 26-10-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Serve The People / Tung-nan hsi-pei |
Source: | ªF«n ¦è¥_ |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 pdf, 1 aspx, 5 css, 1 cgi, 1 ini, 1 dtd, 1 entry, 44 file, 135 gif, 9 html, 38 js, 35 jpg, 1 open, 16 php, 4 pl, 1 png, 54 shtml, 115 wd3 files (9 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
ªF«n ¦è¥_ Tung-nan hsi-pei | |
Subjects: | Literature and state - China Prohibited books - China Sex customs - China - History China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Yen Lien-k'o, 1958- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-07-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Former Chinese defense minister who plotted to kill Mao is honored in new military exhibit / International Herald Tribune |
Source: | (16 Jul. 2007) |
Description: | html files (113 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
International Herald Tribune | |
Subjects: | History Historiography Lin Piao, 1908-1971 |
Access: | (downloaded 25-10-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Autor CJK (ohne Leerstellen, ohne Komma):ÀF³s¬ì, 1958- Yen Lien-k'o, 1958- |
Title: | ¬°¤H¥ÁªA°È / ÀF³s¬ì Wei jen-min fu-wu / Yen Lien-k'o |
Source: | ªá«° (2005) |
Description: | 2 pdf, 1 css, 37 html, 38 jpg, 36 tif files (335 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Literature and society - China Prohibited books - China Politics Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Yen Lien-k'o, 1958- |
Access: | (downloaded 27-01-2018) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Rudolph, Josh |
Title: | Translation: Speaking of Zhang Yunfan. / Posted By: josh rudolph |
Source: | China Digital Times (26 Jan. 2018) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 10 css, 9 eot, 3 file, 7 gif, 6 html, 8 js, 59 jpg, 68 png, 1 txt, 8 ttf, 8 woff, 15 xml files (7.89 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Dissenters - China Dissidents Communism - China Political leadership - China Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 26-01-2018) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ·R¼wµØ Ai Te-hua |
Title: | ¦@²£ÄҼɬF¿ý:¤Ï¥k¹B°Ê / ½s¼g: ·R¼wµØ Kung-ch'an-tang pao-cheng lu: fan-yu yün-tung / Pien-hsieh: Ai Te-hua |
Source: | ¤j¬ö ¤¸ (10 Jan. 2018) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 css, 5 gif, 3 html, 1 js, 27 jpg, 14 png files (1.13 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Communist party work Communism - China Crime Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 29-11-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Crabb, Roger |
Title: | Citroen apologizes for scowling Mao ad / editing by Roger Crabb |
Source: | (15 Jan. 2008) |
Description: | 10 css, 9 html, 18 gif, 11 jpeg, 42 js, 3 swf, 3 other files (642,1 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Censorship Advertising Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 04-06-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¨LªF¿³ Wang Tung-hsing |
Title: | ¨LªF¿³¦^¾Ð : ¤ò¿AªF»PªL³C¤Ï²©R¶°¹Îªº¤æª§ / ¨LªF¿³ Wang Tung-hsing hui-i : Mao Tse-tung yue Lin Piao fan ko-ming chi-t'uan te tou-cheng / Wang Tung-hsing |
Source: | Sohu (2005) |
Description: | 28 HTML, 3 JPEG, 4 PHP, 18 GIF, 1 CSS files (964 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Bib. note: | Pei-ching: Tang-tai Chung-kuo ch'u-pan-she, 1997 |
Subjects: | China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Personal narratives Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Lin Biao, 1908-1971 |
Access: | (downloaded 31-10-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Grand vision and petty deceit when Nixon met Mao : the first visit to China by an American president was notable, above all, for its symbolism. A new book analyses the characters involved and what they got from it / The Economist Newspaper |
Source: | (26 Oct. 2006) |
Description: | 1 html, 9 gif, 2 jpeg, 3 js files (75,9 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | This is the print version of this article. |
The Economist Newspaper | |
Subjects: | Literature Books - reviews Seize the Hour: When Nixon Met Mao History China - Foreign relations - United States Murry, John |
Access: | (downloaded 19-05-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Malmqvist, Göran |
Title: | ¿ß¤½ªº«á¸Ç Mao kung te hou-i |
Description: | 1 MSWord file (20 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Access: | (downloaded 15-09-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Monk, Paul |
Title: | Mao : the great hell's man / Paul Monk |
Source: | (26 Aug. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 1 CSS files (63 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Heads of state - China - Biography Halliday, John |
Access: | (downloaded 19-06-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ±ä«eµo Ts'ao Ch'ien-fa |
Title: | ¾Ç²ß¤ò¿AªFÀ˸`¬ùªº«ä·Q»P·S / ±ä«eµo Hsüeh-hsi Mao tse-tung ch'in-chien-chieh-yüeh te ssu-hsiang yü feng-fan / Ts'ao Ch'ien-fa |
Source: | ¨D¬O²z½× (16 Jun. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 2 html, 34 gif, 3 jpeg, 3 js files (316 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Politics China - Politics and government - 1949-1976 China - Politics and government - 21st century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-06-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ·íªº¸s²³¸ô½uªº¥Ñ¨Ó / °]¸gºô Tang te ch'ün-chung lu-hsian te yu-lai / Caijing |
Source: | °]¸gºô (17 Jun. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 2 html, 66 gif, 28 jpeg, 22 js, 6 png, 1 swf file (1.89 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Caijing | |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kuo-min-tang China - Politics and government - 1949-1976 Natuibak characteristics, Chinese - History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 10-02-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¼Ú¶§²S Ou Yang-sung |
Title: | ÄÒ³ø : ²ßªñ¥¦b¤ò¿AªF½Ï¨°Á¿¸Ü¹üÅã¾r¶¿¾ú¥v¯à¤O / ¼Ú¶§²S Tang-pao : hsi Chin-p'ing tsai Mao Tse-tung tan-ch'en chiang-hua chang-hsian chia-yü li-shih neng-li / Ou Yang-sung |
Source: | ¤¤°ê·s»Dºô (08 Jan. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 3 html, 19 gif, 48 jpeg, 9 js, 9 png files (2.25 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | §@ªÌ¬°¤¤¥¡ÄÊ¥v¬ã¨s«Ç¥D¥ô |
Subjects: | Political leadership Heads of state - China China - History - 1949-1976 Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- |
Access: | (downloaded 15-10-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Branigan, Tania |
Title: | Communist heritage is good business as China prepares for 60th anniversary / Tania Branigan |
Source: | (27 Sep. 2009) |
Description: | 14 css, 216 html, 102 gif, 13 jpeg, 18 js, 7 png files (2,38 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Tourism China - Politics and government Yen-an Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 22-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ³¯®aÆx Ch'en Chia-ying |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF»P¦¿¦è¦@²£¥D¸q³Ò°Ê¤j¾Ç : MaoZedongyüjiangxigongchanzhuyilaodongdaxue / ³¯®aÆx ©P¥ßx Mao Tse-tung yü chiang-hsi kung-ch'an chu-i lao-tung ta-hsüeh / Chen Chia-ying Chou Li-chün |
Source: | ¹ê½î ¦@²£ ¥D¸q ºô |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 3 htm, 6 jpg files (148 KB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
©P¥ßx Chou Li-chün | |
Subjects: | Communism - China Leadership - China Universities and colleges - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¥ú©úÁ¿¾Â : ¨«ªñ¤ò¿AªF / Àô²yºô Kuang-ming chiang t'an : tsou chin Mao Tse-tung / Huan-ch'iu wang |
Source: | Àô²yºô (23 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 69 css, 8 html, 3 gif, 10 jpeg, 19 js, 63 png files (1.57 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Àô²yºô Huan-ch'iu wang | |
Subjects: | Political leadership Heads of state - China China - History - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ®L¾ÇÆq Hsia Hsueh-luan |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF«ä·Q¦p¦ó§Î¦¨¤Î¨ä¯S½è / ®L¾ÇÆq Mao Tse-tung ssu-hsiang ju-he hsing-ch'eng chi-ch'I t'e-chih / Hsia Hsueh-luan |
Source: | ¤¤°ê¦@²£ÄÒ·s»Dºô (18 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css. 3 html, 12 gif, 17 jpeg, 6 js, 2 png files (632 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - History - 1949-1976 Heads of state - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Information on name variants (Please follow link for related entries) | |
Xia Xueluan |
Access: | (downloaded 29-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ª÷¤p¤B Chin Hsiao-ting |
Title: | "¤ò,¤£¬°¤Hª¾ªº¬G¨Æ"ªº17Ó°ÝÃD(1) / ª÷¤p¤B "Mao, pu wei jen chih te ku-shih" te 17 ko wen-t'i (1) / Chin Hsiao-ting |
Source: | Chinese Newsnet (13 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 3 HTML files (92,4 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Literature Review Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 11-03-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¥Î¹Lªº¤âºj¤Î«ùºjµý Mao Tse-tung yung-kuo te shou-ch'iang chi ch'ih ch'iang cheng / Sina |
Source: | (1 Dec. 2005) |
Description: | 4 html, 15 gif, 3 jpeg, 8 js files (347 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Bib. note: | A larger picture of the license is available at: |
Sina | |
Subjects: | Political leadership Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 09-12-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Mirsky, Jonathan |
Title: | A maverick dares to challenge the Party line / by Jonathan Mirsky |
Source: | The International Herald Tribune (25 Aug. 2005) |
Description: | 1 ASCII file (5 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo Kung-ch'an-tang Historiography - China Yü Chieh, 1973- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFµe¶° : «Å¶Çµe / ¬õxºX Mao Tse-tung hua-chi : hsüan-ch'uan-hua / Hung-chün ch'i |
Source: | (30 Oct. 2011 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Related page |
¬õxºX Hung-chün ch'i | |
Subjects: | Persons Communists - China - Biography Communists - China - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFµe¶° : ¶l²¼ / ¬õxºX Mao Tse-tung hua-chi : yu-p'iao / Hung-chün ch'i |
Source: | (30 Oct. 2011 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Related page |
¬õxºX Hung-chün ch'i | |
Subjects: | Persons Communists - China - Biography Postage stamps Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFµe¶° : ¤ò¿AªF®É¥N¬ü¥º(1942-1976)¤åÄm®i / ¬õxºX Mao Tse-tung hua-chi : Mao Tse-tung shih-tai mei-shu (1942-1976) wen-hsien chan / Hung-chün ch'i |
Source: | (30 Oct. 2011 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Related page |
¬õxºX Hung-chün ch'i | |
Subjects: | Persons Communists - China - Biography Communists - China - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFµe¶° : ¤ò¿AªF¹³³¹ / ¬õxºX Mao Tse-tung hua-chi : Mao Tse-tung hsiang-chang / Hung-chün ch'i |
Source: | (30 Oct. 2011 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Related page |
¬õxºX Hung-chün ch'i | |
Subjects: | Persons Communists - China - Biography Communists - China - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFµe¶° : ªoµe / ¬õxºX Mao Tse-tung hua-chi : you-hua / Hung-chün ch'i |
Source: | (30 Oct. 2011 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Related page |
¬õxºX Hung-chün ch'i | |
Subjects: | Political leadership Communists - China - Biography Communists - China - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFµe¶° : °êµe / ¬õxºX Mao Tse-tung hua-chi : kuo-hua / Hung-chün ch'i |
Source: | (30 Oct. 2011 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Related page |
¬õxºX Hung-chün ch'i | |
Subjects: | Persons Communists - China - Biography Communists - China - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFµe¶° : °Å¯È / ¬õxºX Mao Tse-tung hua-chi : chien-chih / Hung-chün ch'i |
Source: | (30 Oct. 2011 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Related page |
¬õxºX Hung-chün ch'i | |
Subjects: | Political leadership Communists - China - Biography Communists - China - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-10-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFµe¶° : ª©µe / ¬õxºX Mao Tse-tung hua-chi : pan-hua / Hung-chün ch'i |
Source: | (30 Oct. 2011 (downloaded)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Related page |
¬õxºX Hung-chün ch'i | |
Subjects: | Persons Communists - China - Biography Communists - China - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-08-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Schindler, Magdalena |
Title: | Leben mit Mao und Konsum : das Kunstmuseum Bern präsentiert mit "Mahjong" die grösste Sammlung chinesischer Gegenwart : das Kunstmuseum Bern präsentiert mit "Mahjong" die grösste Sammlung chinesischer Gegenwart / Magdalena Schindler |
Source: | Bund (11 Jun. 2005) |
Description: | 1 PDf file (146 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Contents: | "Sigg ist für uns eine Art Priester" / Schindler, Magdalena |
Subjects: | Art, Chinese - 20th century |
Access: | (downloaded 15-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao Zedong Poems / Marxists Internet Archive: Mao Zedong |
Source: | Marxists Internet Archive: Mao Zedong |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 39 htm, 1 jpg files (240 KB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | eng. |
Marxists Internet Archive | |
Subjects: | Propaganda, Communist - China Propaganda, Communist - China - History - Sources Art Leadership - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 31-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Kristof, Nicholas D., 1959- |
Title: | 'Mao' : the real Mao / By Nicholas D. Kristof |
Source: | New York Times (23 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 5 GIF, 14 CSS, 2 JPEG, 12 JScript files (764 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Heads of state - China - Biography Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 25-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Mike [pseud.] |
Title: | Eternal Mao Zedong / Mike |
Source: | (2 Apr. 2007) |
Description: | 3 css, 445 html, 25 gif, 462 jpeg, 4 js, 36 png, 3 other files (32,8 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Blogs Images, Photographic Pictures Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 16-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF"¤»¤G¤»"«ü¥Üªº¾ú¥v¦Ò¹î / »ñ°Ä ºô Mao Tse-tung "liu-erh-liu" chih-shih te li-shih k'ao-ch'a / Feng-huang wang |
Source: | »ñ°Ä ºô (03 Mar. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 css, 3 gif, 2 htm, 9 js, 22 jpg, 5 png, 1 swf, 1 xhtml files (724 KB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
»ñ°Ä ºô Feng-huang wang | |
Subjects: | Political leadership - China China - History - 20th century History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 15-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¬°Ô£¦³"§õ¦Û¦¨±¡µ²" / ¤H¥Á ºô Mao Tse-tung wei-sha yu "Li Tzu-ch'eng ch'ing-chieh" / Jen-min wang |
Source: | ¤H¥Á ºô (15 Nov. 2010) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 29 gif, 4 htm, 2 html, 8 js, 21 jpg, 1 png, 1 swf files (596 KB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
¤H¥Á ºô Jen-min wang | |
Subjects: | Leadership - China Political leadership - China Communism - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Li Tzu-ch'eng, 1606-1645 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Andrews, Julia Frances |
Title: | Art for new China (1950 - 1980) / Text information prepared by Dr. Julia Andrews and Kuiyi Shen |
Source: | (27 Feb. 1998) |
Description: | 141 jpeg, 105 html files (7,68 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Shen, Kuiyi | |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 20th century - Exhibitions Propaganda, Communist - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 20-01-2015) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF´åªaªø¦¿ / ¤g¨§ Mao Tse-tung yu-yung ch'ang-chiang / Tudou |
Source: | ¤g¨§ |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 2 html, 1 flv, 19 gif, 11 jpeg, 9 js, 49 png, 4 swf files (51 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤g¨§ Tudou | |
Subjects: | Political leadership Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Personality cult China - History - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-04-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Lieberthal, Kenneth G., 1943- |
Title: | [China's 16th Communist Party Congress] / by Kenneth Lieberthal |
Description: | 1 ASCIi file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang - Congresses Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 Chiang Tse-min, 1926- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 25-02-2010) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Suzie [pseud.] |
Title: | More Mao / Sozie |
Source: | (24 Jun. 2007) |
Description: | 1 txt, 5 png, 6 js, 15 jpeg, 11 gif, 3 html, 2 css, 2 other files (989 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 20th century Art, Chinese - 21st century Kao Shen, 1956- Kao Ch'iang, 1962- |
Access: | (downloaded 09-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Xi : holding high banner of Mao "forever" |
Source: | ¤H¥Áºô (26 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css file, 30 gif, 2 htm, 7 js, 40 jpg, 2 png files (1,18 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Politicians Leadership - China National characteristics, Chinese - History Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- |
Access: | (downloaded 15-10-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Graham, Stephen |
Title: | Beyond the wall: Chinese music at the Barbican / by Stephen Graham |
Source: | (11 Feb. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 4 html, 2 gif, 4 jpeg, 6 js, 1 png file (343 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence T'an Tun, 1957- |
Access: | (downloaded 16-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | §õ¾U°O¿ýªºJÄ£¨¹¬Fªv¿ò¨¥ / ¦hºû·s»Dºô Li Jui chi-lu te Hu Yao-pang ch'eng-chih i-yen / Tuo-wei hsin-wen wang |
Source: | Tuo-wei hsin-wen wang ¦hºû·s»Dºô (13 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 2 HTML, 1 JPEG, 1 JScript, 15 GIF files (104 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¦hºû·s»Dºô Tuo-wei hsin-wen wang | |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Li Jui, 1917- |
Access: | (downloaded 03-11-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Martinsen, Joel |
Title: | Giant Mao Zedong stands alone in the autumn cold / by Joel Martinsen |
Source: | (3 Nov. 2009) |
Description: | 6 png, 6 js, 9 jpeg, 4 gif, 4 html, 3 css files (416 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Journalism Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Contemporary art - China Hu-nan sheng Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 12-04-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¼BªF Liu Tung |
Title: | ¬Æ»ò¤~¬O"À©¤l¤û"? : ¾|¨³ªº¦Û¼J¸ÖÉO¤ò¿AªFªº¸ÑŪ / ¼BªF Shen-ma ts'ai shih "ju-tzu-niu"? : Lu Hsün te tzu ch'ao shih yü Mao Tse-tung te chieh-tu / Liu Tung |
Description: | 1 MSWord file (60 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Literature China - Social life and customs - Fiction Lu Hsün, 1881-1936 - Criticism and interpretation Lu Hsün, 1881-1936 |
Access: | (downloaded 14-10-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Young Chinese opt for Red Guard look in weddings / The Associated Press |
Published: | Hangzhou |
Source: | (26 Sep. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 11 css, 172 html, 66 gif, 29 jpeg, 21 js, 1 png, 2 swf files (19,5 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
The Associated Press | |
Subjects: | Society China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence |
Access: | (downloaded 23-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ÀR¤ô¬y²`¤@¥Í¦pºqµÛ¦Wx®È§@¦±®a°ú¥ÍZ³u¥@ / ·sµØ ºô Ching shui-liu shen i-sheng ju ke chu-ming chün-lü tso-ch'ü chia-lou Sheng Mao shih-shih / Hsin-hua wang |
Source: | ·sµØ ºô (07 Dec. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 cab, 10 gif, 10 htm, 9 js, 13 jpg, 2 swf files (1.18 MB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
·sµØ ªÀ Hsin-hua she | |
Subjects: | Military - China - Biography Military Leadership - China Sheng Mao, 1928-2007 |
Access: | (downloaded 23-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Mayer, Norbert |
Title: | Zuflucht in Gedichten : Interview ; Der chinesische Schriftsteller Qiu Xiaolong über Gerechtigkeit, Verbrechen, Mao und den Wandel / von Norbert Mayer |
Source: | Die Presse (22 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 2 JScript, 5 JPEG, 1 CSS, 23 GIF files (176 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | Persons Ch'iu Hsiao-lung |
Access: | (downloaded 25-09-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | zcf100 [pseud.] |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®u»y¿ýºq Mao Chu-hsi yü-lu ko / zcf100 |
Source: | (24 Sep. 2008) |
Description: | 1 pdf file (76,8 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Songs and music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 18-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Dangerous minds : political psychiatry in China today and its origins in the Mao era / Human Rights Watch and Geneva Initiative on Psychiatry |
Source: | Human Rights Watch (Aug. 2002) |
Description: | 22 HTML, 1 PDF, 21 GIF, 3 JPEG, 2 css files (5,17 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Human Rights Watch | |
Subjects: | Human rights Psychiatry - China Political prisoners - China Psychiatry - Political aspects - China Dissenters - China Psychiatric hospitals - China |
Access: | (downloaded 20-10-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Grobe, Karl |
Title: | Zertrümmerte Mythen : Jung Chang und Jon Halliday klagen Mao in ihrer "Biographie" eindrucksvoll an, argumentieren aber höchst einseitig / von Karl Grobe |
Source: | Frankfurter Rundschau (20 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 21 GIF, 1 CSS, 4 JScript files (201 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | History Heads of state - China - Biography Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 29-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ª÷¤p¤B Chin Hsiao-ting |
Title: | "¤ò,¤£¬°¤Hª¾ªº¬G¨Æ"ªº17Ó°ÝÃD(3) / ª÷¤p¤B "Mao, pu wei jen chih te ku-shih" te 17 ko wen-t'i (3) / Chin Hsiao-ting |
Source: | Chinese Newsnet (18 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 3 HTML files (92,4 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Literature Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 20-10-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Araral, Eduardo |
Title: | China's political system has effective checks on power that even Xi Jinping can't ignore, : Eduardo Araral argues that the various hard and soft restraints instituted since Deng Xiaoping's time to prevent the emergence of another Mao - including the principle of collective leadership - are more robust than observers believe / South China Morning Post |
Source: | South China Morning Post (17 Oct. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 js, 26 css, 9 eot, 1 file, 5 gif, 7 html, 42 js, 1 mp4, 48 png, 5 ttf, 10 woff, 5 xml files (22 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Political leadership - China China - Politics and government - 21st century Checks and balances (Separation of powers) Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- |
Access: | (downloaded 08-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | French, Howard W., 1957- |
Title: | Putting a knife into heart of the Chairman's legend / by Howard W. French |
Source: | (23 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 1 JScript, 1 JPEG, 4 CSS, 9 GIF files (76,1 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Literature Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Biography Review Mao: the unknown story Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Windschuttle, Keith |
Title: | Mao and the Maoists / by Keith Windschuttle |
Source: | The New Criterion, vol. 24/2005 (Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 8 JPEG, 1 CSS, 18 GIF files (279 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 18-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | French, Howard W., 1957- |
Title: | Putting a knife into heart of the Chairman's legend : review / by Howard W. French |
Source: | (23 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 5 JPEG, 2 GIF, 2 CSS filesd (76,6 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Heads of state - China - Biography Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 29-05-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Barboza, David |
Title: | Chameleon Mao, the face of Tiananmen Square / by David Barboza |
Source: | (28 May 2006) |
Description: | 1 html file (15,1 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | This is the print version of the article. To view the actual images of Mao Tse-tung see: |
Subjects: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 20-11-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Chinese leaders' animations go viral / |
Source: | (18 Oct. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 31 gif, 14 html, 6 js, 27 jpg, 1 mp4, 1 png, 1 swf, 1 txt files (21.2 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. | | |
Subjects: | Political leadership - China Propaganda, Communist - China Internet - China Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Kehe, Marjorie |
Title: | Mao: the ugly reality behind an icon : an exhaustively researched new biography offers surprising revisions to Chinese history / by Marjorie Kehe |
Source: | The Christian Science Monitor (18 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 2 HTML, 2 CSS, 3 JPEG, 8 JScript, 29 GIF files (251 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Biography Review Mao : the unknown story Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N. |
Title: | Mao : the unknown story ; review / by Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom |
Source: | Chicago Tribune (6 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 1 ASCII file (12 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Biography Jung Chang Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 02-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFªº¾ú¥v¥\ÁZ : ¬ö©À¤ò¿AªF¦P§Ó½Ï¨°120©P¦~ / Àô²yºô Mao Tse-tung te li-shih kung-chi : chi-nien Mao Tse-tung t'ung-chih tan-ch'en 120 chou nien / Huan-ch'iu wang |
Source: | Àô²yºô (25 Dez. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 2 gif, 2 htm, 22 js, 15 jpg, 63 png files (2,15 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Àô²yºô Huan-ch'iu-wang | |
Subjects: | Political leadership Statesman - China Heads of state - China - Biography Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 03-11-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Paper-cut to commemorate Mao Zedong / |
Source: | (29 Dec. 2007) |
Description: | 1 css, 7 html, 6 gif, 16 jpeg, 10 js, 3 png files (884 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng. | | |
Subjects: | Art Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 10-10-2019) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Barbara Mittler |
Title: | Mao Wherever you Go! |
Source: | |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 htm files (52 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | Eng. |
Subjects: | Art and state - China Painting, Chinese - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 10-10-2019) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Barbara Mittler |
Title: | Homely Mao Sculptures |
Source: | |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 17 png, 7 js, 114 jpg, 5 htm, 4 css files (2.87 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | Eng. |
Subjects: | Art and state - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¨v Ä_¬Ã Hsiao Pao-chen |
Title: | "¤ò§Î¶H"¦b¤¤°ê«e½ÃÃÀ¥º¤¤ªº"¿ÆÅÜ" / §@ªÌ: ¨v Ä_¬Ã "Mao hsing-hsiang" tsai Chung-kuo ch'ien-wei i-shu chung te "t'ui-pien" / tso-che: Hsiao Pao-chen |
Source: | ÃÀ¥º ¼ÆÕu ºô, vol. 11 Aug. 2007 |
Description: | 6 js, 22 jpeg, 20 gif, 6 html, 2 css files (488 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 20th century Art, Chinese - 21st Century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFÅý½Ö©Ó¿Õ"§O³y¤Ï"? / ÄË°Tºô Mao Tse-tung jang shui ch'eng-no "pie tsao-fan"? / T'eng hsün wang |
Source: | ÄË°Tºô (05 Jan. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 3 html, 4 gif, 18 jpeg, 8 js, 43 png files (1.83 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
ÄË°Tºô T'eng hsün wang | |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - History - 1949-1976 Heads of state - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-08-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | McDonald, Joe |
Title: | China planning constitutional changes / by Joe McDonald |
Source: | Guardian (12 Aug. 2003) |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Zhongguo gongchandang Chiang Tse-min, 1926- Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 05-01-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Lam, Willy Wo-Lap |
Title: | Maoist revival challenges reform efforts / by Willy Wo-Lap Lam |
Source: | CNN (23 Dec. 2003) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 1 Cascading Style Sheet, 5 JPEG, 8 JScript, 22 GIF files (206 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Wen Chia-pao, 1942- Chiang Tse-min, 1926- |
Access: | (downloaded 05-05-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | [Ferguson, Andrew?] |
Title: | Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung |
Source: | (3 Aug. 2000) |
Description: | 1 SHTML, 1 GIF, 4 WD3 files (70,1 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | The on-line version of the "Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung" are available at: |
Subjects: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Quotations |
Access: | (downloaded 08-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF®É¥Nø¨î¤F¥Á±Ú´_¿³ªº¯ó¹Ï / Àô²yºô Mao Tse-tung shih-tai hui-chih le min-tsu fu-hsing te ts'ao-an / Huan-ch'iu wang |
Source: | Àô²yºô (24 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 2 html, 3 gif, 14 jpeg, 22 js, 63 png files (1.46 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Àô²yºô Huan-ch'iu wang | |
Subjects: | Political leadership Heads of state - China China - History - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 12-21-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤ý¥ò¤è Wang Chung-fang |
Title: | ù·ç믵®Ñ¦^¾Ð : JÄ£¨¹¨â¦¸»P§Ú½Í¤ò¿AªF¾H¤p¥ / ¤ý¥ò¤è Luo Jui-ch'ing mi-shu hui-i : Hu Yao-pang liang tz'u yü wo t'an Mao Tse-tung Teng Hsiao-p'ing |
Source: | (7 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 4 HTML, 8 JPEG, 11 GIF, 2 CSS, 14 JS, 1 CAB files (958 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Persons Politics Hu Yao-pang, 1915-1989 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Access: | (downloaded 26-06-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Jacobson, Susan |
Title: | Scrapbook of the revolution : traces of the Mao era / Susan Jacobson |
Source: | |
Description: | 2 dcr, 238 html, 138 gif, 348 jpeg, 11 xml files (15,3 MB) |
Collections: | |
Summary: | "How can the stories of history be told on the Web in ways that are different from books and movies? This project looks at artifacts from the Chinese Cultural Revolution reformatted in the open-ended, fragmented, multi-media, multi-perspectival format of hypertext. This Web site was produced as part of a dissertation project at New York University" (self-discription) |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Website China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-03-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬õ´Â¥v°O : ¤Ó¯ªªZ¬Ó«Ò¥»¬ö / ´´}«n ¦¬Âà Hung-ch'ao Shih-chi : T'ai-tsu Wu-huang-ti pen-chi / Fei-ti-nan shou-ts'ang |
Source: | (21 Apr. 2010) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 2 html, 27 gif, 7 png, 3 js, 2 other files (282 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
´´}«n [pseud.] Fei-ti-nan [pseud.] | |
Subjects: | Communists Biography - Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc. Metaphor - Political aspects - History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 30-10-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Bezlova, Antoaneta |
Title: | Sexually Charged Political Satire Slips Into Internet / Antoaneta Bezlova |
Source: | Inter Press Service News Agency (15 Apr. 2005) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 asp, 1 css, 1 cfm, 16 gif, 1 html, 15 jpg, 1 php, 15 wd3 files (156 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Prohibited books - China Literature and state - China Chinese literature - 21st century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- |
Access: | (downloaded 07-12-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Fenby, Jonathan |
Title: | Storm rages over bestselling book on monster Mao : China experts attack biography's 'misleading' sources / by Jonathan Fenby |
Source: | Guardian (4 Dec. 2005) |
Description: | 6 HTML, 13 GIF, 2 CSS, 7 JScript files (130 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-08-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Zhang, Vanessa |
Title: | "ªF¤è¤S¬õ,¤Ó¶§¤S¤É,¤¤°ê¥X¤FӲߪñ¥....."Å¥µÛ¤ñ¬Ý®£©Æ¤ùÁÙ¥i©È / Vanessa ¤å©k "Tung-fang yu hung, t'ai-yang yu sheng, chung-kuo ch'u-le ke Hsi Chin-p'ing....." t'ing-che pi k'an k'ung-pu pien hai k'o-p'a / Vanessa Wen-shan |
Source: | Twitter (29 Jul. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 11 gif, 2 html, 2 js, 1 jpeg, 5 jpg, 1 png, 1 mp4 files (6.85 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Propaganda, Communist - China Education and state - China - History - 21th century Political leadership - China Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-07-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | §f¥[¥ Lü Chia-p'ing |
Title: | ¯}¸Ñ¤ò¿AªFµo°Ê¤å²ªºx¨Æ¾Ô²¤¤§Á¼ : ±q¾Ôª§¨¤«×»{ÃÑ©Mµûɲ¤ò¿AªFµo°Êªº¤å¤Æ¤j²©R / §f¥[¥ P'o chieh Mao Tse-tung fa-tung wen-ko te chün-shih chan-lüeh chih mi : ts'ung chan-cheng chiao-tu jen-shih ho p'ing-chia Mao Tse-t'ung fa-tung te wen-hua ta-ko-ming / Lü Chia-p'ing |
Source: | (28 Dec. 2002) |
Description: | 1 HTML (1,486 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Head of state - China |
Access: | (downloaded 25-10-2001) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao on Sino-Soviet relations : two conversations with the Soviet ambassador / introduction by Odd Arne Westad |
Source: | Cold War international History Project Bulletin, vol. 6/7 (winter 1995-96) |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Westad, Odd Arne |
Access: | (downloaded 09-12-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao's last visit to Venice / Battledore Ltd. |
Source: | (09 Dec. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 7 png, 6 js, 81 jpeg, 13 gif, 20 html, 6 css files (2,07 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Battledore Ltd. | |
Subjects: | Culture Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 21-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | («Ø°ê¤j·~):½l³y°ê²£¤j¤ù·s¶Ç©_ / ¤¤°ê ¤å¾Ç ºô (Chien-kuo ta-yeh): ti-tsao kuo-ch'an ta-pien hsin ch'uan-ch'i / Chung-kuo wen-hsüeh wang |
Source: | ¤¤°ê ¤å¾Ç ºô (01 Nov. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 gif, 2 htm, 3 js, 8 jpg files (724 KB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
¤¤°ê ¤å¾Ç ºô Chung-kuo wen-hsüeh wang | |
Subjects: | Propaganda, communist - China Mass media - China Film Art Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 14-01-2018) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ª«n¬L³q"¦Bªá"¨k«Ä«_¦BÁ÷¤W¾Ç³y«¬¨«¬õºô¤Í:¦n¤ß¯k / ¤H¥Á ¤é³ø Yün-nan chao-t'ung "ping-hua" nan-hai mao ping-shuang shang-hsüe tsao-hsing tsou-hung wang-yu: hao hsin-t'eng / Jen-min jih-pao |
Source: | ¤H¥Á ¤é³ø (09 Jan. 2018) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 bmp, 1 cab, 56 css, 2 cur, 10 do, 595 gif, 326 html, 196 js, 8 jpeg, 1659 jpg, 234 png, 30 swf, 1 txt files (804 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤H¥Á ¤é³ø Jen-min jih-pao | |
Subjects: | Education - China - 21st century Rural poor - China Children - China |
Access: | (downloaded 06-04-2018) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ±i®a±d Chang Chia-k'ang |
Title: | «C¦~¤ò¿AªFªº²©R¹D¸ô¿ï¾Ü / ±i®a±d Ch'ing-nien Mao Tse-tung te ke-ming tao-lu hsüan-tse / Chang Chia-k'ang |
Source: | ¤H¥Á ºô (04 Apr. 2018) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 21 gif, 3 html, 11 js, 10 jpg, 5 png files (592 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Political leadership - China China - History - 1912-2001 History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 21-05-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | "From Mao to Mozart" - Take 2 / Shanghai Daily |
Source: | (12 Mar. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 9 html, 1 css, 6 gif, 11 jpeg, 4 jscript files (576 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Shanghai Daily | |
Subjects: | Music Violoncellists |
Access: | (downloaded 15-11-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Addley, Esther |
Title: | From Mao to Armani / Esther Addley |
Source: | The Guardian (12 Nov. 2004) |
Description: | 5 HTML, 1 JScript, 11 GIF, 2 CSS files (86 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Consumption (Economics) - China China - Social life and customs |
Access: | (downloaded 07-07-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Leese, Daniel |
Title: | Performative politics and petrified image : the Mao cult during China's Cultural Revolution / by Daniel Leese |
Source: | School of Humanities and Social Sciences, International University Bremen (8 Dec. 2006) |
Description: | 1 pdf file (2,6 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-04-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¥_¨Ê 1 ¸¹ [pseud.] Pei-ching 1 hao [pseudonym] |
Title: | ¤Ó¶§³Ì¬õ,¤ò¥D®u³Ì¿Ë¤j«¬µ¼Ö·|¤µ±ß¦b¥_¨Ê¶©«Á|¦æ! / ¥_¨Ê 1 ¸¹ T'ai-yang tsui hung, Mao Chu-hsi tsui ch'in ta-hsing yin-yüeh-hui chin-wan chiang tsai Pei-ching lung-chung chü-hsing! / Pei-ching 1 hao |
Source: | (7 Sep. 2006) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 7 css, 19 html, 62 gif, 22 jpeg, 5 png, 19 js, 1 mp3 file (5,09 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Music Concerts - China - Pei-ching Anniversaries - Songs and music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 18-05-2010) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Jiao, Priscilla |
Title: | Teacher sparks outcry with Mao comments / Priscilla Jiao |
Source: | (7 May 2010) |
Description: | 1 pdf file (42,5 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | Registration is required for |
Subjects: | Historiography China--History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Textbooks - China - History - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 16-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | µn¤p¥, 1904-1997 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Title: | °ªÁ|¤ò¿AªF«ä·QºX¼m,°í«ù¹ê¨Æ¨D¬Oªºì«h / µn¤p¥ Kao chü Mao Tse-tung ssu-hsiang ch'i chih, chien-ch'ih shih-shih ch'iu shih te yüan-tse / Teng Hsiao-p'ing |
Source: | ¤H¥Áºô (24 Oct. 2006) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 5 gif, 1 html, 1 htm, 2 js, 10 jpg files (220 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Politicians Communism - China Leadership - Shina National characteristics, Chinese - History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Access: | (downloaded 20-06-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤ò¤_¸ý, 1929- Mao Yü-shih, 1929- |
Title: | ¤ò¤_¸ý·s®ö³Õ«È / ¤ò¤_¸ý Mao Yü-shih hsin-lang po-k'o / Mao Yü-shih |
Source: | ·s®ö³Õ«È |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | html files |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Weekly downloads - Comments missing; Due to technical issues, you can only find an overview of Mao Yushi's blog entries here: |
Subjects: | Blogs Social conditions - China China - Economic conditions Mao Yü-shih, 1929- |
Access: | (downloaded 23-01-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ªe«n§ø²ø¯Ó¸ê¼Æ¦Ê¸U«Ø¥¨«¬¤ò¥D®u¹³ / ÄË°T ·s»D Ho-nan ts'un-chuang hao-tzu shu-pai wan chien chü-hsing Mao chu-hsi hsiang / T'eng-hsün hsin-wen |
Source: | ÄË°T ·s»D (04 Jan. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 2 html, 1 js, 9 jpg, 48 png files (1.22 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
ÄË°T ·s»D T'eng-hsün hsin-wen | |
Subjects: | Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, China, 1966-1976 History Historiography - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 01-02-2015) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Melvin, Sheila |
Title: | The little red book turns 50 / By Sheila Melvin |
Source: | Caixin Online (30 Jan. 2015) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 ss, 2 html, 41 gif, 30 jpeg, 14 js, 3 png files (1.00 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Mao, Zedong, 1893-1976 - Quotations Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Books and reading Mao, Zedong, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 04-08-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Chellaney, Brahma |
Title: | Neo-emperor of evil genius / By Brahma Chellaney |
Source: | (4 Sep. 2005) |
Description: | 1 html, 1 gif, 1 jpeg files (25,4 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | This is the print version of this article. |
Subjects: | Persons Books - Reviews Mao: The unknown story Chang Jung, 1952 - Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 09-10-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Wang, Jimmy |
Title: | In China, a headless Mao is a game of cat and mouse / by Jimmy Wang |
Published: | Beijing |
Source: | (5 Oct. 2009) |
Description: | 1 swf, 1 png, 42 js, 11 jpeg, 19 gif, 7 html, 3 css, 4 other files (0,98 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Art Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Art, Modern - 21st century Kao Shen, 1956- |
Access: | (downloaded 11-08-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Saussy, Haun |
Title: | Bei Dao and his Audiences / by Haun Saussy |
Source: | Humanities at Stanford (1999) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 0pt, 2 1pt, 1 3em, 2 15pt, 5159 asp, 2451 aspx, 5 axd, 4 bmp, 2 cab, 122 css, 11 cfm, 2 cgi, 1 cn, 1 com, 10 db, 6 dtd, 3213 files, 1112 gif, 3088 html, 1 ilse, 138 js, 990 jpg, 2 jsp, 2 m3u, 52 mp3, 4 pdf, 294 php, 44 png, 1193 primary, 38 swf, 6 shtml, 1 str39, 1 str40, 12 mov, 2 rm, 4 wmv, 3 wd3, 1 width, 1 wma, 3 xml files (390 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | China - Poetry Pei Tao, 1949- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Wei Ching-sheng, 1950- |
Access: | (downloaded 03-08-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | The family fortunes of Beijing's new few / By FT Reporters |
Source: | Financial Times (10 Jul. 2012) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 jpeg file (3.64 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | For interactive graphic see |
Subjects: | Society Families - China - Pei-ching Elite (Social sciences) - Political activity - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Mao Hsin-yü, 1970- Po Hsi-lai, 1949- |
Access: | (downloaded 28-02-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Mirsky, Jonathan |
Title: | China's psychiatric terror / by Jonathan Mirsky |
Source: | The New York Review of Books (27 Feb. 2003) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 2 CSS, 1 GIF files (41,4 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Contents: | Dangerous minds : political psychiatry in China today and its origins in the Mao era/ Munro, Robin |
Subjects: | Human rights Psychiatry - China Review |
Access: | (downloaded 20-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | The little red bookshop / The Economist |
Source: | (5 Feb. 2009) |
Description: | 3 swf, 56 png, 23 js, 1 jpeg, 54 gif, 113 html, 23 css, 13 other files (1,21 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
The Economist | |
Subjects: | Culture Communism - China Public opinion - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 20-12-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¥Í¥¦~ªí / ¥D¿ì: ¤¤°ê ´¹¤û ¤ò¿AªF «ä·Q ¬ã¨s ·| Mao Tse-tung ssu-hsiang wang / Chu-pan: Chung-kuo Ching-niu Mao Tse-tung ssu-hsiang yen-chiu hui |
Source: | ¤¤°ê ´¹¤û ¤ò¿AªF «ä·Q ºô (19 Aug. 2005) |
Description: | 3 css, 14 gif, 16 html, 21 jpeg, 2 js, 4 swf files (963 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤¤°ê ´¹¤û ¤ò¿AªF «ä·Q ¬ã¨s ·| Chung-kuo Ching-niu Mao Tse-tung ssu-hsiang yen-chiu hui | |
Subjects: | Persons Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-02-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤ß ªÅ ©~ ¤h Hsin kung chü shih |
Title: | «À¤å¤¸¼¶¤å¤jÃzÄÒ"Áô¨p"¤ò¿AªF·QÅý¦¿«C·í"¥D®u" / ¤ßªÅ©~¤h Yao Wen-yüan chuan-wen ta-pao tang "yin-ssu" Mao Tse-tung hsiang jang Chiang Ch'ing tang "chu-hsi" / Hsin kung chü shih |
Source: | (27 Mar. 2004) |
Description: | 4 html, 2 js, 9 gif, 1 css files (42,8 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | History Yao Wen-yüan, 1931-2005 Chiang Ch'ing, 1910-1991 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 03-08-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Chin Pai-ch'eng |
Title: | Critics debate the value of literature / Jin Baicheng |
Source: | China Daily (27 July 2005) |
Description: | 2 HTML, 1 JPEG, 1 CSS, 20 HTML files (72,1 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Mao Tun literary award |
Access: | (downloaded 14-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Ãö¤_³¯¿W¨q»P¦«¬£-±q¤ò¿ï¤@±øµùÄÀªº×§ï½Í°_ / ¤¤°ê ¸gÀÙ ºô Kuan-yü Ch'en Tu-hsiu yü t'uo-p'ai - ts'ung mao hsüan i-t'iao chu-shih te hsiu-kai t'an ch'i / Chung-kuo ching-chi wang |
Source: | ¤¤°ê ¸gÀÙ ºô (23 Apr. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 18 gif, 4 htm, 10 js, 16 jpg files (424 KB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
¤¤°ê ¸gÀÙ ºô Chung-kuo ching-chi wang | |
Subjects: | Communism - China Intellectuals - China China - Intellectual life - 20th century Ch'en Tu-hsiu, 1879-1942 |
Access: | (downloaded 03-11-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Derek in China [pseud.] |
Title: | Cultural Revolution - style restaurant / by Derek in China |
Source: | (22 Jan. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 xsd, 1 inf, 26 png, 2 js, 56 jpeg, 1 ico, 1 htc, 360 gif, 321 html, 7 css, 1 exe, 10 other files (9,85 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Photography Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 10-06-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Bandurski, David |
Title: | Rare essay humbles Mao Zedong / By David Bandurski |
Source: | China Media Project (28 Apr. 2011) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 8 css, 12 html, 1 gif, 2 jpeg, 11 js, 16 png files (1.32 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | The original essay of Mao Yushi on "Returning Mao Zedong to human form" disappeared completely. CMP has translated the beginning of the essay and has included the rest of the essay in Chinese below. |
T©ó¸ý, 1929- Mao Yü-shih, 1929- | |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang Communist strategy - History Leadership - China - History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-08-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¾H Áø Teng Hsia |
Title: | ³q¨³:½qÃh°¶¤H¤ò¿AªF»à¤s¤Wºt²½«ô"¤£¯v©]" / °OªÌ: ¾H Áø, ¨v «e½÷ T'ung-hsün: mien-huai wei-jen Mao Tse-tung Shao-shan shang-yen chi-pai "pu mien yeh" / chi-che: Teng Hsia, Hsiao Ch'ien-hui |
Source: | Chung-kuo hsin-wen wang ¤¤°ê ·s»D ºô (26 Dec. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 css, 19 html, 6 gif, 18 jpeg, 8 js files (638 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¨v «e½÷ Hsiao Ch'ien-hui | |
Subjects: | Patriotism Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 16-07-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Motion picture |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¦P§Ó¥D¿ë¹A¥Á¹B°ÊÁ¿²ß©Ò§}¬ö©ÀÀ] / ¥¡µøºô Mao Tse-tung tung-chih chu-pan nung-min yün-tung chiang-hsi-suo chiu-chih / CCTV |
Source: | ¥¡µøºô (05 Dec. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | Documentary, China. - In Chinese with chin. subtitles 1 videofile (1 flv file) (10:00 min) : color |
Series: | ·R§Ú¤¤µØ Ai wo chung-hua |
Collections: | Dachs - Aiwozhonghua |
Language: | chi. |
¥¡µøºô CCTV | |
Museum of the Peasant Movement Institute founded by Mao Zedong | |
Subjects: | Motion picture Art, Chinese - 21st century - Exhibitions Television broadcasting - China - History Guangdong (China) |
Access: | (downloaded 19-12-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Cultural Revolution Site : Cultural Revolution posters, Cultural Revolution statues, red books, Mao buttons, Peking Opera records, early reform Chinese political propaganda art, contemporary Chinese avant garde artwork / West Coast Trading Group |
Source: | Cultural Revolution Site (19 Dec. 2007 (date of download)) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 10.367 files (306 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Summary: | "This site serves as a concentrated place for Chinese Political Propaganda art. We have much broader selection on other types of antique and vintage art, to be found on our other site," (self description) |
Language: | eng. |
West Coast Trading Group | |
Subjects: | Art Propaganda, Communist - China |
Access: | (downloaded 03-07-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Beijing bans videos on Cultural terror : China has made a fresh effort to censor the history of the Cultural Revolution by banning dozens of video products that address the 10-year period of violent turmoil spearheaded by Mao Zedong four decades ago / Reuters |
Source: | The Standard (1 July 2006) |
Description: | 3 html, 1 css, 1 class, 25 gif, 9 jpeg, 3 js files (940 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Reuters | |
Subjects: | Media Censorship Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, China, 1966-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 31-10-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Levitator [pseud.] |
Title: | To Mao or not to Mao / Levitator |
Source: | The Levitator (Blog) (27 Aug. 2006) |
Description: | 2 html, 2 css, 3 gif, 6 jscript, 1 ascii files (160 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Taiwan Literature Chang Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 11-10-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¸Öµü¤C«ß"°e½E¯«"(¤Gº) / ¤¤°ê ¥þ´º Äá¼v ¸ê°T ºô Mao Tse-tung shih-tz'u ch'i-lu "sung wen-shen" (erh-shou) / Chung-kuo ch'üan-ching she-ying tz'u-hsün wang |
Source: | ¤¤°ê ¥þ´º Äá¼v ¸ê°T ºô (May 2003) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 cab, 7 gif, 26 html, 27 jpa, 24 jpg, 1 primary, 5 wd3 files (7.49 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤¤°ê ¥þ´º Äá¼v ¸ê°T ºô Chung-kuo ch'üan-ching she-ying tz'u-hsün wang | |
Subjects: | Propaganda, Communist - China Mass media - China Political culture - China - History - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 22-12-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | World political leaders 1945-2003 / Zárate's Political Collections |
Source: | ZPC Roberto Ortiz de Zárate (2003) |
Description: | 7 HTML, 21 GIF, 89 JPEG files |
Collections: | |
Summary: | "The Zárate's Political Collections (ZPC) focuse on dates and figures of the worldwide leadership on a country basis and are suitable for reference queries and research or documentation works. (...) [self description] This website contains lists of the names and pictures of Chinese leaders between the years 1945 and 2003. |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | Only a part of the website [China, People's Republic of (I) and (II)] has been downloaded. Please scroll to the country name: China, People's Republic of China and choose between (I) and (II). |
Contents: | Leaders of China (People's Republic of China). -- Senior leaders of the Communist Party of China |
Zárate, Roberto Ortiz de | |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - politics and government - 1976- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 Chiang Tse-min, 1926- |
Access: | (downloaded 06-03-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Schell, Orville |
Title: | Once again, long live Chairman Mao : a recent return to deifying Mao is less straightforward than it seems / by Orville Schell |
Source: | The Atlantic online (Dec. 1992) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 html, 16 gif, 3 js files (110 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Society Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Leadership - Cults Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 23-05-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Some documents on the 1962 Sino-Indian Conflict / Claude Arpi |
Source: | |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 28 pdf, 6 css, 27 html, 32 gif, 80 jpeg, 12 png, 9 js, 1 other file (31,1 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Contents: | The official history of the conflict. -- Ministry of External Affairs - White Paper. -- 1962: the eve of the Left Turn in China's foreign policy. -- An introduction to the Henderson Brooks report. -- Conversation between Zhou Enlai and J. Zedebal - December 26, 1962. -- Benediktov in conversation with R.K. Nehru - December 12, 1962. -- Memorandum of conversation between Castro and Mikoyan - November 4, 1962. -- Benediktov in conversation with R.K. Nehru - November 2, 1962. -- More on Nehru's philosophy - October 27, 1962 (People's Daily). -- Benediktov in conversation with E.M. Nambudiripad - October 26, 1962. -- Telegram from Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko to the CC CPS - October 20, 1962. -- Benediktov in conversation with the Chinese charge d'affairs in India - October 10, 1962. -- Benediktov in conversation with Bhupesh Gupta - January 27, 1962. -- The poisonnous arrow - The Panchen Lama's letter to Zhou Enlai on the situation in Tibet. -- Nehru's SOS to Kennedy - Two articles by Inder Malhotra. -- Zhang Wenji-Parthasarathy talks - 1961. -- Foreign relations of the United States, 1961-1963, South Asia. -- Chinese attack on India - October 1962 (Maj. Gen. K.K. Tewari). -- The Cuban Crisis - Some documents. -- The Sino-Indian Conflict, the Cuban Missile Crisis - by M.Y. Prozumenschikov. -- Extracts of Roderick MacFarquhar's book on the Cultural Revolution. -- The 1960 Border Talks between India and China. -- Communist China's Domestic Crisis - The road to 1964. -- Memorandum of conversation of Khrushchev with Mao Zedong - 2 October 1959. -- The Sino-Indian Border Dispute: 1961-62 (CIA Papers). -- The Sino-Indian Border Dispute: 1959-61 (CIA Papers). -- The Sino-Indian Border Dispute section 2: 1950-1959 (CIA Papers). -- An historical note of the frontier |
Arpi, Claude, 1949- | |
Subjects: | Politics India - Foreign relations - China Sino-Indian Border Dispute - Sources |
Access: |,,1992983,00.html (downloaded 19-01-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Hutton, Will |
Title: | Mao was cruel - but also laid the ground for today's China / Will Hutton |
Source: | (18 Jan. 2007) |
Description: | 34 html, 32 gif, 1 pdf, 2 css, 8 jss, 11 jpeg 3 other files (1,39 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Persons History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 05-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | µ{¬üªF, 1969- Ch'eng Mei-tung, 1969- |
Title: | ¤£¯à¸H¤ù¤Æ¦a¸ÑŪ¤ò¿AªF,¤£¯à¨S¦³¬O«Dªíã / µ{¬üªF Pu-neng sui-p'ien-hua te jieh-tu Mao Tse-tung, pu-neng mei-yu shih fei piao-chun / Ch'eng Mei-tung |
Source: | ¤¤°ê¦@²£ÄÒ·s»Dºô (18 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css file, 15 gif, 4 html, 6 js, 19 jpg, 5 png files (784 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Politicians Political leadership - China Socialism - China - History 21st century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-04-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤ ¤ë ¤õ ²y wu yüeh huo ch'iu [pseud.] |
Title: | ¸s¬P-<¤å²ºq¦±¦X¶°¤§2-¤ò¥D®u»y¿ýºq>¨Ó¦Û¬õxºX[MP3!] / ¤ ¤ë ¤õ ²y ch'ün-hsing - |
Source: | (17 Sep. 2005) |
Description: | 3 css, 5 html, 17 gif, 39 jpeg, 15 js, 12 png, 1 swf, 3 txt files (835 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Music China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Art and the revolution Revolutionary ballads and songs - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-02-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | §d}:¤¤°êªº¤ò¿AªF§x¹Ò Wu Ti : Chung-kuo te Mao Tse-tung k'un ching |
Source: | Àô²yºô (13. Feb. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 3 gif, 1 html, 1 htm, 22 js, 14 jpg, 64 png files (2,08 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Economic conditions National characteristics, Chinese Socialism - China - History - 21st century China - Economic conditions - 21st century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤½Zi : ¤ò¿AªFªº·s¤¤°ê¹Ú·Q Kung Mao-hung : Mao Tse-tung te hsin chung-kuo meng-hsiang / Tso-che tan-wei: Chung-hsüan-pu ssu-hsiang cheng-chih kung-tso yen-chiu-so |
Source: | ¤¤°ê¦@²£ÄÒ·s»Dºô (06 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css file, 13 gif, 3 htm, 6 js, 16 jpg, 2 png files (664 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Political leadership Heads of state - China China - History - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 22-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Àµ½Ðð°ê±j¤£n¦Aºt¤ò¿AªF¤F!(Âà¸ü) / ¤Ñ²P ªÀ°Ï K'en-ch'ing T'ang Kuo-ch'iang pu-yao tsai-yen Mao Tse-tung le! (chuan-tsai) / Tian-ya she-ch'ü |
Source: | ¤Ñ²P ªÀ°Ï (29 Dec. 2012) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 css, 10 js, 27 gif, 10 htm, 9 jpg, 1 jsonp, 1 jspx, 1 mp3, 54 png, 1 swf files (1.78 MB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
¤Ñ²P ªÀ°Ï Tian-ya she-ch'ü | |
Subjects: | Art Theater and state Film T'ang Kuo-ch'iang, 1952- |
Access: | (downloaded 15-09-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Butterfield, Fox |
Title: | Mao Tse-tung : father of Chinese Revolution / by Fox Butterfield |
Source: | New York Times (10 Sep. 2005) |
Description: | 3 HTML, 7 GIF, 1 JPEG files (136 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Biography Head of state - China - Biography China - Politics and government - 20th century China - History - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | /archive2/donations/mittler/auftraege/2015/01/16/fauna150116/ (downloaded 16-01-2015) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Fauna [pseud.] |
Title: | Mao Zedong's 12 Time Magazine Covers / By Fauna |
Source: | (11 Jan. 2010) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 3 html, 12 gif, 47 jpeg, 7 js, 21 png files (3.30 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Political leader China - Politics and government - 1949-1976 Political culture - China |
Access: | (downloaded 18-09-2018) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFµo°Ê¤å²¤j³°ªì¤¤·s½Ò¥»§R°£¿ù»~¤G¦r / ¤¤¥¡ ³q°T ªÀ Mao Tse-tung fa-tung wen-ke ta-lu ch'u-chung hsin k'o-pen shan-ch'u ts'o-wu erh tzu / Chung-yang t'ung-hsün she |
Source: | ¤¤¥¡ ³q°T ªÀ (10 Sep. 2018) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 css, 2 eot, 4 gif, 6 htm, 25 jpg, 7 js, 69 png, 1 ttf, 2 woff, 1 xml files (2.16 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤¤¥¡ ³q°T ªÀ Chung-yang t'ung-hsün she | |
Subjects: | Education - China China - Politics and government - 21st century Education - China - 21st century Propaganda, Communist - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 04-12-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Kahn, Joseph |
Title: | Where's Mao? Chinese revise history books / by Joseph Kahn |
Source: | The New York Times (1 Sep. 2006) |
Description: | 9 css, 4 html, 13 gif, 11 js, 8 jpeg, 1 png file (338 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Education Textbooks - China History |
Access: | (downloaded 13-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Barboza, David |
Title: | Why do artists say: look at me / by David Barboza and Lynn Zhang |
Source: | (13 Feb. 2009) |
Description: | 5 php, 2 js, 37 jpeg, 16 gif, 2 html, 1 css file (1,3 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Zhang, Lynn | |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 21st century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Wei Ying |
Title: | '80s Chic: Yu Youhan's chairman Mao / by Wei Ying |
Source: | (24 Feb. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 php, 2 js, 37 jpeg, 22 gif, 2 html, 1 css file (1,2 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 20th century Art, Chinese - 21st century Yü Yu-han, 1943- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 11-04-2018) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Revolution |
Title: | ²ß¤Gªº³Õ¤h½×¤åÃD¥Ø¥s"¤¤°ê¹A§ø¥«³õ¤Æ¬ã¨s",¥ý¤£»¡½×¤å¬O¤£¬O¥L¼gªº,³æ´NÃD¥Ø¨ÓÁ¿»Pªk¾Ç¨S¦³¥b¤ò¿úÃö«Y. Hsi erh te po-shih lun-wen t'i-mu chiao "chung-kuo nung-ts'un shih-ch'ang hua yen-chiu", hsien pu shuo lun-wen shih pu-shih t'a hsieh te, tan chiu t'i-mu lai chiang yü fa-hsüeh mei-yu pan mao ch'ien kuan-hsi. / Revolution |
Source: | Twitter (08 Apr. 2018) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 11 gif, 2 html, 2 js, 2 jpeg, 12 jpg, 2 png files (228 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Political leadership - China Statesmen - China China - Rural conditions Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- |
Access: | (downloaded 27-03-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¥Ñ´J¨¥¬G¨Æ§ï½s¹qµø¼@·M¤½²¾¤s¶}©ç / ·s®ö ®T¼Ö Yu yü-yen ku-shih kai-pien tien-shih-chü Yü-kung i shan k'ai-p'ai / Hsin-lang yü-le |
Source: | ·s®ö ®T¼Ö (13 Apr. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 html, 25 gif, 1 jpeg, 9 js, 3 swf files (371 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
·s®ö ®T¼Ö Hsin-lang yü-le | |
Subjects: | Television series Fables, Chinese - Adaptations Fables - China - Shan-hsi sheng Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 15-05-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Wenk, Kirstin |
Title: | Das Ausland ist an allem Schuld : "Haßerfüllte extreme Kräfte": Warum viele Chinesen die Entmythifizierung Mao Tse-tungs ablehnen / von Kirstin Wenk |
Source: | (6 Feb. 2006) |
Description: | 55 html, 55 gif, 9 jpeg, 1 ico, 15 js, 2 css files (2,46 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang Jung, 1952- |
Access: | (downloaded 11-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Bartsch, Bernhard |
Title: | Die Legende vom großen Mao / Bernhard Bartsch |
Source: | Berlin Online (8 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 31 GIF, 1 JPEG, 2 JScript, 3 CSS files (134 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Ho Na |
Title: | Look-a-like Chairman Mao stirs debate / by He Na |
Source: | China Daily (21 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 2 HTML, 5 JPEG, 6 JScript, 1 CSS, 9 GIF files (241 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Leadership - Cults Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-03-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¿£¨Ó»« Fu Lai-pin |
Title: | "¤ò¿AªFºX¼mºô"¨ì©³¬OÓ¤°»ò©Ê½èªººô¯¸? / ¿£¨Ó»« "Mao Tse-tung ch'i-chih wang" tao-ti shih ko shen-me hsing-chih te wang-chan? / Fu Lai-pin |
Source: | ³Õ°T·s»Dºô (8 Aug. 2004) |
Description: | 1 html, 2 js, 2 gif files (37 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Marxism China - politics and government - 20th century Leadership - China - History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 10-02-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | The basic rules for selecting and appointing cadres : July 24 Renmin ribao editorial / Xinhua |
Source: | [Jen-min jih-pao?] (23 Jul. [2002]) |
Description: | 1 ASCII file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Hsin-hua | |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang - Congresses Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 Chiang Tse-min, 1926- |
Access: | (downloaded 30-01-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Ang, Audra |
Title: | Mao's English tutor dies at age 72 / by Audra Ang |
Source: | (29 Jan. 2008) |
Description: | 3 css, 10 gif, 1 html, 2 js, 6 jpeg, 2 png files (695 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Persons Language and languages - Study and teaching English language - Study and teaching - Foreign speakers Chang Han-chih Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 28-02-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Chang Jung |
Title: | Jung Chang : remembering Mao / Jung Chang |
Source: | BBC Hardtalk Extra (27 June 2005) |
Description: | 1 rm file (6,19 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | Real Player needed to view video. |
Husain, Mishal [int.] | |
Subjects: | Interview Literature Chang Jung, 1952 - |
Access: | (downloaded 16-01-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Chairman Mao / de-noted |
Source: | (21 Jan. 2007) |
Description: | 2 css, 1 jpeg, 1 html file (82 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
de-noted | |
Subjects: | Blogs Money - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 20-04-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Nixon's China game / PBS |
Source: | Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) (1999) |
Description: | HTML files (18,1 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) | |
Subjects: | China - Foreign relations - United States United States - Foreign relations - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 29-09-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¶À©v^, 1925- Huang Tsung-ying, 1925- |
Title: | §Ú¿Ë²â¤ò¿AªFù½^«n¹ï¸Ü / ¶À©v^ ¤å Wo ch'in ling Mao Tse-tung lo Chi-nan tui-hua / Huang Tsung-ying wen |
Source: | Wen-chai pao ¤åºK³ø (29 Sep. 2003) |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | China - Politics and government - 1949- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Lu Hsün, 1881-1936 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-03-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao Zedong Thought cures deaf mutes : a film clip from the Cultural Revolution: "Mao Zedong Thought" cures deaf mute kids and proves the counter-revolutionary wickedness of Liu Shaoqi. |
Source: | (10 Mar. 2008) |
Description: | 1 avi file (3,23 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Bib. note: | eng. subtitles |
Goldkorn, Jeremy [comp.] | |
Subjects: | History Propaganda, Communist - China Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, China, 1966-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Liu Shao-ch'i, 1898-1969 |
Access: | (downloaded 23-07-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | 19-year-old Chiba (@chibakoo) on the street in Harajuku wearing a More Than Dope sweatshirt with UNIQLO skinny jeans, Reebok pumps, an Issey Miyake Bao Bao bag, and Never Mind the XU accessories. / Pintaram Instagram Marketing Platform |
Source: | Pintaram (20 Jun. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 html, 5 js, 2 js files (1.42 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Communism - China Political leadership - China Statesmen - China Popular culture - Japan Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-05-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | A recent poster of Mao Zedong / Tou-pan tien-ying |
Source: | ¨§Ã¤ ¹q¼v (20 May 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 html, 2 jpg files (600 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
¨§Ã¤ ¹q¼v Tou-pan tien-ying | |
Subjects: | Internet - China Public opinion - China Social media - Political aspects Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 28-10-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Wagner, Wieland |
Title: | Mao on Your Mobile : a New Communist Career Built on the Past / By Wieland Wagner |
Source: | Spiegel Online (12 May 2011) |
Orig. URL: | : |
Description: | 3 css, 5 html, 19 gif, 12 jpeg, 8 js, 74 png files (1.51 MB) |
Series: | Red songs |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kung-chàn-tang China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Propaganda, Communist - China Chongqing (China) Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Po Hsi-lai, 1949- |
Access: | (downloaded 09-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | (ÃtÅx¤ò¿AªF-223)®uµY:(§Úªº¤÷¿Ë¾H¤p¥)¬n¦±©M½s³y¤F¦Ê¦â°_¸q¾ú¥v / ºô©ö (Hsiao-sa Mao Tse-tung - 223) hsi-lin: (wo-te fu-ch'in Teng Hsiao-p'ing) wai-ch'ü ho pien-tsao le pai-se ch'i-i li-shih / Wang-i |
Source: | ºô©ö (31 Mar. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 2 cur, 13 gif, 9 htm, 1 html, 7 js, 52 jpg, 111 png files (3.82 MB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
ºô©ö Wang-i | |
Subjects: | Leadership - China Political leadership - China Heads of state - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-06-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¼Bª¢¨³ Liu Yen-hsün |
Title: | T¤_¸ý : §ÜijªÌ¥u½|¤H / §@ªÌ: ¼Bª¢¨³, ¤ý¦Ú Mao Yü-shih : k'ang-i-che chih ma jen / tso-che: Liu Yen-hsün, Wang Ch'en |
Source: | ¦@ÃѺô (08 June 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 25 gif, 3 html, 25 jpeg, 4 js, 5 png files (688 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤ý¦Ú Wang Ch'en | |
Subjects: | Economy China - Economic policy - 21st century China - Economic conditions - 21st century Yü Mao-shih |
Access: | (downloaded 02-05-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Meigs, Doug |
Title: | Warhol's Mao works censored in China / By Doug Meigs |
Source: | The Wall Street Journal (25 Mar. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 155 png, 39 js, 71 jpeg, 236 gif, 45 html, 35 css files (12.4 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Art Pop Art - United States China - History - Culturual Revolution, 1966-1976 - Pictorial works Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Warhol, Andy, 1928-1987 |
Access: | (downloaded 09-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ºtö"¨«¤U¯«¾Âªº¤ò¿AªF"<¬K³·¼í¤§>ÅåÆA¤å¤Æ®c / ºô©ö ·s»D Yen-i "tsou-hsia shen-t'an te Mao Tse-tung" |
Source: | ºô©ö (04 Apr. 2010) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 css, 1 file, 12 gif, 8 htm, 2 html, 13 js, 27 jpg, 9 png file (932 KB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
ºô©ö Wang-i | |
Subjects: | Leadership - China Political leadership - China Heads of state - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 25-08-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¬Ý§¹<ªF¤è¬õ>ººt¬°¦ó¤ÏÀ³¥X¥G·N®Æ? / ³d¥ô ½s¿è: ¾G´@´@ Mao Tse-tung kan-wan |
Source: | (21 Jul. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 19 html, 8 gif, 16 jpeg, 15 js, 6 swf, 1 flv files (14 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¾G´@´@ Cheng T'ing-t'ing | |
Subjects: | History China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 Revolutionary ballads and songs - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 26-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¦¶¨ä Chu Ch'i |
Title: | ²Ê«U©M¥Á¶¡ªº°¸¹³:±q²©R¨ì®ø¶OªÀ·|ªº¯Ê³´§Î¦¡ : Ãö¤_¼B¤O°êªºÀJ¶ìÃÀ¥º / ¦¶¨ä Ts'u-su ho min-chien te ou-hsiang : ts'ung ko-ming tao hsiao-fei she-hui te ch'üeh-hsien hsing-shih : kuan-yü Liu Li-kuo te tiao-su i-shu / tso-che: Chu Ch'i |
Source: | (28 Jun. 2007) |
Description: | 1 css, 4 html, 50 gif, 27 jpeg, 7 js files (474 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi.;eng. |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 20th century Art, Chinese - 21st century Liu Li-kuo, 1961- |
Access: | (downloaded 26-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¦¶¨ä Chu Ch'i |
Title: | ²Ê«U©M¥Á¶¡ªº°¸¹³:±q²©R¨ì®ø¶OªÀ·|ªº¯Ê³´§Î¦¡ : Ãö¤_¼B¤O°êªºÀJ¶ìÃÀ¥º / §@ªÌ : ¦¶¨ä Ts'u-su ho min-chien te ou-hsiang : ts'ung ko-ming tao hsiao-fei she-hui te ch'üeh-hsien hsing-shih : kuan-yü Liu Li-kuo te tiao-su i-shu / tso-che: Chu Ch'i |
Source: | (21 Jun. 2007) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. ; eng. |
Loc. note: | Related page |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 20th century Art, Chinese - 21st century Liu Li-kuo, 1961- |
Access: | (downloaded 11-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | A swan's little book of ire : [book review] / |
Source: | Sydney Morning Herald (8 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 7 GIF, 1 XML files (26,9 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Sydney Morning Herald | |
Subjects: | History Heads of state - China - Biography Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Books - Reviews Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-03-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Kakutani, Michiko |
Title: | China's monster, second to none / by Michiko Kakutani |
Source: | The New York Times (21 Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML file (28 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Literature Review The unknown story Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 19-08-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | CASS Launches Web Site on Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Three Represents study : Represents Study / FBIS |
Source: | FBIS (25 Feb. 2003) |
Description: | 1 ASCII file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
FBIS | |
Subjects: | Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang - Congresses Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Access: | (downloaded 10-12-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Zhang, Erping |
Title: | SARS: unmasking censorship in China / Erping Zhang |
Source: | (11 Aug. 2003) |
Description: | 1 png, 11 jpeg, 11 gif, 2 html, 1 css, 1 bmp file (499 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | SARS (Disease) Comics and cartoons Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 09-08-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Bei Dao |
Title: | From the Founding of Today to Today: A Reminiscence / by Bei Dao |
Source: | Stanford Presidential Lectures (Jan. 1998) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 0pt, 2 1pt, 1 3em, 2 15pt, 5159 asp, 2451 aspx, 5 axd, 4 bmp, 2 cab, 122 css, 11 cfm, 2 cgi, 1 cn, 1 com, 10 db, 6 dtd, 3213 files, 1112 gif, 3088 html, 1 ilse, 138 js, 990 jpg, 2 jsp, 2 m3u, 52 mp3, 4 pdf, 294 php, 44 png, 1193 primary, 38 swf, 6 shtml, 1 str39, 1 str40, 12 mov, 2 rm, 4 wmv, 3 wd3, 1 width, 1 wma, 3 xml files (390 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Propaganda, Communist - China Mass media - China Art Culture Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 28-10-2001) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Taubman, William |
Title: | Khrushchev vs. Mao : a preliminary sketch of the role of personality in the Sino-Soviet split / by William Taubman |
Source: | Cold War international History Project Bulletin, vol. 8/9 (winter 1996-97) |
Description: | 1 HTML file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Access: | (downloaded 05-05-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Title: | Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung / Lin Biao [comp.] |
Source: | Art Bin ([s.a.]) |
Description: | 35 HTML, 3 GIF, 2 WD3 files (385 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Summary: | "The text here is verbatim from the second edition of "Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung", printed in Peking in 1967. The only change is in this file, where I for the convenience of on-line reading put the table of contents before Lin Piao's foreword. In the printed edition, the foreword comes first." [self description] |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | The quotations were compiled in the mid 1960's by Lin Biao. |
Loc. note: | Informations about the work and the author are available at: |
Lin Piao, 1908-1971 | |
Subjects: | Quotations, Chinese - Translations into English Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Quotations Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Lin Biao, 1908-1971 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Huan-ch'iu wang |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF»PÄÒªº¸s²³¸ô½u / Àô²yºô Mao Tse-tung yü tang te ch'ün-chung lu-hsian / Huan-qiu wang |
Source: | Àô²yºô (25 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 2 html, 3 gif, 12 jpeg, 21 js, 63 png files (1.50 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Àô²yºô Huan-qiu wang | |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - History - 1949-1976 Heads of state - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 07-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¦¿¿A¥Á, 1926- Chiang Tse-min, 1926- |
Title: | ¦¿¿A¥Á¦b¤ò¿AªF¦P§Ó½Ï¨°¤@¦Ê©P¦~¬ö©À¤j·|¤WªºÁ¿¸Ü / ¦¿¿A¥Á Chiang Tse-min tsai Mao Tse-tung t'ung-chih tan-ch'en i pai chou chi-nien ta-hui shang te chiang-hua / Chiang Tse-min |
Source: | ·sµØ ºô (26. Dec. 1993) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 gif, 2 hm 4 js files (172 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Political leadership Leadership - China Political culture - China - History - 20th century Chiang Tse-min, 1926- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-02-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Ching Cheong |
Title: | Hu rekindles maoism / by Ching Cheong |
Source: | The Straits Times (7 Feb. 2004) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 1 XML, 1 GIF files (37 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | China - Politics and government - 21st century Leadership - China Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 28-07-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Heartfield, James |
Title: | Mao: the end of the affair : a new biography by former Maoists Jung Chang and Jon Halliday blames Mao for everything that has gone wrong in China. What are they trying to hide? / by James Heartfield |
Source: | (4 July 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 6 JScript, 1 JPEG, 30 GIF files (129 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Oppression - China Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Heads of state - China - Biography History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 25-03-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¦Ñ ¾ð¥Ö Lao Shu-p'i [pseud.] |
Title: | «V°d¤ò¥D®u¨v¹³,³·ÅKÀsÁ`³¡¥¿¦¡¹Dºp / ¦Ñ ¾ð¥Ö Wu-ju Mao chu-hsi hsiao-hsiang, Hsüeh-t'ieh-lung tsung-pu cheng-shih tao-ch'ien / Lao Shu-p'i |
Source: | (14 Jan. 2008) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 14 html, 60 gif, 11 jpeg, 9 js, 3 png, 2 txt files (641 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Blogs Citroen automobile Public opinion - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-11-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Frammolino, Ralph |
Title: | From Mao to Microsoft : An American's Chinese odyssey / by Ralph Frammolino |
Source: | Los Angeles Times (3 Nov. 2004) |
Description: | 2 HTML, 42 GIF, 1 JPEG, 1 CSS, 6 JScript files (171 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Communists - China - History China - History - 1949-1976 Rittenberg, Sidney |
Access: | (downloaded 04-09-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Á¡º³¨Ó¬°´ü"¬õ¦âµu«H¤jÁÉ"µoº±øµu«H : ¤ò¿AªF»y¿ý / ³d¥ô½s¿è:·¨¨Î Po Hsi-lai wei Yü "hung-se tuan-hsin ta sai" fa shou t'iao tuan-hsin : Mao Tse-tung yü-lu / Tse-jen pien-chi: Yang Chia |
Published: | Ch'ung-ch'ing |
Source: | (28 Apr. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 swf, 6 js, 18 jpeg, 26 gif, 47 html, 1 dtd, 2 css, 5 other files (918 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
·¨¨Î [½s] Yang Chia [ed.] | |
Subjects: | Government Cultural revolution Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Po Hsi-lai, 1949- |
Access: | (downloaded 31-01-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Spence, Jonathan D., 1936- |
Title: | Portrait of a monster / By Jonathan D. Spence |
Source: | New York Review of Books, vol. 52, no. 17 (3 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 1 XML, 1 GIF files (43,8 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | History Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Heads of state - China - Biography Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Chang, Jung, 1952- Halliday, Jon |
Access: | (downloaded 18-03-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤ò§Ó¦¨ Mao Chih-ch'eng |
Title: | ¤ò§Ó¦¨§@«~¶° / ¤ò§Ó¦¨ Mao Chih-ch'eng tso-p'in chi / Mao Chih-ch'eng |
Source: | Po-hsüeh shu-k'u ³Õ¾Ç®Ñ®w ([s.a.]) |
Description: | 73 HTML, 2 JPEG files (671 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Chinese literature Mao Chih-ch'eng tso-p'in chi - Databases Full text files Mao Chih-ch'eng |
Access: | (downloaded 03-08-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Gittings, John |
Title: | A great leap backward : idealist or monster? The controversy over Mao's legacy refuses to die / John Gittings |
Source: | Guardian (23 July 2005) |
Description: | 6 HTML, 2 CSS, 6 JScript, 12 GIF files (131 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | This article is a review of "Mao: the unknown story" by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday. |
Subjects: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 11-12-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | On their way back : the overseas Chinese are returning to become entrepreneurs in the motherland / From The Economist |
Source: | Economist (6 Nov. 2003) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 1 JPEG, 6 GIF files (69,5 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Economist | |
Subjects: | Entrepreneurship - China Entrepreneurship - Political aspects - China Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 10-09-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¥_¨Ê 1 ¸¹ Pei-ching i hao [pseudonym] |
Title: | ¤Ó¶§³Ì¬õ,¤ò¥D®u³Ì¿Ë¤j«¬µ¼Ö·|¤µ±ß¦b¥_¨Ê¶©«Á|¦æ! / ¥_¨Ê 1 ¸¹ T'ai-yang tsui hung, Mao chu-hsi tsui ch'in ta-hsing yin-yüeh-hui chin-wan chiang tsai Pei-ching lung-chung chü-hsing! / Pei-ching i hao |
Source: | (7 Sep. 2006) |
Description: | 1 aspx, 5 css, 19 html, 52 gif, 30 jpeg, 10 js, 1 mp3, 4 png files (8,23 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ªÀµû : §_©w¤ò¿AªF,¤Ö¼Æ¤Hªº¥®¸X¨g·Q / Àô²yºô She-p'ing : Fou-ting Mao Tse-tung, shao-shu-jen de yu-chih k'uang-hsiang / Huan-ch'iu wang |
Source: | Àô²yºô (23 Dez. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 3 gif files, 1 html, 1 htm file, 22 js, 14 jpg, 63 png files (2,06 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Àô²yºô Huan-ch'iu-wang | |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - History - 1949-1976 Leadership - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 06-08-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¥Ù©ó¸ý, 1929- Mao Yü-shih, 1929- |
Title: | ¥Ù©ó¸ýªº·s®ö·L³Õ / ¥Ù©ó¸ý Sina Weibo Posts from Mao Yushi / Mao Yü-shih |
Source: | (Feb. 2012 - Ju. 2013) |
Description: | 4 css, 8 html, 19 gif, 9 jpeg, 7 js, 17 png files (2.38 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Microblogs |
Access: | (downloaded 26-08-2015) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ù©ý Lo, Hsin |
Title: | ¤@½Í¨ì«¸¤å,À¹ÀAµØ©M¤ò¦y´N°_ª§°õ¤F / ¼ê´û ·s»D °OªÌ ù©ý I t'an-tao Chiang Wen, Tai Chin-hua ho Mao Chien chiu ch'i cheng-chih le / P'eng-p'ai hsin-wen chi-che Lo Hsin |
Source: | ¼ê´û·s»D (16 Jul. 2015) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 5 css, 10 html, 25 jpeg, 3 js, 42 png files (1.65 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Motion pictures - China - Reviews Intellectuals - China - Interviews Culture - China Chiang Wen, 1963- Mao Chien Tai Chin-hua, 1959- |
Access: | (downloaded 23-03-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Lim, Benjamin Kang |
Title: | China axes novel for satirising sacred Mao slogan / by Benjamin Kang Lim |
Source: | Reuters (21 Mar. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 18 GIF, 6 JScript, 1 JPEG, 3 CSS files (150 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Censorship - China |
Access: | (downloaded 02-07-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Landsberg, Mitchell |
Title: | Marx loses currency in new China : teaching socialism is mandatory, but learning it is monotonous for today's students, who revere money more than Mao / By Mitchell Landsberg |
Source: | (26 Jun. 2007) |
Description: | html files (406 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Education Ideology Marxism |
Access: | (downloaded 29-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ª÷¤p¤B Chin Hsiao-ting |
Title: | "¤ò,¤£¬°¤Hª¾ªº¬G¨Æ"ªº17Ó°ÝÃD(2) / ª÷¤p¤B "Mao, pu wei jen chih te ku-shih" te 17 ko wen-t'i (2) / Chin Hsiao-ting |
Source: | Chinese Newsnet (15 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 3 HTML files (92,4 KB) |
Collections: | Mao - Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Literature Mao, the unknown story : book review / Jung Chang and Jon Halliday Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 11-07-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao and us |
Source: | Opinion Journal (2 Jul. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 41 GIF, 1 CSS, 10 JPEG, 4 JScript files (640 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | Orig. publ.: Wall Street Journal on 28 Jun. 2005 |
Opinion Journal | |
Subjects: | Censorship - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 20-04-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Barro, Robert J. |
Title: | From Mao to Hu / Robbert J. Barro |
Source: | Hoover Digest, no. 1 (2003) |
Description: | 1 HTML file (17 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | Orig. publ.: Business Week; September 30, 2002 |
Subjects: | Leadership - China Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- |
Access: | (downloaded 07-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ³¢ÅK¦¨ Kuo T'ieh-ch'eng |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¹ï¹ý©³°ßª«¥D¸qªº°^Äm / ³¢ÅK¦¨ Mao Tse-tung tui ch'e-ti wei-wu-chu-I te kung-hsian / Kuo T'ieh-ch'eng |
Source: | ¤¤°ê¦@²£ÄÒ·s»Dºô (09 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 2 html, 13 gif, 16 jpeg, 6 js, 2 png files (648 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - History - 1949-1976 Heads of state - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Information on name variants (Please follow link for related entries) | |
Guo Tiecheng |
Access: | (downloaded 21-11-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Ni Ching-Ching |
Title: | Mao is their canvas : every year for 57 years, a huge portrait of the leader is freshened up in Tiananmen Square. For the artists, it's been a lifetime of obscurity. / By Ching-Ching Ni |
Source: | Los Angeles Times (14 Sep. 2006) |
Description: | 1 html file (13,7 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Society Portrait painting Leadership - Cults Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 28-07-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Link, E. Perry, 1944- |
Title: | Mad, bad Mao / Perry Link |
Source: | The Times Literary Supplement (20 July 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 1 CSS, 2 JScript, 7 GIF files (106 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | This article is a review of "Mao: the unknown story" by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday. |
Subjects: | Oppression - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 25-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ·¿¬Ù©e«Å¶Ç³¡°Æ³¡ªø¥îµqµ¥´N"¸ú¿ß¿ß"¨Æ¥óµªºÃºô¥Á / ³d¥ô ½s¿è: °Ó ÆA«C Tien sheng wei hsüan-ch'uan-pu fu pu-chang Wu Hao teng chiu "to-mao-mao" shih-chien ta-i wang-min / tse-jen pien-chi: Shang Yen-ch'ing |
Source: | ¶³ «n ºô (22 Feb. 2009) |
Description: | 5 swf, 10 js, 10 jpeg, 15 gif, 7 html files (745 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
°Ó ÆA«C [½s] Shang Yen-ch'ing [ed.] | |
Subjects: | Internet Public opinion - China Freedom of information - China Yün-nan sheng |
Access: | (downloaded 19-12-2015) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ads |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªFªº"»y¨¥¦a¹Ï"»Pµe·¤å· / ·sµØ ºô ·s»D Mao Tse-tung te "yü-yen ti-t'u" yü hua-feng wen-feng / Hsin-hua wang hsin-wen |
Source: | ·sµØºô·s»D (7 Dec. 2015) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 4 gif, 7 html, 10 js, 4 jpg, 12 png files (676 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
·sµØ ªÀ Hsin-hua she | |
Subjects: | Language Propaganda, communist - China - Terminology Propaganda, communist - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-11-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¤£¬O ºëµØ §Ú ¤£ µo pu shih ching-hua wo pu fa [pseud.] |
Title: | ¶l²¼:¤ò¥D®u¥h¦w·½ / ¤£¬O ºëµØ §Ú ¤£ µo Yu-p'iao: Mao chu-hsi ch'ü An-yüan / pu shih ching-hua wo pu fa |
Source: | (11 May 2009) |
Description: | 4 xml, 10 swf, 8 png, 16 js, 27 jpeg, 231 gif, 66 html, 8 css, 2 other files (3,31 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Propaganda, Chinese Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 29-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | µo°_"Ãö¤_¶©«¬ö©À¤ò¿AªF¥D®u«Øij®× / §@ªÌ : «Øij «ö µo °_ ¤H Fa ch'i "kuan-yü lung-chung chi-nien Mao Tse-tung chu-hsi chien-i an" / Tso-che : Chien-i an fa ch'i jen |
Source: | ¬õ¦â¤¤°ê (12 Jan. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 45 gif, 10 htm, 2 cs, 4 jpg, 66 png files (1,15 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Persons Chung-kuo kung ch'an tang - History Leadership - China - History National characteristics, Chinese - History Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 06-11-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¥D®u®³³Á§J·°Û¬õºq? : ¤@KTV¼s§i¾D³B»@ / ½s¿è: ±i «vÅï Mao chu-hsi na mai-k'e-feng ch'ang hung-ke? : i KTV kuang-kao tsao ch'u-fa / pien-chi: Chang Tsai-lin |
Source: | (21 Oct. 2009) |
Description: | 1 css, 12 html, 6 gif, 32 jpeg, 11 js, 2 swf files (761 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
±i «vÅï [½s] Chang Tsai-lin [ed.] | |
Subjects: | Advertising Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-04-2012) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤õ·-¤ò¥D®uªº®Ñ§Ú³Ì·RŪ(KTVª©)Qiangkovic Huo Feng - Mao Chu-hsi te shu wo tsui ai tu (KTV pan) Qiangkovic / Super7474 |
Source: | (20 Aug. 2011) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 css, 23 gif, 2 html, 9 jpeg, 14 js, 51 png, 9 swf, 1 flv file (5,4 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | Some advertisements missing |
Cast: | ¤õ·, 1962- Huo Feng, 1962- |
Super7474 [pseud.] | |
Subjects: | Music Popular music - China - 20th century Art - Communist countries Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-01-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Hymn for the socialist, dedicated to China / |
Source: | (24 Aug. 2006) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 html, 1 flv file (5,05 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
johnleea [pseud.] [comp.] | | | |
She-hui-chu-i hao ªÀ·|¥D¸q¦n | |
Subjects: | Music Karaoke music Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 12-06-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Radtke, Oliver |
Title: | Der Große Vorsitzende als Lord Voldemort : Heidelberger Sinologie-Studenten diskutieren Jung Changs Mao-Biografie / Oliver Radtke |
Source: | (9 Dec. 2005) |
Description: | 4 html, 1 jpeg files (29 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Bib. note: | Original source: Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung. |
Subjects: | Science Chang Jung, 1952- University of Heidelberg Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 28-08-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao Zedong's red book selling well in Taiwan / |
Published: | Beijing |
Source: | (7 Oct. 2005) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 3 html, 12 gif, 5 jpeg files (116 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. | | |
Subjects: | Culture Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Books and reading Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Influence Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 06-08-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¤Ñ¦a / ¤ò¿AªF¾Ç·| Mao Tse-tung t'ien-ti / Mao Tse-tung hsüeh-hui |
Published: | [s.l.] : ¤ò¿AªF¾Ç·|, 2000 [s.l.] : Mao Tse-tung hsüeh-hui, 2000 |
Description: | 57 HTML, 7965 ASCII, 76 JPEG, 4 GIF, 2 CSS, 1 PHP, 1 RAM, 61 WD3, 84 undef. files (v.) (72 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Bib. note: | Published 2000-2004 |
Contents: | ¤H¥Á¬K¬î. -- ¼ËªOÀ¸¼@¥». -- ¤ò ¥D®u »y¿ý. -- ¤ò¿AªF ¿ï¶° (1-5). -- ¤ò¿AªF µÛ§@ ¿ïŪ (1-2). -- ¤ò¿AªF ¤å¶° (1-8). -- ¤ò¿AªF ¥~¥æ ¤å¿ï. -- ¤ò¿AªF ·s»D ¤u§@ ¤å¿ï. -- ¤ò¿AªF x¨Æ ¤å¿ï. -- «Ø°ê ¥H¨Ó ¤ò¿AªF ¤å½Z (1-13). -- ¸Öµü (¥þ³¡). -- ®Ñ«H. -- µÅT |
¤ò¿AªF¾Ç·| Mao Tse-tung hsüeh-hui | |
Subjects: | Mao Tse-tung t'ien-ti - Databases Full text files China - Politics and government - 20th century Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-09-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Great helmsman's role still has currency / The Guardian |
Source: | The Guardian (5 Sep. 2005) |
Description: | 1 ASCII file (4 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Loc. note: | 20050919/18:40:45 |
The Guardian | |
Subjects: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 - Personality cult Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 09-07-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¹³³¹¦¬Âúô Mao Tse-tung hsiang-chang shou-ts'ang wang / Mao Tse-tung hsiang-chang shou-ts'ang wang |
Source: | (2003) |
Description: | 92 asp, 8 css, 1968 html, 283 gif, 334 jpeg, 8 js, 2 swf, 4 other files (37,5 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Mao Tse-tung hsiang-chang shou-ts'ang wang | |
Subjects: | Websites Badges - China Portrait miniatures - China Medals - China Buttons - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 14-04-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Àô²yºô |
Title: | ¼Ú¬w¬O¿ß¬Oªê½Z²M·¡«Ü¦³¥²n / Àô²yºô Ou-chou shih mao shih hu, kao ch'ing-ch'u hen you pi-yao / Huan-ch'iu wang |
Source: | Àô²yºô (24 Mar. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 6 css, 2 html, 3 gif, 14 jpeg, 22 js, 62 png files (1.37 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - China - EU - 2014 |
Language: | chi. |
Huan-ch'iu wang | |
Subjects: | International relations Europe - Foreign relations - China China - Foreign relations - European Union countries |
Access: | (downloaded 30-03-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | JÀAÀÜ, 1942- Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- |
Title: | JÀAÀܦb¬ö¦~¤ò¿AªF½Ï±á110©P¥Z®y½Í·|ªºÁ¿¸Ü / JÀAÀÜ Hu Chin-t'ao tsai chi-nien Mao Tse-tung tan-chen 110 chou-k'an tso t'an-hui te chiang-hua / Hu Chin-t'ao |
Source: | (26 Dec. 2003) |
Description: | 3 HTML, 24 GIF, 6 JPEG, 2 JScript files (200 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-12-2004) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ¥Ù¤_¸ý, 1929- Mao Yü-shih, 1929- |
Title: | ¥Ù¤_¸ýªº±MÄæ¤å³¹ / ¥Ù¤_¸ý Mao Yü-shih te chuan-lan wen-chang / Mao Yü-shih |
Source: | (2004) |
Description: | 21 HTML, 7 CSS, 44 GIF, 38 JPEG, 6 PNG, 3 JScript, 3 SWF, 24 WD3 files (1,81 MB) |
Collections: | |
Summary: | Contains articles on the Chinese economy by Mao Yushi |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | China - Economic conditions - 2000- Consumption (Economics) - China |
Access: | (downloaded 07-01-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Party newspaper praises Mao's role ahead of 120th birthday / By Agencies |
Source: | Global Times (23 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 15 html, 31 gif, 19 jpeg, 21 js, 6 png files (1.16 MB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | eng. |
Global Times | |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - History - 1949-1976 Heads of state - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 30-08-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Josh Rudolph |
Title: | Badiucao(¤Ú¥á¯ó):MaoTributeConcertsinAustralia Badiucao (Pa-tiu ts'ao): Mao Tribute Concerts in Australia / Posted By: josh rudolph |
Source: | China Digital Times (23 Aug. 2016) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 10 css, 4 eot, 11 gif, 4 htm, 7 js, 1 jpeg, 28 jpg, 24 png, 1 txt, 2 ttf, 1 woff, 1 xml files (1.79 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Propaganda, Communist - China China - Foreign relations - Australia Art and state |
Access: | (downloaded 05-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao denigration driven by political motives / By Global Times |
Source: | Global Times (22 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 15 css, 15 html, 31 gif, 19 jpeg, 21 js, 6 png files (908 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Global Times | |
Subjects: | Political leadership Heads of state - China China - History - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 09-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF¿Ë®a±i¤å¬î»P¦oÂA¬°¤Hª¾ªº¤»¬q±B«Ã / ¬õ¼é ºô Mao Tse-tung ch'in-chia Chang Wen-ch'iu yü t'a hsien wei jen-chih te liu-tuan hun-yin / Hung-ch'ao wang |
Source: | ¬õ¼é ºô (07 Feb. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 htm files (48.0 KB) |
Collections: | DACHS - Staging Chinese Revolution |
Language: | chi. |
¬õ¼é ºô Hung-ch'ao wang | |
Subjects: | Leadership - China Political leadership - China Heads of state - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 05-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Cheng Enfu |
Title: | Mao Zedong thought remains relevant / By Cheng Enfu |
Source: | Global Times (29 Dec. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 15 css, 15 html, 31 gif, 19 jpeg, 21 js, 7 png files (1.29 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Political leadership Heads of state - China China - History - 1949-1976 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 17-01-2008) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Citroen apologizes for scowling Mao ad / Reuters |
Source: | Yahoo! News (12 Jan. 2009) |
Description: | 1 html, 2 css, 3 gif, 6 jpeg, 6 jscript, 1 png, 2 swf files (708 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Reuters | |
Subjects: | Media Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 31-07-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¬ÃÂÃ:¸Ñ©ñ¾Ôª§®É´Áªº¸Ñ©ñ°Ï³f¹ô¼Ë¦¡ Chen-ts'ang: chieh-fang chan-cheng shih-ch'i te chieh-fang ch'ü huo-pi yang-shih / Houng-ku-shih |
Source: | (18 Feb. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 5 html, 47 gif, 35 jpeg, 4 js files (1,34 MB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Hung-ku-shih | |
Subjects: | Paper Money Paper money - China - History - 20th century Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 13-01-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤Ñ²PÂø½Í:¤¤°êªº°ê¤÷¨ì©³¬O½Ö?§Ú¨Ó°µµª / ¤Ñ²P ªÀ°Ï T'ien-ya tsa-t'an: Chung-kuo te "kuo-fu" tao-ti shih shei? wo lai tso-ta / T'ien-ya she-chü |
Source: | ¤Ñ²PªÀ°Ï (13 Jan. 2009) |
Description: | 3 css, 3 html, 20 gif, 5 jpeg, 16 js, 1 png, 3 swf files (376 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
¤Ñ²P ªÀ°Ï T'ien-ya she-chü | |
Subjects: | Histroy Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 20-07-2016) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ð¨È T'ang-ya |
Title: | ¿ù±þ·s¥|x¦W±N°ª·q«F:±N¤¶¥Û§åã¤ò¿AªF¤Ï¹ï / §@ªÌ: ð¨È Ts'o-sha hsin ssu-chün ming-chiang Kao Ching-t'ing: Chiang Chieh-shih p'i-chun Mao Tse-tung fan-tui / Tso-che: T'ang-ya |
Source: | »ñ°Ä ºô (06 Nov. 2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 css, 2 gif, 2 htm, 1 html, 5 js, 12 jpg, 5 png, 1 swf, 1 xhtml files (376 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | China - History - 1937-1945 China - History - Civil War, 1945-1949 Military Gao Ching-t'ing, 1907-1939 |
Access: | (downloaded 23-05-2011) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ±i±áªì, 1973- Chang Ch'en-ch'u, 1973- |
Title: | ±i±áªì2007¦~§@¤T°¶¤H:®]¤¤¤s,¤ò¿AªF,¾H¤p¥ / §@ªÌ : ±i±áªì Chang Ch'en-ch'u 2007 nien tso San wei-jen : Sun Chung-shan, Mao Tse-tung, Teng Hsiao-p'ing / Tso-che : Chang Ch'en-ch'u |
Source: | (2007) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 2 css, 4 html, 79 gif, 58 jpeg, 8 js files (675 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
Subjects: | Art Painting, Chinese - 20th century Revolutionaries - China - Pictorial works Sun Chung-shan, 1866-1925 Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Access: | (downloaded 16-11-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF«e¯µ®Ñ§õ¾U:JÀAÀܤñ¦¿¿A¥Á±±¨î±oÁÙºò / ³Õ°T Mao Tse-tung ch'ien mi-shu Li Jui: Hu Chin-t'ao pi Chiang Tse-min k'ung-chih te hai chin / Po-hsün |
Source: | ³Õ°T·s»Dºô (17 Sep. 2006) |
Description: | 1 gif, 4 html, 4 js files (76,3 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
³Õ°T Po-hsün | |
Subjects: | Politics, Practical Elections - China Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- Li Jui, 1917- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 16-11-2007) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤ò¿AªF«e¯µ®Ñ§õ¾U:JÀAÀܤñ¦¿¿A¥Á±±¨î±oÁÙºò / ³Õ°T Mao Tse-tung ch'ien mi-shu Li Jui: Hu Chin-t'ao pi Chiang Tse-min k'ung-chih te hai chin / Po-hsün |
Source: | ³Õ°T·s»Dºô (17 Sep. 2006) |
Description: | 1 gif, 4 html, 4 js files (76,3 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
³Õ°T Po-hsün | |
Subjects: | Politics, practical Elections - China Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- Li Jui, 1917- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 12-06-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Hu Jintao Promises 'Reform in Four Fields' / FBIS |
Source: | FBIS (5 Jun. 2003) |
Description: | 1 ASCII file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
FBIS | |
Subjects: | Hu Chin-t'ao, 1942- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Access: | (downloaded 05-07-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | ¤¤°ê«C¤Ö¦~·s¥@¬öŪ®Ñºôªº¬FªvÃþ§@«~ / ¤¤°ê«C¤Ö¦~·s¥@¬öŪ®Ñºô Chung-kuo ch'ing-shao-nien hsin shih-chi tu-shu wang te cheng-chih-lei tso-p'in / Chung-kuo ch'ing-shao-nien hsin shih-chi tu-shu wang |
Published: | ¥_¨Ê : ¤¤°ê«C¤Ö¦~·s¥@¬öŪ®Ñºô, 2002 Pei-ching : Chung-kuo ch'ing-shao-nien hsin shih-chi tu-shu wang, 2002 |
Description: | 2396 HTML, 46 GIF, 22 JPEG, 2 JavaScript, 18 Zip files (24.1 MB) |
Collections: | |
Summary: | This website is a full text collection of Chinese and foreign political works. It contains the "Selected Works" of Mao Tse-tung and Teng Hsiao-p'ing, the speeches made by leaders of the Central Committee in 2002 as well as Chinese translations of foreign books like A. Giddens "The third way" or M.L. King "I have a dream". |
Language: | chi. |
Contents: | ¤ò¿AªF§@«~¿ï. -- ¾H¤p¥¤å¿ï. -- ¤¤¥¡»â¾É¦P§Óªñ´ÁÁ¿¸Ü. -- ¹Î¤¤¥¡»â¾ÉÁ¿¸Ü. -- ÄÒ¦b§Ú¤ß¤¤. -- ¥æ¾W. -- ¥æ¾W¦Zªº¥æ¾W. -- ¤¤°ê¥i¥H»¡¤£. -- ¤¤°ê¬°¤°»ò»¡¤£. -- ¤¤°êÁÙ¬O¯à»¡¤£. -- ¤¤°ê·s¸£µ¬. -- 1957¦~ªºÎ`§õ:±q¦Ê®aª§»ï¨ì¨â®aª§»ï. -- ¤j´Ñ§½. -- ²Î¤@»P¤Àµõ. -- ²Ä¤T¥u²´·ú¬Ý¤¤°ê. -- «ä¾Ð¤åÂO. -- ¬Fªv»P¥«³õ. -- ¨î«×»P¤j²©R. -- ÁͦV§¹¾ãªº¤¤°ê. -- ¥þ²y¤Æ³±¼v¤Uªº¤¤°ê¤§¸ô. -- §Ú¦³¤@Ó¹Ú·Q. -- ²Ä¤T±ø¹D¸ô:ªÀ·|¥Á¥D¥D¸qªºÎ`¿³ |
¤¤°ê«C¤Ö¦~·s¥@¬öŪ®Ñºô Chung-kuo ch'ing-shao-nien hsin shih-chi tu-shu wang | |
Subjects: | China - Politics and government - 20th century China - Literary collections Full text files Chung-kuo ch'ing-shao-nien hsin shih-chi tu-shu wang te cheng-chih-lei tso-p'in - Databases Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Teng Hsiao-p'ing, 1904-1997 |
Access: | (downloaded 05-09-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Kuo, Pao-kang |
Title: | Modern Chinese utopianism and its impact on Chinese political culture / Baogang Guo |
Published: | Washington : American Political Science Association, 2002 |
Description: | 1 PDF file |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | Paper prepared for delivery at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, August 29-September 1, 2002. |
Access: | (downloaded 15-01-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Title: | Always keep to the style of plain living and hard struggle / Mao Tse-tung |
Source: | (Nov. 1999) |
Description: | 1 HTML file (3 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Leadership - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-08-2003) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Title: | Selected writings and speeches of chairman Mao Tse-tung / |
Source: | |
Description: | HTML files |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Bib. note: | This site contains the English edition of Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, vol. 1-5. It also contains the Quotations from Chairman Mao and other documents. | | |
Subjects: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 19-01-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Langels, Otto |
Title: | Vor 30 Jahren wird Franz Josef Strauß von Mao Ze Dong empfangen / von Otto Langels |
Source: | DeutschlandRadio (16 Jan. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 24 GIF, 2 JPEG, 1 CSS, 1 JScript files (81,4 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | ger. |
Subjects: | Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Strauss, Franz Josef, 1915-1988 |
Access: | (downloaded 24-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Hamlin, Jesse |
Title: | Chinese artist Sui Jianguo puts Mao to rest in colorful metaphor / Jesse Hamlin |
Source: | (16 Feb. 2005) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 png, 12 js, 5 jpeg, 64 gif, 3 html, 2 css, 3 other files (506 KB) |
Series: | A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Art Art, Chinese - 21st century Sui Chien-kuo, 1956- Sui Chien-kuo, 1956- |
Access: | (downloaded 16-01-2015) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Nelson, Katie |
Title: | Presenting: 50 kilograms of gold Mao Zedong / Katie Nelson |
Source: | Shanghaiist (14 Dec. 2014) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 css, 9 html, 13 gif, 34 jpeg, 13 js, 28 png files (2.73 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Art objects, Chinese Art objects, Chinese - Exhibitions Political culture - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 09-08-2019) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Barbara Mittler |
Title: | Tan Dun in Mao Attire / Barbara Mittler |
Source: | (11 Feb. 2009) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 4 css, 3 htm, 37 jpg, 7 js, 17 png files (900 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | English |
Subjects: | China - History - Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976 - Songs and music Continuous Revolution Artists - China |
Access: | (downloaded 25-01-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Mao Zedong : I'm living in The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. Welcome!!! / Mao Zedong |
Source: | Twitter (24 Jan. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 7 css, 6 eot, 1 file, 16 gif, 217 html, 21 jpeg, 120 jpg, 13 js, 48 png, 3 ttf, 5 woff, 2 xml files (6.62 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Mao Zedong | |
Subjects: | Leadership - China Political leadership - China Internet - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 02-01-2014) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Leng Jung, 1953- |
Title: | §N·» : ¤ò¿AªFÉO¥Á±Ú´_¿³¹D¸ô¤Wªº¥|®y¨½µ{¸O Leng-jung : Mao Tse-tung yü min-tsu fu-hsing tao-lu shang te ssi tso li ch'eng-pei / Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang hsin-wen-wang |
Source: | ¤¤°ê¦@²£ÄÒ·s»Dºô (23 Dez. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css file, 12 gif, 5 html, 4 htm, 6 js, 21 jpg, 2 png files (780 KB) |
Collections: | Dachs - Mao Zedong |
Language: | chi. |
Loc. note: | See also: Party newspaper praises Mao's role ahead of 120th birthday - |
§N·», 1953- | |
Subjects: | Political leadership China - History - 1949-1976 Head of state - China Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Information on name variants (Please follow link for related entries) | |
Leng Rong |
Access: | (downloaded 11-10-2006) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Solman, Paul |
Title: | China on the rise / Paul Solman reports |
Source: | Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) (Oct. 2005) |
Description: | 61 HTML, 417 GIF, 194 JPEG, 9 JScript, 1 PNG, 3 XML files (3,44 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Contents: | China's growing economy. -- The Chinese consumer. -- The cult of Mao Zedong. -- Misinvestment in China. -- Interview with Cheng Siwei. -- Piracy explored. -- Bumps in the road? |
Subjects: | Economy |
Access: | (downloaded 16-11-2005) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | Nathan, Andrew J., 1943- |
Title: | Jade and plastic / Andrew Nathan |
Source: | London Review of Books (17 Nov. 2005) |
Description: | 1 HTML, 1 JScript, 5 GIF, 1 CSS files (60,4 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Subjects: | Literature Mao: the unknown story Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 Halliday, Jon Jung Chang |
Access: | (downloaded 25-02-2009) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | Daytrips "off the beaten path" / by Incenio Cataya Ltd. |
Source: | (2009) |
Description: | 1 css, 1 html, 5 gif, 3 jpeg, 1 js file (394 KB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | eng. |
Invenio Cataya Ltd. | |
Subjects: | Tourism Pictures Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 08-07-2017) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Title: | «n¶§¥¢¦a¹A¥Á¹C¦æ,Á|µÛ¤ò²ß¹³ / ³Õ°T ·s»D ºô Nan-yang shih-ti nung-min yu-hsing, chü-che Mao Hsi hsiang / Po-hsün hsin-wen wang |
Source: | Twitter (05 Jul. 2017) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 1 css, 11 gif, 2 html, 2 js, 1 jpeg, 15 jpg, 3 png, 1 mp4 files (13.3 MB) |
Collections: | |
Language: | chi. |
³Õ°T ·s»D ºô Po-hsün hsin-wen wang | |
Subjects: | Labor rights Propaganda, Communist - China Communism - China Political leadership - China Hsi Chin-p'ing, 1953- Mao Tse-tung, 1893-1976 |
Access: | (downloaded 18-10-2013) (part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!) |
Material: | Computer file |
Author: | ³¯ªF¤É Ch'en Tung-sheng |
Title: | ³Ð·s¸s²³¤u§@¤èªkÃöÁä¬On¨Ìªk¿ì¨Æ / ¥»³ø°OªÌ ³¯ªF¤É Ch'uang-hsin ch'un-chung kung-tso fang-fa kuan-chien shih yao i-fa pan-shih / Pen pao chi-che Ch'en Tung-sheng |
Source: | ºô©ö·s»D (14 Oct. 2013) |
Orig. URL: | |
Description: | 7 css, 4 html, 4 gif, 19 jpeg, 15 js, 51 png, 5 swf files (1.55 MB) |